
This past week we had a serious, unironic “debate” about whether or not senicide is a reasonable “plan” for handling the coronavirus crisis. This under the pretense that the other course of action — following the advice of medical professionals and epidemiologists to stay home and socially distance ourselves to curb the spread of covid-19 — is tantamount to shutting down the economy, which is tantamount to killing more people than the virus will.

Meanwhile, Congress passed a $2 trillion relief package, one quarter of which will go to the billionaire class with precious little oversight as to how it can be spent — and still apparently no one seems to have the slightest bit of confidence that the world’s richest economy can possibly weather the storms of depressed consumer demand for even several weeks much less the potentially many months this pandemic will rage across the planet. Perhaps this reveals that The Economy simply isn’t as robust as we tell ourselves it is during better times.

Dead Men Pay No Taxes

The proposed Sophie’s Choice between weeks or months of physical separation and allowing many people to die all around us is a false frame.

Millions of people dying is bad for The Economy in a very similar way to how having ICE eject millions of people from the economy is bad for The Economy. Insofar as economies require a labor force, and insofar as governments require revenue from taxation to pay for the infrastructure upon which The Economy rests, having millions of people depart from them is not a pathway to improving the economy — it is the opposite.

However, perhaps The Economy itself has become a contested concept. There may be a class-based and/or ideologically-based difference of opinion on what this concept means. Perhaps there is now:

  • the economy: the traditionally-held view of economies as markets in which individuals labor and contribute value, and trade assets in mutually beneficial ways to allocate resources efficiently
  • The Economy: a sort of shell game played by the right-wing authoritarian cohort in which the Plebes are starved of infrastructure and resources to the point of being mired inside an Eternal Present — in which we lurch from crisis to crisis — that brokers no hope for the future and no actual policy being made, other than the “policies” which continue to print money from the Federal Treasury for the purposes of propping up the precariously fragile billionaire class whose claims of meritocratic supremacy are stretched thinner and thinner each time the shells are moved yet again

Starving the Beast kills it: Feature or bug?

On paper, “Starving the Beast” is passed off as deeply held ideological libertarianism and neoliberalism regarding the fundamental goodness of small government. In practice, starving beasts tend to die of preventable causes — and if governments are to retain the kind of power needed to be a check and balance on a growing hypercapitalist economy, they must indeed grow as well.

But beyond the general case, our specific circumstances of global pandemic lead us to a reasonable question: if laissez-faire capitalism and the free hand of the market is supposedly both sufficient to solve all human problems and vastly superior than the socialist hand of government at doing these things, then why are we in such a pickle? Why hasn’t the Invisible Hand managed to come up with its own solution to the mass death we are currently experiencing?

Or is the answer we might hear one that is too grim to bear — having been provided a clue this week in the grumbling of sacrificing the old to save the young — that a certain part of the political spectrum believe this is the market working as intended. That mass death is an acceptable “negative externality” of laissez-faire capitalism and that we bleeding-heart liberals ought to suck it up and grow thicker skin, rather than demand that governments step in to prevent preventable human atrocity.

Not only am I afraid of the answer — I’m afraid we’ll never get a straight answer in the world of political ketman we seem to have blundered into. In this world, right-wing elites including numerous elected officials continue to give lip service to a democracy that has been systematically hollowed out since the redoubling of the conservative movement in the 1970s to present, to currently resemble a geopolitical reality closer to that of modern Russia than to anything James Madison or Alexander Hamilton would have recognized.

It is technically possible that psychologically speaking, they themselves are actually unaware of this seismic shift in ideological views from that of democratic power and Constitutional authority to one of authoritarian rule and total technocratic control — but I think it’s more likely they’re simply not saying it out loud.

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The Artist vs. the Fundamentalist is an ancient tale, told throughout history. Whereas the artist is creative, often whimsical, and stimulated by diversity, the fundamentalist is unimaginative, strict, and preferential to monoculture.

Many other dichotomies mirror this pair, from fluid to rigid, from passionate to wooden, from fun to drab and a multitude of others.

The former seeks self-expression and collaboration; the latter, conformity and hierarchy. Artists go in search of harmony; fundamentalists crave conflict.

Loner vs. the Tribe

A dichotomy along similar lines is between the artistic loner, and the fundamentalist thinking and conformity of the tribe. This narrative also evokes themes of belonging versus rejection, creativity vs. conformity, strange vs. familiar, insanity vs. sanity, and many others.

Freedom vs. Control

These concepts are two very different conceptions of the Good Life, and I know that for me — I’m solidly in the artist camp. I’m all about generativity, about synthesis, and about making something new.

But is everyone? Not so much. Especially now or, perhaps — as with the coronavirus outbreak — having been here long before and in larger numbers than we knew at the time.

see also:

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speak, sistah!

see also: Shoshanna Zuboff (who wrote the seminal work on surveillance capitalism), Don Norman, Dystopia vs. Utopia Book List: A Fight to the Finish, surveillance capitalism dictionary

Some takeaways:

  • surveillance won’t be obvious and overt like in Orwell’s classic totalitarian novel 1984 — it’ll be covert and subtle (“more like a spider’s web”)
  • social networks use persuasion architecture — the same cloying design aesthetic that puts gum at the eye level of children in the grocery aisle


AI modeling of potential Las Vegas ticket buyers

The machine learning algorithms can classify people into two buckets, “likely to buy tickets to Vegas” and “unlikely to” based on exposure to lots and lots of data patterns. Problem being, it’s a black box and no one — not even the computer scientists — know how it works or what it’s doing exactly.

So the AI may have discovered that bipolar individuals just about to go into mania are more susceptible to buying tickets to Vegas — and that is the segment of the population they are targeting: a vulnerable set of people prone to overspending and gambling addictions. The ethical implications of unleashing this on the world — and routinely using and optimizing it relentlessly — are staggering.

Profiting from extremism

“You’re never hardcore enough for YouTube” — YouTube gives you content recommendations that are increasingly polarized and polarizing, because it turns out that preying on your reptilian brain makes you keep clicking around in the YouTube hamster wheel.

The amorality of AI — “algorithms don’t care if they’re selling shoes, or politics.” Our social, political, and cultural flows are being organized by these persuasion architectures — organized for profit; not for the collective good, not for public interests, not subject to our political will anymore. These powerful surveillance capitalism tools are running mostly unchecked, with little oversight and with few people minding the ethics of the stores of essentially a cadre of Silicon Valley billionaires.

Intent doesn’t matter — good intentions aren’t enough; it’s the structure and business models that matter. Facebook isn’t a half trillion dollar con: its value is in its highly effective persuasion power, which is highly troubling and concerning in a supposedly democratic society. Mark Zuckerberg may even ultimately mean well (…debatable), but it doesn’t excuse the railroading over numerous obviously negative externalities resulting from the unchecked power of Facebook in not only the U.S., but in countries around the world including highly volatile domains.

Extremism benefits demagogues — Oppressive regimes both come to power by and benefit from political extremism; from whipping up citizens into a frenzy, often against each other as much as against perceived external or internal enemies. Our data and attention are now for sale to the highest bidding authoritarians and demagogues around the world — enabling them to use AI against us in election after election and PR campaign after PR campaign. We gave foreign dictators even greater powers to influence and persuade us in ways that benefit them at the expense of our own self-interest.

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This list casts a wide net in enumerating the various principals of interest to Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election… and beyond. The Russia scandal has continued to unspool throughout the Trump presidency, including the real estate magnate’s first impeachment over his extortion of Ukraine, and his second impeachment over the armed insurrection he incited following his failed re-election bid. It continues to this day.

Plus, don’t miss the RussiaGate Lexicon — and please note these are both works in progress and being updated as new details emerge about the Russia scandal, the Trump family criminal organization, and Putin’s revanchist influence in American politics.


NameNationalityTypeKnown for
Huma AbedinAmericanCivil servantTop aide to Hillary Clinton
ABLVLatvianBankOne of the largest private banks in Latvia
Roman AbramovichRussianOligarchRussian steel magnate whose Evraz company was given the green light to supply steel to DAPL by the Trump administration
ACU Strategic PartnersLobbyistA company seeking to build nuclear power plants in the Middle East in partnership with a sanctioned Russia company; Mike Flynn was working for them without having disclosed it to the US government as required.
Aras AgalarovRussianOligarchEmin's father; a wealthy Russian-Azerbaijani oligarch who has received lucrative construction contracts from the Kremlin. Known as "Putin's Builder"
Emin AgalarovRussianOligarchPopular Russian-Azerbaijani singer and businessperson who may have facilitated a handoff of hacked information to Donald Trump Jr via surrogates
Evsei AgronRussianRussian Mafia
Rinat AkhmetovUkranianOligarchUkranian steel magnate who brokered the relationship between Paul Manafort and defeated presidential candidate Victor Yanukovich
Rinat AkhmetshinRussianForeign IntelligenceFormer Soviety spy who attending the June 9 meeting in Trump Tower between Don Jr, Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort, and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya
Vagit AlekperovRussianOligarchCEO of Lukoil, Russia's second largest oil and gas company, that sought the services offered by Trump data firm Cambridge Analytica
Alfa Bank / Alfa GroupRussianBankLargest private commercial bank in Russia, that reportedly had a mysterious secret server connection to the Trump Organization during the campaign. The head of Alfa Group is the father-in-law of Dutch lawyer Alex Van Der Zwaan, currently serving 30 days in federal prison after being indicted by the FBI in the Mueller investigation.
Leyla AliyevaAzerbaijaniWife of Emin Agalarov and daughter of the president of Ajerbaijan.
Dmitri AlperovichCompanyHead of Crowdstrike, the US security firm that first broke the results of the DNC hack investigation, concluding the Russian military intelligence agency was behind it.
@America_1st_RussianForeign IntelligenceIRA-controlled Twitter account, an anti-immigration persona with 24,000 followers
American MediaAmericanMedia OutletHelped bury stories portraying Trump in a bad light before the election, via catch and kill methodology among others
Anbang InsuranceChineseCompany
Michael AntonFlight 93
AppleAmericanCompanyThe House might come after messaging records for principals.
Tevfik ArifOligarchco-founder of Bayrock and Kazakh-born Soviet official turned real estate tycoon
Andrey ArtemenkoUkranianMember of the Ukranian parliament who says Trump personal lawyer Michael Cohen and business crony Felix Sater confirmed the White House received his β€œpeace proposal” (suggesting Russia β€œlease” the country for 100 years)
Julian AssangeAustralianHackerEditor-in-chief of Wikileaks and former hacker from Australia, currently holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy in London on the lam from rape charges in Sweden; he is suspected of coordinating with the Russian government on the cyber attack on the American election in 2016.
Artem AvetisyanRussianOligarchRussian banker and consultant who bought Bank of Cyprus's Russian-based businesseses; a transaction overseen by Wilbur Ross
Mykola AzarovUkranianPoliticianFormer Prime Minister of Ukraine who was ousted in the Maidan revolution along with President Viktor Yanukovych.
Bank of CyprusCypriotBank
Steve BannonAmericanPrincipal actor
Elena BaronoffSuspected organized crime figure who accompanied Ivanka and Don Jr to Russia in 2007-2008
Andrey BaranovRussianOligarchHead of investor relations for Rosneft who met with Carter Page in Moscow after his 2016 speech.
Tom Barrack
Alan BaskaevRussianWorked at the Internet Research Agency
Fabien BaussartFrenchForeign IntelligenceCooperated with Russia in the Syrian civil war and nominated Putin for a Nobel Peace Prize; Donald Trump, Jr. spoke at an event held by Baussart's French think tank.
Bayrock GroupCompanyEmployed Felix Sater for a number of shady real estate dealings involving Mr Trump. Founded by Tevfik Arif, a Russian oligarch.
Being PatrioticRussianForeign IntelligenceAn IRA-controlled Facebook group that bought ads in support of the Trump campaign, and had over 200,000 followers by the time it was finally deactivated in mid-2017
Brian BenczkowskiCivil servantTrump's pick to lead the DOJ's criminal division; once represented a Putin-tied Russian bank
Berserk BearRussianHackerHacker group
Jeffrey Berman
Leonid BershidskyRussianJournalistWell-known journalist who was the founding editor of Russia’s top business daily, Vedomosti, as well as the first publisher of the Russian edition of Forbes; left the country during the Brain Drain. β€œThe Kremlin doesn’t care because it doesn’t consider the likes of me Russia’s best and brightest,” he told me by email after his departure to Germany in the summer of 2014. β€œTo them, we’re the traitors, the fifth column.”
Vitaly BespalovRussian26-year-old former worker at the Internet Research Agency in Russia who has spoken to the US media about his experiences in the "factory of lies"
Preet BhararaAmericanLawyerU.S. Attorney who was prosecuting the Prevezon Holdings case when he was fired by Trump, shortly after which the huge case about to go to trial abruptly settled.
Black FistRussianForeign IntelligenceIRA-controlled persona claiming to want to teach African-Americans self-defense to protect themselves when contacted by police, that hired an actual self-defense instructor in NY to offer classes sponsored by Black Fist
Black Matters USRussianForeign IntelligenceIRA-controlled account posing as grassroots activists
Black Sea Cable
Darren BlantonAmericanhis company Colt Ventures provided data management services to the Trump campaign
Tony BlinkenAmericanCivil servantJohn Kerry's deputy secretary of state under Obama
Anna Vladislavovna BogachevaRussianForeign IntelligenceWorked for the Internet Research Agency from at least April 2014 to at least July 2014; she served on the translator project and oversaw the group's data analysis operations. She is one of the operatives who traveled to the United States to gather intel.
Mikhail BogdanovPoliticianRussian deputy foreign minister
Gen. Alexander BortnikovRussianForeign IntelligenceDirector of FSB circa 2015
Maria Anatolyevna BovdaForeign IntelligenceWorked for the Internet Research Agency from at least November 2013 to at least October 2014. She was at one time head of the translator project, along with other positions.
Donna BrazileCivil servant
John BrennanAmericanIntelligence CommunityActing CIA director under Obama; one of the 3 who brief Trump and Obama about the Russian attack on Election 2016
Bridges LLCAmericanCompanyLLC begun by Maria Butina and Paul Erickson in South Dakota
Elliot BroidyAmericanLobbyistMajor Trump campaign donor and Deputy Finance Chair of the RNC, who suspiciously took hundreds of millions of dollars from the UAE and was working on a business deal with the corrupt Prime Minister of Malaysia implicated in a heist of $4.5 billion dollars. Had himself been charged with felony bribery, ended up turning state's witness, plea-bargained his case down to a misdimeanor while those he bribed went to prison. Also, he was reportedly negotiating a deal wherein he stood to benefit to the tune of $75 million, to drop the Feds' case into the Malaysian theft.
William BrowderAmericanActivistFounder of Hermitage Capital, who worked with Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitsky to uncover a $230 million money laundering scheme from Prevezon Holdings into NYC real estate. He has sought justice for the murder of Magnitsky in 2009.
Mikhail Leonidivich BurchikRussianForeign IntelligenceOne of the 13 Russian nationals indicted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller in February 2018, in connection with the Internet Research Agency's attack on the U.S. 2016 election. Burchik was Executive Director, the #2 in the organization, from at least March 2014.
Christopher Bancroft Burnham
Sen. Richard BurrAmericanPolitician(R-NC) and chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, one of the committees in Congress conducting Russia investigations
Richard BurtAmericanLobbyistHelped Trump write his first foreign policy speech
Evgeny BuryakovRussian
Maria ButinaRussianForeign Intelligence"Personal assistant" to Alexander Torshin, she claims to have started several gun rights organizations in Russia
BuzzfeedAmericanMedia OutletOriginally broke the story of the Steele dossier and published what of it they had.
Mikhail BystrovRussianForeign IntelligenceOne of the 13 Russians indicted by Robert Mueller's Special Counsel in February 2018, Bystrov was General Director -- the organization's highest-ranking position -- by April 2014.
Matthew Calamari
Cambridge AnalyticaBritishCompanyData analytics company that worked for the Trump campaign and has been indicted in the UK for data theft.
Michael CaputoAmericanUnregistered Foreign AgentMember of Trump's campaign team, in charge of communications for New York. Left the campaign after voicing approval of the installation of Paul Manafort, replacing Corey Lewandowski as Trump's campaign manager.
CendynAmericanCompanyCloud computing company that hosted the Trump Organization and may have information on the Alfa Bank link during the campaign
Center for Political and Foreign AffairsFrenchFrench right-wing group that hosted a Trump trip to Paris during the home stretch of the campaign
Mike CernovichAmericanMedia PersonalityAlt-Right personality in the U.S. who lives in Orange County, CA
Jason ChaffetzAmericanMedia PersonalityBowing out of politics after announcing a move to Fox and whining about the cost of living as a Senator
Yuri ChaikaLawyerRussian prosecutor general
James ClapperAmericanIntelligence CommunityDirector of National Intelligence under Obama; one of the 3 who brief Trump and Obama about the Russian attack on Election 2016
Bill ClintonAmericanPolitician
Hillary ClintonAmericanPolitician
Dan CoatesAmericanIntelligence CommunityDirector of National Intelligence who testified that there is no doubt Russia sees its 2016 efforts as having been successful.
Michael CohenAmericanLawyerTrump's personal lawyer. Convicted of various federal crimes including campaign finance violations; sentenced to 3 years in prison.
Roy CohnAmericanLawyerTrump's mentor and ruthless, vicious lawyer
Susan Collins (R-ME)AmericanPoliticianSenator from Maine who has been a voice of moderation within the Republican-controlled Senate, siding several times with the Democrats and voting against her own party.
James ComeyAmericanIntelligence CommunityBeing fired by Donald Trump as the FBI Director
Mike ConawayAmericanIntelligence Communitynew leader of the House Intelligence Committee's Russia probe after the recusal of Devin Nunes
Concord CateringRussianCompanyCompany owned by Yevgeniy Prigozhin, known to be nicknamed "Putin's Chef" and inside the Russian president's inner circle.
Sam Clovis
Colt VenturesAmericanCompanyprovided data management services to the Trump campaign, and an investor in VizSense -- a social media company who worked reportedly for the campaign and for Michael Flynn
Columbus Nova
Rep. Mike Conaway (R-TX)AmericanPoliticianLeader of the House Intelligence Committee, one of the Congressional committees investigating the Russia scandal
Concord Management and Consulting
George ConwayAmericanLawyerHusband of Kellyanne Conway, a lawyer who has represented a corporation accused of bribing Russian officials
Kellyanne ConwayAmericanOligarch
Rep. John ConyersAmericanPoliticianCriticized the firing of Sally Yates: "If dedicated government officials deem [Trump's] directives to be unlawful and unconstitutional, he will simply fire them as if government is a reality show."
Alex CopsonLobbyistManaging director of ACU Strategic Partners, a firm Mike Flynn was consulting for regarding building nuclear power plants in the Middle East.
Mark Corallo
Jerome CorsiAmericanMedia PersonalityIntermediary between Roger Stone and Wikileaks, an arm of the Russian intelligence apparatus
Ed CoxAmericanNew York Republican Party Chairman and son-in-law of Richard Nixon who recommends Carter Page to the Trump campaign
Randolph "Randy" CredicoRoger Stone's publicly identified intermediary between himself and Julian Assange of Wikileaks. When subpoena'd by Congress, he pled the Fifth.
Crocus GroupRussianCompanyReal estate developmenr firm owned by the Agalarovs, that secured the Moscow location for Trump's 2013 Miss Universe pageant
CrowdstrikeAmericanCompanyOne of the US private security contractors who implicated the Russians in the hack of the DNC servers.
Olivia CulpoAmericanMedia PersonalityThe reigning Miss Universe at the time of the 2013 Moscow pageant (and former Miss USA, and noted Trump favorite)
Rep. Elijah CummingsAmericanPoliticianranking Democrat on the House Oversight Committee, one of the first to request an investigation into Michael Flynn
Michael DanielAmericanIntelligence CommunityWhite House director of cybersecurity
Stormy DanielsAmerican
Keith Davidson
Davis Manifort Partners, Inc. (DMP)AmericanCompanyPolitical consulting company created by Paul Manafort in 2005.
DCLeaksRussianForeign IntelligenceA cutout of the GRU, this account directly released and coordinated with Wikileaks to release more widely the stolen emails from Clinton, the DNC, and the DCCC
Rick DearbornAmerican
Definers Public AffairsAmericanLobbyistGOP strategy firm hired by Facebook to besmirch its rivals and tar them with accusations of being tied to George Soros
Wendi DengOligarchEx-wife of Rupert Murdoch, friend of Ivanka Trump, and friend of Russian oligarhcs + Putin (rumored to be Putins' girlfriend)
Diana DenmanAmerican
Department of JusticeAmericanGovernment agency
Oleg DeripaskaRussianOligarchRussian billionaire and Kremlin insider barred from the US due to organized crime links [contact w/Paul Manafort]
Deutsche BankGermanBankBoth the Risk Division's Goup Risk Office and Credit Risk Management teams are under scrutiny from House Democrats at the HPSCI for due diligence on Trump transactions that have anything to do with the bank's own confirmed history of laundering Russian money.
Sheri Dillon
Igor Diveykin
Kirill DmitrievRussianForeign IntelligenceChief executive of the state-run Russian Direct Investment Fund, their sovereign wealth fund, who met with Erik Prince at a bar in the Seychelles, with George Nader present.
DMP International, LLC (DMI)Company started by Paul Manafort in 2011 to consult, lobby, and do PR for Ukranian dictator Victor Yanukovich, whom Manafort helped get elected in 2010 until fleeing the country in 2014.
Dmitry DokuchaevFSB handler of Russian DNC hacker
Annie Donaldson
Donbas regionUkranianTerritoryArea of Ukraine where a counter-revolution emerged after students ousted former President Viktor Yanukovych and Prime Minister Mykola Azarov and overthrew the government.
Don't Shoot UsRussianForeign IntelligenceAn IRA-controlled Facebook group with more than 250,000 followers by the time it was deactivated in mid-2017
Jack DorseyAmericanTech tycoonCo-founder and CEO of Twitter and Square
Alexander DownerTop Australian diplomat in Britain, who had drinks with George Papadopolous in London the night he blabbed about the Russians having dirt on Hillary Clinton.
DragonFlyRussianForeign IntelligenceHacker group
Alexander DuginRussianRussia's most well-known neo-fascist ideologue, & Kremlin confidant
Pavel DurovRussianFounder of the successful VKontakte social network website, often described as Russia’s Facebook. Durov said he had been forced out of the company over his refusal to co-operate with the security services, and that his company was now under the β€œfull control” of Kremlin-friendly figures
Arkady Dvorkovich
Josh EarnestAmericanCivil servantObama White House press secretary in 2016
Fedor EmelianenkoOligarchMMA star, former Trump business partner, and friend of Putin
En+ Group PlcCompanyOne of Oleg Deripaska's companies whose sanctions were lifted by the Trump administration.
Energetic BearRussianForeign IntelligenceHacker group connected to the Kremlin
Boris Epshteyn
Paul EricksonAmerican Unregistered Foreign AgentAttempted to set up a backchannel between the NRA and the Russian government during the Trump campaign.
Oleg ErovinkinForeign Intelligenceex-KGB chief linked to helping the Christopher Steele dossier on Trump, reportedly found dead in the back of his car in Moscow on Boxing Day
European Centre for a Modern Ukraine (the Centre)LobbyistNGO entity created by Manafort and Gates in Belgium in 2012 to serve as an "arm's length" front for their work with Yanukovich.
EuroSibEnergo JSCRussianCompanyOne of Oleg Deripaska's companies whose sanctions were lifted by the Trump administration.
FAN (Federal Agency of News)RussianPrincipal actorFictional corporate twin entity to the IRA (indicted by Mueller) that is suing Facebook on First Amendment grounds... surely to go up to a COTUS tipped by Kavangaugh, as all such hyper-controversial cases are liable to be?!?!
Fancy BearRussianForeign IntelligenceHacked Democratic Party emails during the 2016 US presidential election; also hacked MAcros campaign emails in France.
Nigel FarageBritishPoliticianFormer UKIP leader now under investigation for ties to WikiLeaks and Julian Assange
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)AmericanIntelligence CommunityInvestigation of domestic terror units and criminal cells, as well as foreign criminal groups within the U.S.
Federal AssemblyRussianRussian Parliament
Federal Election Commission (FEC)AmericanPoliticianOverseeing the process generally of national and state elections
Diane FeinsteinAmericanPoliticianUS Senator from California who published Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS's transcript of testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee.
FireEyeAmericanCompanySecurity firm
Dmitry FirtashUkranianOligarchUkranian oligarch and nagural gas magnate who got sweetheart deals within Putin's inner circle
Marc Elias
Jon FinerAmericanCivil servantJohn Kerry's chief of staff
FL GroupIcelandicCompanyIcelandic hedge fund with ties to Putin, that invested in Trump Soho via FBI informant and convicted felon Sal Lauria
Michael FlynnAmericanIntelligence CommunityAs the new NSA director he advocated military intervention in the Middle East and an alliance with Russia; later it turned out he'd accepted undisclosed payments from the Rurkish government and lied about undisclosed meetings with the Russian Ambassador, Sergey Kislyak
Flynn Intel GroupAmericanCompany
Four Seasons Hotels and ResortsCompanyHosted the meeting in the Seychelles between Erik Prince and Kirill Dmitriev, head of Russia's sovereign wealth fund
Fox NewsAmericanMedia Outlet
Free Beacon AmericanMedia Outletsee: Washington Free Beacon
Mikhail Maratovich FridmanRussianOligarchinvested $200m in Uber (?)
Peter Fritsch
Frontier Services GroupAmericanCompanyErik Prince's company, who has ignored document requests from Congress relating to the meeting in the Seychelles with Kirill Dmitriev
FSBRussianForeign Intelligencethe Russian Federal Security Service
Fusion GPSAmericanPolitical research firm hired first by conservative billionaire, later by the Clinton campaign, that ultimately led to the Steele dossier.
Dmitry FyodorovRussianPrincipal actorWorked at the Internet Research Agency before being employed at Facebook
Michael GaetaIntelligence Community
Gang of EightAmericanIntelligence Community
Alan Garten
Rick GatesAmericanLobbyistPaul Manafort's right hand man, indicted along with the former Trump campaign manager for a number of federal crimes from money laundering to illegal foreign lobbying and tax evasion.
Gazeta.ruRussianMedia Outlet
GazpromRussianCompanyRussia's energy monopolgy and largest gas company
General Services AdministrationAmerican
GeorgiaGeorgianNation-stateFormer Soviet state
GerasimovRussianMilitaryRussian General who wrote seminal asymmetric warfare doc
Masha GessenJournalistJournalist and author who has lived extensively in Russia and studied the rise of Putin
Igor GirkinRussianActivistLeader of the Ukranian pro-Russian separatists in Donbas, he is alleged to have been connected to the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17
Rudy GiulianiAmericanPoliticianPublicly "predicted" the Comey "re-opening" of Clinton's emails when the Anthony Weiner laptop was found
Nikolai GlushkovRussianRussian MafiaFormer Boris Berezovsky associate turned up murdered in the UK, 8 days after the poisoning and attempted assassination of Sergei Skripal in London.
Richard Goettlich
Rob GoldstoneRussian MafiaPublicist of Russian-Azerbaijani singer Emin Agalarov who set up the June 9 meeting between Don Jr, Kushner, Manafort, and the Russians
GoogleAmericanCompanyOnline search company whose system was gamed, hacked, or perhaps simply used intentionally to sow disinformation to some of the most vulnerable citizen targets, as identified by stolen and purchased predictive user data.
Mikhail GorbachevRussianPoliticianGlasnost
Sergei Gordeev
J.D. Gordon
Sebastian GorkaHungarianMedia PersonalityFormer counterterrorism analyst for Fox News who joined the administration as an adviser; his ties to the Hungarian right had come increasingly under scrutiny before his departure from the White House. Prior to immigrating to the United States, Gorka had mounted an unsuccessful political career in Hungary and, in doing so, once expressed support for a far-right militia in the country.
Sergey Gorkov
Nikolai Gorokhov
Government Accountability OfficeAmericanA watchdog organization for financial and other high-profile crimes within the U.S.
Trey GowdyAmericanPolitician(R-SC) Chair of the House Oversight Committee
Rhona Graff
Sen. Chuck GrassleyAmericanPolitician(R-IA)
GRURussianIntelligence CommunitySoviety military intelligence services
GSAAmericanGovernment agencyHas been asserted by TFA that documents were "unlawfully" given to the Special Counsel's Office by this agency, including parts susceptible to privilege.
Guccifer 2.0RussianHackerA cutout of the GRU, this account directly released and coordinated with Wikileaks to release more widely the stolen emails from Clinton, the DNC, and the DCCC
Shane HableAmericanCivil servantHillary for America IT chief
Alex HaldermanAmericanIntelligence CommunityTestified before the House Intelligence Committee on the probable ability of the Russians to hack an election
Sean HannityAmericanMedia PersonalityMade claims on his show that the Steele dossier launched the Russia probe, which isn't accurate.
Hapsburg groupEuropeanPoliticianInformal name given to the set of former European politicians whom Paul Manafort and Rick Gates paid to espouse pro-Yanukovich talking points.
Charles HarderAmericanLawyerRepresenting Trump in the Stormy Daniels case; also represented Terry Bolea in the Gawker trial
Rep. Denny Heck (D-WA)AmericanPoliticianMember of the House Intelligence Committee, one of the Congressional committees investigating the Russia scandal
Hermitage Capital ManagementThe investment fund client of Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitsky, who uncovered a $230 million money laundering scheme through New York real estate via Prevezon, a Russian holding company.
Hope HicksAmericanPrincipal actorYet another former White House Communications Director, she resigned the day after giving 9 hours of testimony on the Hill to the House Intelligence Committee. Til then she had been the longest-running current member of the Trump campaign.
Rick HohltAmerican
Dylan Howard
Jon HuntsmanAmericanCivil servantUS Ambassador to Russia
William HurdAmericanLawyerPaul Erickson's lawyer
Jon IadonisiTied to VizSense Inc. and White Canvas Group, 2 firms that did business with Michael Flynn
Ivan IlyinRussianChristian fascist philosopher who inspired much of Vladimir Putin's political philosophy
ImgurAmericanCompanyPlatform used by the Russian disinformation campaign that House Democrats want to subpoena
InstagramAmericanCompanyPlatform used by the Russian disinformation campaign that House Democrats want to subpoena the transition team for records of
Andrew Intrater
IRA (Internet Research Agency) RussianPrincipal actorWell-known troll farm with ties to the Kremlin, funded and run by Russian oligarch and "Putin's Chef" Yevgeniy Prigozhin (who also oversees private mercenary military forces in Syria and Ukraine.
Iron LibertyRussianForeign Intelligence
IskraMedia OutletThe main Bolshevik newspaper in the early 20th century
Darrell IssaAmericanPolitician
Viktor IvanovRussianOne of Putin's closest allies, he's the head of anti-narcotics in Russia; has spoken out against marijuana legalization in the US (!)
@jenn_abramsRussianForeign IntelligenceIRA-controlled Twitter account claiming to be a Virginian Trump supporter with 70,000 followers
Ramzan KadyrovRussianPoliticianChechnya's Kremlin-backed leader, who is thought to be behind the murder of Putin critic and opposition leader Boris Nemtsov. Kadyrov received a medal from Putin the month after Nemtsov's murder.
Brittany Kaiser
Oleg KaluginRussian, AmericanForeign IntelligenceFormer KGB agent who became a U.S. citizen and grew critical of Putin's regime.
Denis KatsyvRussianOligarchSole shareholder of Prevezon, implicated in the $230m theft of Russian taxpayer dollars
Irakly "Ike" KaveladzeRussianRussian Mafia8th person at Don Jr's June 9 meeting; VP at Crocus Group, owned by Aras Agalarov β€” a lawyer for the Russian real estate firm, he has been identified by the Government Accountability Office as part of a large ring of Russian money-laundering operations.
Robert KelnerAmericanLawyerMike Flynn's lawyer
Brian KempAmericanPoliticianGeorgia secretary of state who bristled at the idea of DHS's warning about the election integrity and attempts to hack voter registration
John KerryAmericanPoliticianSecretary of State under Obama from 2013 to 2018
KetchumAmericanCompanyWestern PR firm that helps place pro-Russian op-eds in Western media (like Putin's in NYTimes on 9/11/13)
KGBRussianIntelligence CommunityThe Soviet secret service, renowned for ruthlessness and duplicity
Eva KhanRussianDaughter of a Russian oligarch, married to Alex van der Zwaan -- the first to go to prison in the Mueller investigation.
German KhanRussianOligarchRussian oligarch billionaire, principal of Alfa Bank (Russia's largest privste bank) and the father-in-law of Alex van der Zwaan who has pleaded guilty to MUeller's team.
Mikhail KhodorkovskyRussianOligarchEx-oil tycoon unexpectedly freed by Putin ahead of the 2014 Winter Olympics
Elena Alekseevna KhusyaynovaRussianPrincipal actorFAN's chief accountant and an indictee under Mueller's Russian investigation
Konstantin KilimnikRussianForeign IntelligencePaul Manafort's business associate in the Ukraine
Sergey KislyakRussianForeign IntelligenceRussian Ambassador who spoke with Mike Flynn [tracker] about lifting sanctions in undisclosed series of meetings
KLS Research LLCCompanyCompany formed by Peter Smith to facilitate and manage his question to find Hillary's missing emails.
Artem KlyushinRussianOligarchYoung Russian billionaire who claims to have been instrumental in getting Trump elected.
KoalaRussianForeign Intelligence
Aleksandr KoganCambridge Analytica researcher who oversaw the harvesting of 50 million Facebook user accounts' info who also moonlighted as a lecturer at St. Petersburg University
KommersantRussianMedia OutletLong-respected business newspaper purchased by pro-Kremlin oligarch Alisher Usmanov
KomsomolRussianLeninist Youth League organization for Communists aged 14 to 28 in the late 80s & early 90s
Konstantin KosachevRussian
Andrei KostinRussianCEO of VTB, one of the largest Russian banks (and under US sanctions)
BΓ©la Kovacs (KGBΓ©la) HungarianOne of the leaders of Jobbik, Hungary's pro-Putin rightist party, who is accused of being a Russian spy.
Dmitry KovtunRussianForeign IntelligenceOne of the two main suspects in the UK's murder investigation case of former FSB/KGB spy turned informant and expat dissident, Alexander Litvinenko -- killed by polonium-210 poisoning after having tea with the two then-current KGB officers in November, 2006.
Vladimir KozhinRussianForeign IntelligenceSenior Putin aide who attended the 2013 Miss Universe pageant in lieu of Putin.
Kozy BearRussianForeign IntelligenceThe Dutch intelligence community alerted the DNC way back in 2015 that they had been hacked back in 2014.
The KremlinRussianPrincipal actor
Jody KrissFormer Bayrock partner who filed a lawsuit in January, 2017 alleging tax evasion of as much as $250 million in income + Russian money laundering
Aleksandra KrylovaRussianForeign IntelligenceServed as Director and 3rd highest employee within the Internet Research Agency, from at least September 2013. She was one of two employees of the IRA who obtained visas and entered the United States on June 4, 2014.
Mikhail KulaginRussianForeign IntelligenceRussian diplomat recalled to Russia, fearing his cover would be blown re: heavy involvement in the 2016 election, including the veterans' pensions ruse
Charles KushnerAmericanOligarchFather of Jared, the elder Kushner committed campaign fraud, blackmailed his own sister, and spent time in federal prison before re-emerging to help run the family business and, of course, suck at the teat of the Presidency
Jared KushnerAmericanPrincipal actorThe evil son-in-law so evil he owned a billion dollar building at 666 Fifth Ave. in Manhattan
Kushner CompaniesAmericanCompany
David LaufmanAmericanIntelligence CommunityFormer chief of the DOJ's Counterintelligence & Export Control Section
Sal LauriaRussian MafiaFBI informant and convicted felon who brokered a $150 million deal for Sater with FL Group, an Icelandic hedge fund tied to Putin that also invested in the Trump Soho project
Sergei LavrovPoliticianRussian Foreign Minister
Platon Lebedev
Marie Le PenFrenchPoliticianhead of the French far-Right party
Pyotr LevashovRussianHackerRussian hacker who ran the sprawling Kelihos botnet, a massive spam and scam network; indicted by a US grand jury on 4/21/17
Lev LevievRussianOligarchRussian "king of diamonds" who was a partner in Prevezon (involved in the Magnistsky-exposed money laundering of $230m in Russian tax dollars) and sold several floors of the NYTimes building in Manhattan to Jared Kushner
Ruslan LeviyevRussianFormer police investigator from the Siberian city of Surgut, who left the force after becoming disgusted by the β€œculture of corruption” he had witnessed, and moved to Moscow in 2009. Inspired, like so many others, by the anti-Putin protests of 2011–12, Leviyev, a tattooed 29-year-old, is now one of the country’s top β€œsocial media dissidents”.
Val LevitanRussianOligarchRussian Canadian CEO of developer Talon (Trump Toronto); had no previous experience in real estate or construction
Corey LewandowskiAmericanLobbyistDonald Trump's first campaign manager; succeeded by Paul Manafort.
Robert LiButtiAlleged mobster and associate of John Gotti, who is on video with Trump in the 80s at a WrestleMania event
Ronald Lieberman
Vladimir LisinRussianOligarchRussian steel mogul who made $830m in 3 days after the election
Aleksandr LitvinenkoRussianForeign Intelligenceformer Russian FSB agent who informed on Putin's connections to the Russian mafia and was assassinated by polonium-210 poisoning in 2006
Marina LitvinenkoRussian
Oleg LobovTies to the Romneys?!
Andrey LugovoyRussianForeign IntelligenceOne of the two main suspects in the UK's murder investigation case of former FSB/KGB spy turned informant and expat dissident, Alexander Litvinenko -- killed by polonium-210 poisoning after having tea with the two then-current KGB officers in November, 2006. Lugovoy is currently a sitting member of the Russian parliament: deputy of the State Duma.
LukoilRussianCompanyRussia's second largest oil company after Rosneft, they contracted with Trump data analytics firm Cambridge Analytica
Loretta LynchAmericanCivil servantUS Attorney General under Barack Obama
Rachel MaddowAmericanJournalistHost of the most popular nighttime news show on MSNBC; she's been following the Russia story aggressively for over a year in meticulously detailed fashion.
Sergei MagnitskyLawyerlawyer who tried to expose the theft of $230 million of Russian taxpayers' money by Prevezon Holdings (laundered into NYC real estate) before being arrested and allegedly tortured prior to his death in a Moscow prison in 2009; the 2012 Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act is a landmark human rights act named after him.
Main Intelligence DirectorateRussianForeign IntelligenceDivision of the GRU that carried out the second half of the Russian attack on our democracy -- cyber intrusions and hacking of stolen materials from the Clinton campaign, disseminated by WikiLeaks
Ted Malloch
Jason Maloni
Paul ManafortAmericanPrincipal actor
Jeanette ManfraAmericanIntelligence CommunityHead of cybersecurity at the Department of Homeland Security who confirmed to NBC News that the Russians successfully infiltrated "an exceptionally small number" of voter regidstration rolls in 21 states.
@march_for_trumpRussianForeign IntelligenceIRA-controlled accouunt created in May 2016 to promote IRA-organized rallies in support of the Trump Campaign
John Mashburn
John McCainAmericanPolitician
KT McFarlandAmericanIntelligence CommunityDeputy Nartional Security Advisor under Mike Flynn. Asked to step down by HR McMaster.
Don McGahnAmericanLawyerWhite House counsel from XXXX-XXXX
Evan McMullenAmericanPolitician
MediumAmericanCompanySocial media and blogging community frequented by the Russians during their efforts at sowing propaganda and discord during the American 2016 Presidential election.
Dmitry MedvedevRussianPoliticianRussian Prime Minister
Rebecca MercerAmericanOligarch
Robert MercerAmericanPrincipal actorShadowy billionaire Trump backer and donor who also backs Breitbart, Cambridge Analytica, and John Bolton.
Met Life InsuranceHolds Trump debt
MI6BritishForeign IntelligenceBritish intelligence agency; the rough equivalent of the American CIA.
Joseph MifsudDirector of the London Academy of Diplomacy who meets with George Papadopoulos in Italy.
Leonid MikhelsonOligarchpart owner of Novatek who made $1.9b from the stock pop post-Trump
Military Unit 26165RussianForeign IntelligenceGRU cyberunit dedicated to targeting military, politival, governmental, and non-governmental organizations outside of Russia, including the U.S. Separate from this investigation, Unit 26165 was charged by a grad jury for hacking the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, the World Doping Agency, and other international sport associations.
Military Unit 74455RussianForeign IntelligenceA GRU unit engaged in cyber operations, including assisting in the release of the documents stolen by Unit 26165, the promotion of those releases, and the publication of anti-Clinton content on social media accounts operated by the GRU. This unit also hacked computers belonging to the stater boards of elections, secretaries of state, and U.S. companies supplying software and other technology related to elections.
Stephen MillerAmericanPrincipal actorAggressively anti-immigrant advisor to Trump, co-writing many of his most vitriolic speeches
Sergei MillianBelarusianRussian MafiaTrump associate, head of the Russian-American chamber of commerce, and one of the sources of the Steele dossier
Marat MindiyarovRussianPrincipal actorFormer worker at the Russian troll factory, the Internet Research Agency, who told the Western press what it was like inside the farm.
Semion MogilevichRussianRussian MafiaNotorious mobster
Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al NahyanEmiratiThe crown prince of Abu Dhabi.
Mossack FonsecaLawyerWorld's fourth largest offshore law firm, whose files were published as the Panama Papers in a German newspaper
Robert MuellerAmericanCivil servantSpecial Counsel at the DOJ, investigating RussiaGate
MVDMinistry of Internal Affairs; supervises all police, prisons, and "public order militias"
George NaderAmericanLobbyistLebanese-American businessman who lobbies for the UAE, and was at the meeting in the Seychelles with Erik Prince and the Russians
Alexsei NavalnyRussianActivistPutin critic and activist blogger; has been arrested, charged, & sentenced several times (but recognized as a political prisoner by NGOs)
Boris NemtsovRussianPoliticianPutin critic and opposition politician who was shot dead in Moscow in 2015 by a member of the Chechen security forces
New IslandRussianCompanyRestaurant of Yevgeny Prigozhin that became a favorite of Putin's, netting Mr Prigozhin lucrative contracts for shady operations as "Putin's Chef"
Alexander NixBritishPrincipal actorCEO of Trump data analytics firm Cambridge Analytica
NKVDRussianForeign Intelligencea forerunner to the KGB under Stalin
NRAAmericanLobbyistHosted a number of conduits between the Trump campaign and Russian nationals, particularly Russian billionaires and oligarchs close to Vladimir Putin.
NSA (National Security Agency)AmericanIntelligence Community
Sam NunbergAmericanCivil servantFormer Trump aide who made a series of bizarre statements on cable TV before testifying to Robert Mueller's team
Devin NunesAmericanPolitician
NY ObserverAmericanMedia OutletWebsite owned by Jarek Kushner as part of Observer Media
Observer MediaAmericanMedia OutletMedia company owned by Jared Kushner.
Keith OlbermannAmericanMedia PersonalityAmerican TV host
Opposition BlocUkrainianSuccessor ruling party in Ukraine after Victor Yanukovich fled to Moscow and his Party of Regions toppled.
Viktor OrbanHungarianPoliticianPresident of Hungary, noted for his pro-Putin and anti-refugee beliefs
OrbisBritishCompanySteele's research firm
Alex Oronovdead β€” Bryan Cohen's father-in-law (brother of Trump's personal lawyer
OstankinoRussianMedia OutletRussia's TV network
Ozero Cooperative
Pacific Life InsuranceHolds Trump debt
Carter PageAmericanPrincipal actor
@Pamela_Moore13RussianForeign IntelligenceIRA-controlled Twitter account claiming to be a Texan Trump supporter with 70,000 followers
George PapadopoulosAmericanPrincipal actorMember of the Trump campaign who has pled guilty in the Robert Mueller investigation and flipped to become a cooperating witness. Will serve jail time.
Brad ParscaleAmericanPrincipal actorHead of the Trump campaign's digital operation
Party of RegionsUkranianUkranian political party run by Victor Yanukovych, the pro-Putin dictator ushered into power by Paul Manafort.
Stefan Passantino
Sam PattenAmerican
David PeckerAmericanPrincipal actorHelped American Media bury stories unfavorable to Trump leading up to the election -- a campaign contribution violation, not to mention a moral violation
Mike PenceAmericanPrincipal actorVice President of the United States
Pericles Emerging Markets
Perkins Coie
Dmitry PeskovRussianPrincipal actorPutin's press secretary. Michael Cohen was in touch with him as late at June 2016, during the presidential campaign, in talks over the Trump Tower Moscow deal.
Walid PharesFox News counterterrorism analyst & one of Trump's 5 initial national security advisors
John PodestaAmericanCivil servantHis stolen emails were one of several tronches of stolen documents released by Wikileaks at strategic moments during the 2016 presidential election campaign.
Victor PodobnyyRussianForeign IntelligenceRussian agent who received intelligence information from American energy consultant Carter Page beginning in January 2013
Sergey PolozovRussianWorked for the Internet Research Agency as its head of IT from April 2014 to at least July 2014; he oversaw the buildout of the U.S. infrastructure for the Russian operations.
Mike PompeoAmericanCivil servantCIA Director who went from praising to condemning Wikileaks
Petro PoroshenkoUkranianPoliticianUkranian president
Prevezon HoldingsCypriotCompanya Cyprus company that has invested in Manhattan real estate and which prosecutors allege was the receptacle for some of the $230 million stolen from Russian taxpayers in 2007; part of Hermitage Capital, the investment fund Magnitsky was investigating until his murder in a Moscow prison in 2009.
Reince PriebusAmericanCivil servant
Yevgeniy PrigozhinRussianForeign Intelligence"Putin's Chef" -- a former caterer and restauranteur who now runs Vladimir Putin's internet propaganda operations via the Internet Research Agency as well as overseeing mercenary forces operating in Syria and Ukraine.
Erik PrinceAmericanOligarchSec. of Education Betsy DuVoss's brother, who met a Russian oligarch in the Seychelles during the campaign to talk about lifting sanctions. Founded and runs Blackwater, a formidable private security firm often accompanying US military operations as the theater of war becomes increasingly privatized and mercenaries find themselves duking it out in the desert armed with the plausible deniability of being at arm's length from their country's official foreign policy.
Vitaly Pruss
Project VeritasAmericanMedia Outlet
Pussy RiotRussianActivist
Vladimir PutinRussianPrincipal actor
Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL)AmericanPoliticianMember of the House Intelligence Committee, one of the Congressional committees investigating the Russia scandal
RedditAmericanCompanyWas asked by House Democrats on March 7, 2018 to provide intel on the scope and scale of the Russian disinformation effort on their platforms during the 2016 election
RelcomRussianCompanyOne of the first private companies or "collectives" formed under Gorbachev's glasnost reforms, it brokered the first proto-Internet within the Soviet Union and first connection to the outside world β€” playing a key role in thwarting the attempted coup against Gorbachev by the KGB in August, 1991
Right to Bear ArmsRussianMoscow-based entity begun by Maria Butina and Alexander Torshin -- odd, in a country with no gun rights at all.
Ritz CarltonAmericanCompanyHosted Donald Trump during his 2013 visit to Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant
RodinaRussianextreme nationalist party in Russia c. 2003 that hinted at ethnic cleansing; The Guardian reported it had actually been set up as a prop by Putin & cronies, to draw votes away from the other far-right Communist Party
Ed RogersAmericanLobbyistHired by Alfa Bank: a former REagan administration official
Mike RogersAmericanIntelligence CommunityAdmiral and Director of the National Security Agency under Obama; one of the 3 who briefed Trump and Obama about the Russian attack on Election 2016
Dana RohrabacherAmericanPoliticianRepresentative (R-CA 48th District) since 2013; dubbed "Putin's favorite Congressman"
Sergei RolduginRussianPutin ally implicated in the Panama Papers
RosneftRussianCompanyRussia's state oil company
Rossiiskaia GazetaRussianMedia OutletRussia's official government newspaper
Wilbur RossAmericanPoliticianUS Secretary of Commerce and single largest shareholder of the Bank of Cyprus, the famous haven for Russian oligarchs to stash their billions
Steve RothCEO of Vornado, a $20 billion real estate investment trust (REIT) that owns 49.5% of Jared Kushner's building at 666 Fifth Avenue; he's also on Trump's economic advisory team
Andrei Rozov
RT.comRussianMedia OutletRussian state-owned news service
RUPTLYRussianMedia OutletThe Kremlin's new video news agency
RusalRussianCompanyOne of Oleg Deripaska's companies whose sanctions have been lifted by Trump's Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin.
Russian-American Chamber of Commerce in the USA
Russian Direct Investment FundRussianRussia's sovereign wealth fund
Russian Imperial MovementRussianpart of the far-right coalition within Russia seeking to build an international consensus, this group advocates "Christian Orthodox imperial nationalism"
Sergei RyabkovRussianPoliticianRussian Deputy Foreign Minister
Paul RyanAmericanPoliticianSpeaker of the House (R-WI) and a Trump defender and denialist
Dmitry RybolovlevRussianOligarchthe β€œFertilizer King” β€” fertilizer billionaire who purchased Trump's Palm Beach mansion for $95 million, but never moved in
Konstantin Rykov
Anatoli Samochornov
Sheryl SandbergAmericanOligarch
Sarah Huckabee SandersAmericanCivil servant
Felix SaterRussianRussian MafiaRussian mobster and FBI informant who runs Bayrock, a money-laundering firm designed to hide dirty Russian money in Trump's taxes
Saudi ArabiaSaudi ArabianNation-state
SberbankRussianBankRussia's largest bank
Anthony ScaramucciAmericanCivil servantTrump press secretary for all of 10 days
Dan ScavinoAmericanPrincipal actorManaged the Trump campaign's social media
Rep. Adam SchiffAmericanPoliticianTop-ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee overseeing that chamber's Russia investigation
Keith SchillerAmericanTrump's longtime security chief and confidant
Eric SchneidermanAmericanLawyerNew York State Attorney General who has a long history of legal cases with Trump
Chuck SchumerAmericanPolitician(D-NY) and Sen. Minority Leader
SCL Group Limited
Igor SechinRussianOligarchPresident of Rosneft at the time Exxon violated Russian sanctions to help protect his property interest
Secured BordersRussianForeign IntelligenceAn IRA-controlled Facebook group that bought ads in support of the Trump Campaign, and had over 130,000 followers at the time it was deactivated in mid-2017
Jay SekulowAmericanLawyerTrump's personal lawyer
Jeff SessionsAmericanPrincipal actorTrump's first US Attorney General, before Bill Barr. He has recused himself from the Russia investigation because of his curious, multi-part memory loss of meetings with Russian agents.
Alex ShnaiderUkranianOligarchUkrainian steel magnate & partner at Talon International who is managing Trump Toronto hotel as it goes into default
Paula ShugartAmericanPresident of the Miss Universe Organization, who reported directly to Trump at the time of the 2013 Moscow pageant
Konstantin SidorkovRussianDirector of PArtnership Marketing for vKontakte, a Russian social media site, that had communications with the Trump campaign about setting up a profile.
Siemens AGCompany
Sinclair MediaAmericanMedia OutletConservative broadcasting conglomerate gobbling up local TV stations and forcing them to air canned right-wing footage with each segment.
Glenn SimpsonAmericanHead of research firm Fusion FPS who commissioned the Christopher Steele dossier.
Paul SingerAmericanOligarchBillionaire financier who originally commissioned research firm Fusion GPS to start compiling opposition research on Donald Trump. He abandoned the project after Trump secured the nomination.
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & FlomLawyerLaw firm retained by Paul Manafort and Rick Gates to "whitewash" Victor Yanukovich's imprisonment of his political rival, Yulia Tymochenko, in Ukraine.
Matt SkiberRussianForeign IntelligenceAn IRA-controlled Facebook account that organized a pro-Trump rally near Trump Tower in mid-2016
Sergei SkripalRussianFormer Russian official turned British spy who was attacked with his daughter Yulia with nerve gas in southern England, reputedly by agents of the Kremlin.
Yulia SkripalRussianSergei's daughter
Dan SmithAmericanCivil servantHead of the State Dept's intelligence bureau under Obama
Peter SmithAmericanAlleged to have solicited help on the dark web in finding Hillary's "missing" emails from the Russians
SnapchatAmericanCompanyOne of the social networks the Democratic oversight committees want to send document requests to, to request more intel on the scope and scale of the Russian campaign on their platforms
Edward SnowdenAmericanIntelligence CommunityControversial former employee for private firms working within the US government who absconded with millions of top secret NSA and other departmental intelligence documents, fled to Hong Kong where he alerted the press, and flew on to Moscow where he lives under the protection of the Kremlin.
SolidarityPolishPolish workers' party confronting Communism in the late '80s
Oleg SolodukhinRussian
Reuben SorensenNuclear non-proliferation expert who briefed Mike Flynn on the ACU's nuclear program and rejoiced that he would be named head of the NSA.
Sean SpicerAmericanCivil servantTrump's press secretary
SputnikRussianMedia OutletRussian news wire proffering fake news
Joseph StalinRussianPolitician
Alex StamosAmericanPrincipal actorEx-Facebook security chief
StasiGermanForeign IntelligenceNickname for the Ministry of State Security in East Germany during the Cold War
Christopher SteeleBritishForeign IntelligenceFormer British MI6 intelligence agent who put together the Steele Dossier on Donald Trump's dealings with Russia
Beny Steinmetz
Daniel Steinmetz
Raz Steinmetz
Roger StoneAmericanLobbyistLong-time political advisor best known for being part of Richard Nixon's "Dirty Tricks" crew who perpetuated Watergate among much else; he "predicted" the release of Clinton's hacked emails
Stop All ImmigrantsRussianForeign IntelligenceAn IRA-controlled Facebook group
Stop All InvadersRussianForeign IntelligenceAn IRA-controlled Facebook group that bought Facebook ads in support of Donald Trump
Lee StranahanMedia PersonalityWorks for Sputnik in Russia. Never responded to an official Congressional inquiry.
SUP MediaRussianMedia OutletRussia's largest blogging service via acquisition of LiveJournal from Six Apart
Vladislav SurkovRussianPrincipal actorPutin's disinformation machine
SVRRussianIntelligence CommunityRussian foreign intelligence service
Eric SwalwellAmericanPoliticianDemocrat on the House Intelligence Committee
John Szobocsan
Matt Tait
Talon InternationalCompany
Tambov-Malyshev groupRussianRussian Mafiaorganized crime ring based in St. Petersburg w/ties to Putin; led by Gennadiy Petrov and Aleksandr Malyshev
Targeted VictoryLobbyistGOP strategy firm hired by Facebook
@TEN_GOPRussianForeign IntelligenceAn IRA-controlled Twitter account posing as the Tennessee GOP Party.
TFAAmericanTrump for America, Inc., the business entity formed to handle the Trump transition
Rex TillersonAmericanPrincipal actorU.S. Secretary of State and former CEO of Exxon
Gennady TimchenkoOligarch23% owner of natural gas company Novatek, who made $1.8b from surges in pro-Russian market following Trump's election
Ivan TimofeevRussianProgram director at the Russian International Affairs Council, a government-funded think tank, who met with George Papadopolous to try to establish a meeting between Trump and Putin.
Alimzhan TokhtakhounovRussianRussian MafiaNicknamed "The Little Taiwanese," he's one of Russia's most notorious mobsters. At the time of the 2013 Miss Universe pageant, he had been indicted in the U.S. for protecting a high-stakes illegal gambling operation run out of Trump Tower.
Alexander TorshinRussianPrincipal actorRussian central banker, Putin confidant, NRA whisperer, handler of Maria Butina
Vadim TrincherRussianRussian MafiaRan a Russian-American gambling crime ring out of Trump Tower. Serving 5 years for racketeering.
The Translator DepartmentRussianForeign IntelligenceDepartment within the IRA dedicated to U.S. operations
Donald J. TrumpAmericanPrincipal actor
Donald J. Trump JrAmericanPrincipal actor
Donald J. Trump Revocable TrustAmerican
Eric TrumpAmericanPrincipal actor
Fred TrumpAmericanOligarchDonald Trump's father, who built the family real estate fortune and handed it off to his son to ruin it
Ivanka TrumpAmericanPrincipal actorDaddy's little girl
Trump FoundationAmericanPrincipal actor
Trump OrganizationAmericanPrincipal actor
Trump TransitionAmericanPrincipal actor
TumblrAmericanCompanyWas asked by House Democrats on March 7, 2018 to provide intel on the scope and scale of the Russian disinformation effort on their platforms during the 2016 election
TurboatomUkranianCompanyUkranian state-owned company who was the target of a bribery offer from ACU Strategic Partners -- who Mike Flynn was working with -- to accept a $45 billion contract to build reactors in Saudi Arabia in exchange for supporting the lifting of sanctions levied against Russia by the US and EU.
TV RainRussianMedia OutletIndependent Russian broadcaster
Yulia TymoshenkoUkranianPoliticianRan against Victor Yanukovich in the 2010 Presidentials elections, and was jailed by him under spurious charges following his Paul Manafort-aided win.
UBS Real EstateHolds Trump debt
United Muslims of AmericaRussianForeign IntelligenceAn IRA-controlled Facebook account that had over 300,000 followers at the time it was finally deactivated in mid-2017
United RussiaRussianPolitical Party of Russian PResident Vladimir Putin
Viktor VekselbergRussianOligarchPutin-connected oligarch with connections to secretary of commerce Wilbur Ross [tracker]
Natalia VeselnitskayaRussianRussian lawyer with ties to the Kremlin who met with Donald Trump Jr, Paul Manafort, and Kared Kushner at Trump Tower in June 2016 about the dirt Russia had on Hillary Clinton. At the time she was representing Prevezon Holdings in the case the U.S. Justice Department had brought against them for a $230 million money laundering scheme that lawyer Sergei Magnitsky had uncovered.
VizSense Inc.AmericanCompanyProvided social media services to the Trump campaign and Michael Flynn
vKontakteRussianRussian social network; equivalent analog to Facebook
VnesheconombankRussianBankRussian state-owned development bank, under investigation for Russian election interference
VornadoCompany$20 billion REIT that's an ~equal partner with Jared Kushner in the 666 Fifth Ave. building in Manhattan; Steve Roth, CEO, is an advisor to Trump
Rosemary VrablicBankExecutive at Deutsche Bank's private wealth unit who helped finance many of Trump's real estate projects after other banks (and the "regular" side of Deutsche Bank) wouldn't deal with him any more, following massive losses
VTB BankRussianBankRussia's largest commercial bank; under US and EU sanctions for money laundering
Sen. Mark WarnerAmericanPolitician(D-VA) β€” top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee
Washington Free BeaconMedia Outlet
The Washington PostAmericanMedia Outletvenerable local paper purchased by Jeff Bezos in 2013
Debbie Wasserman SchultzAmerican
Jeff WeaverAmerican
Anthony WeinerAmericanPolitician
Allen WeisselbergAmericanPrincipal actor
WhatsAppThe House HPSCI committee wants to subpoena them for communication records relating to principals in the Trump campaign
Julian David Wheatland
Acting AG Matt WhitakerAmericanIntelligence Community
White Canvas GroupAmericanLobbyistUndertook Turkey-related work for Michael Flynn
The White HouseAmericanCivil servantSupposed to be a civil servant but often a lobbyist, The White House includes the President and high-level senior staff
World National-Conservatism Movement (WNCM)Globalumbrella term for Russia's movement to unite an international extreme far-right coalition
Christopher WrayAmericancandidate for the next FBI Director, to replace James Comey
Christopher WylieAmericanWhistleblower from Trump data team Cambridge Analytica who revealed the existence of a formerly secret client: Lukoil, Russia's #2 oil and gas company
Viktor YanukovychUkranianPoliticianUkraine's former pro-Moscow president; he paid $12.7 million to help influence the Ukranian election his way before being ousted from power in 2013. Paul Manafort made many of the millions he later laundered with Rick Gates via undisclosed lobbying for Mr Yanukovych.
Sally YatesAmericanDeputy Attorney General under Barack Obama and Acting Attorney General following the inauguration of Donald Trump. She was dismissed by him after 10 days when she instructed the Justice Department not to allow Trump's Muslim ban to be enforced because it violated the law and the Constitution.
Steve YatesAmerican
Boris YeltsinRussianPoliticianFirst President of the Russian Federation, after he orchestrated Russia's exit from the USSR (and thus, its downfall, as all the Soviet satellite republics followed suit). He ruled from 1991 to 1999, never quite managing to usher in a true democracy before settling on a successor, an obscure and unknown former KGB officer stationed in East Berlin during the Second World War: Vladimir Putin.
YoutubeAmericanCompanyFavored propaganda platform for Russian agents used in the cyberattacks against the 2016 election
Yunarmia"Young Army" β€” created in 2015 by Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu to "encourage patriotism among schoolchildren"
Mark ZuckerbergAmericanOligarchCEO of Facebook, whose platform was used by the Russians in their influence campaign against the 2016 U.S. elections
Alex van der ZwaanDutchDutch lawyer caught lying to the FBI about his law firm Skadden's report on Ukranian dictator Victor Yanukovich's imprisonment of his presidential rival Yulia Tymochenko in Ukraine. Has plead guilty to Robert Mueller's team.
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This was economist Thomas Schelling’s insight way back in 1969 — just one of many examples of “unknown knowledge” that exists in the world today. His Spatial Segregation Model takes a few simple premises and shows that a set of quite tolerant people, who genuinely prefer to live in a diverse neighborhood in terms of race, income, and other factors, nevertheless end up self-segregating into clusters of like individuals — as follows:

Slight preference for homophily: 30%

We set up a fairly dense environment with a low preference for similarity — people are quite tolerant and are only looking to have 30% of their near neighbors be similar to them:

But when we run the simulation, we end up with an equilibrium state where individuals are surrounded by 75.2% similar neighbors:

If we run the spatial segregation model with a 50% preference for similar neighbors, the outcome is even more stark: the agents achieve equilibrium at a whopping 87.7% similarity:

Continue reading Even a slight preference for homophily results in excessive segregation
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rule of lawfealty
Golden Rulepersecution
legal customsphysical force
noveltystatus quo
favors challengersfavors incumbents
logical reasoningmagical thinking
communitygated community
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Racism is a shortcut for small minds. It’s a cheat for lazy people who don’t want to do the work of being discerning about people.

It is insecurity and fear of The Other. It’s ready-made scapegoats and easy answers. A made up story to channel one’s anger into. Deflection away from one’s own faults and flaws. Denial of responsibility. Worldview myopia. Reductionism at its worst. Shallow; vapid. Unseemly.

The stuff of weak minds.

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Is it possible the Condorcet jury theorem provides not just a mathematical basis for democracy and the justice system, but a model predictor of one’s political persuasion as well?

If you’re an optimist, you have no trouble believing that p > 1/2. You give people the benefit of the doubt that they will try their best and most often, succeed in tipping over the average even if just by a hair. That’s all it takes for the theorem to prove true: that the larger the number of voters, the closer the group gets to making the “correct” decision 100% of the time.

On the other hand, if you’re a pessimist, you might quibble with that — saying that people are low-information voters who you don’t think very highly of, and don’t find very capable. You might say that people will mostly get it wrong, in which case p < 1/2 and the theory feedback loops all the way in the other direction, to where the optimal number of voters is 1: the autocrat.

A political sorting hat of sorts

Optimists will tend to believe in the power of people to self-govern and to act out of compassion a fair amount of the time, thus leaning to the left: to the Democrats, social democrats, socialists, and the alt-Left. Pessimists will tend to favor a smaller, tighter cadre of wealthy elite rulers — often, such as themselves. They might be found in the GOP, Tea Party, Freedom Caucus, Libertarian, paleoconservative, John Birch Society, Kochtopus, anarcho-capitalist, alt-Right, and other right-wing groups including the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) and other white militia groups around the country.

Granted the model is crude, but so was the original theorem — what is the “correct” choice in a political contest? Or does the Condorcet jury theorem imply that, like becoming Neo, whatever the majority chooses will by definition be The Right One for the job? πŸ€”

…if so, we definitively have the wrong President.

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… some pure, holy, unchanging thing. A perfect, Platonic form.

But there is nothing unchanging. And religion is overall fading — except at the edges; the extremes.

We want desperately to believe in something. This can make us vulnerable to hucksters, tricksters, deceivers, and all kinds of charms and fakery. The modern life condition exacerbates this, with its fractious social isolationism, vapid consumerism, and erosion of community.

May I suggest that we could find solace by cultivating belief in ourselves, and in each other? Be critical when warranted, but beat back this terrible cynicism that engulfs public discourse, filling it with day to day ennui. We don’t have to be at each other’s throats.

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While we wring our hands in the United States over whether or not such a strategy is even conceivable, the erstwhile President of Russia has been running this playbook out in the open in Ukraine and Eastern Europe for some time. With help from Propagandist-in-Chief Vladislav Surkov, Putin has leveraged the open secrets about the psychology of crowds we learned in the late 19th and early 20th century to stir up emotional antagonisms within the political spectrum — to predictable results.

It’s no accident that fascism is on the march in America. The conditions have been brewing for some time, predominantly since the Conservative movement began breaking away more militantly from democratic principles and towards authoritarian philosophy (elite rule by force: preferably invisible force via economic hegemony for the middle and upper classes, and violent force / the carceral state for The Undesirables) in the late 1970s and 1980s. All Putin had to do was make use of available prevailing conditions and tools — the rise of social media in the 2000s counterintuitively blew a gaping wide security hole in the American persuasion landscape that Cold War Soviet operatives of the 1960s would scarcely have believed.

Today, as in parts of Europe between the world wars, the U.S. has partisan gridlock within The Establishment sector of politics; this exacerbates the impatience with and contempt for the status quo (aka the Liberal world order) that in some sense naturally congeals at the far right and far left margins of the political spectrum as a simple consequence of the Normal Distribution (the Median Voter Theorem captures this tendency quite succinctly). Under such conditions, an influence campaign like the one Russia wielded against the United States during the 2016 election season was tasked merely with tilting the playing field a little further — a task that platforms like Facebook and Twitter were in some sense fundamentally engineered to accomplish, in exchange for ad revenue.

New World Order? Be careful what we wish for

“Both Italian and German fascists had done their best to make democracy work badly. But the deadlock of liberal constitutions was not something the fascists alone had brought about. ‘The collapse of the Liberal state,’ says Roberto Vivarelli, ‘occurred independently of fascism.’ At the time it was tempting to see the malfunction of democratic government after 1918 as a systemic crisis marking the historic terminus of liberalism. Since the revival of constitutional democracy since World War II, it has seemed more plausible to see it as a circumstantial crisis growing out of the strains of World War I, a sudden enlargement of democracy, and the Bolshevik Revolution. However we interpret the deadlock of democratic government, no fascist movement is likely to reach office without it.”

— Robert O. Paxton, The Anatomy of Fascism

100 years on, it feels like we’re back at the start.

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β€œThe most dangerous ‘enemy of the people’ is presidential lying–always. Attacks on press by @realDonaldTrump more treacherous than Nixon’s”
Carl Bernstein, journalist who broke the Watergate scandal  

“These systematic attacks on the media accomplish two things. First, they fire up the base, which believe that traditional media do not represent their interests or concerns. Second, they provoke the media itself, which feeling threatened, adopts a more oppositional posture. This in turn further fuels the polarization on which the leaders depend and paves the way for the government to introduce legal restrictions.

The most dramatic example was in Venezuela, where elements in the media embarked on a campaign of open warfare, engaging in overtly partisan coverage intended to undermine ChΓ‘vez’s rule. Some media owners were alleged to have conspired in a 2002 coup that briefly ousted the president. Once Chavez returned to power, he rallied his supporters behind a new law imposing broad restrictions on what the media could and could not cover under the guise of β€œensuring the right to truthful information.” Across the hemisphere, other restrictive legal measures were adopted, including Ecuador’s notorious 2013 Communications Law, which criminalizes the failure to cover events of public interest, as defined by the government. In the first year, approximately 100 lawsuits were filed under the law, stifling critical reporting.”
Columbia Journalism Review

“Brian Stelter, in his Reliable Sources newsletter, rounds up elite-media Twitter reaction:

  • NPR’s Steve Inskeep: “A journalist is a citizen. Who informs other citizens, as free citizens need. Some are killed doing it …” NYT’s Maggie Haberman: “He is fighting very low approval ratings. Gonna be interesting to see how congressional Rs respond to this tweet”
  • Joe Scarborough: “Conservatives, feel free to speak up for the Constitution anytime the mood strikes. It is time”
  • NBC’s Chuck Todd: “I would hope that our leaders would never believe that any American desires to make another American an enemy. Let’s dial it back.”

At the same time, understand that this is partly a game to Trump. His confidants tell us he intentionally exploits the media’s inclination to take the bait and chase our tails.”

John McCain:
“… slammed President Donald Trump’s attacks on the media this week by noting dictators β€œget started by suppressing free press.”
It was a startling observation from a sitting member of Congress against the President of the United States, especially considering McCain is a member of Trump’s party.

β€œI hate the press,” the Arizona Republican sarcastically told NBC News’ Chuck Todd on β€œMeet the Press.” β€œI hate you especially. But the fact is we need you. We need a free press. We must have it. It’s vital.”

But he continued, β€œIf you want to preserve β€” I’m very serious now β€” if you want to preserve democracy as we know it, you have to have a free and many times adversarial press,” McCain said in the interview. β€œAnd without it, I am afraid that we would lose so much of our individual liberties over time. That’s how dictators get started.”

Evan McMullin:
“Authoritarians routinely attack checks on their power and sources… Donald Trump does exactly that.”

“The freedom of the press is one of the greatest bulwarks of liberty, and can never be restrained but by despotic governments.”

The Virginia Declaration of Rights

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Much has been said regarding the so-called laziness of the poor. Hands have been wrung, glasses have been drained, Davos hotel rooms have been trashed year after year in elite consternation over The Perennially Perplexing Plight of the Poor.

Meanwhile in the American political landscape, the answer is already clear:


But perhaps there’s some confusion over what is meant by the term “hard work” — certainly it’s ambiguous, and no one takes a pause in the middle of a vigorous, breathy debate to define their terms, curiously. So, for the barely literate cretins out there who can barely manage to hold down a job much less participate in the ever-prosperous U.S. economy — a visual guide:

Working hard vs. hardly working: An Illustrated Guide to Hard Work

Working hard

(direct link:

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The creator of the also excellent Century of the Self film series released his latest film in October, 2016. Dubbed HyperNormalisation, it offers both a history lesson of the complicated relationship between the West, the Middle East, and Russia, as well as an unflinching look at the roles played by technology, surveillance, and the media on our modern condition of general confusion, destabilization, and surrealism.

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There’s a popular and somewhat understandable misperception of culture as a vehicle of reproducing “normalcy” throughout society. However, each historical era makes the cognitive mistake of assuming its particular version of Normal is, well, Normal. And that all eras which came before — that were obviously ruled by stupid people who could not understand the kind of objective truths we are now privy to in the New Modern era — were a series of mass delusions in which people fooled themselves into thinking they had The Answers, when they so clearly didn’t. Because The Problems continue apace.

The twisted social psychological paradox we have not yet managed to escape is our abject failure to understand that we Moderns, too, are trapped within an enormous cultural projection of our current set of utopian delusions. We are no different, nor more special, than all the well-intentioned optimists and sad charlatans of bygone eras we love to thumb our elitist noses at. But our cursed cross to bear is the historically inescapable belief in our own Exceptionism — that we are The Smartest Guys in the Room, and that our newfound flavors of scientific rationalism will allow us to Save The Day and prop ourselves up as the hero gods of humankind we deep inside know that we must be.

For how can it be otherwise?

Whether God created us or we Him, it hardly matters — both narratives serve our deep-seated psychological ends: to prop ourselves up as the Platonically pure forms of human perfection we are eternally striving to be, despite all available evidence to the contrary. Whether mere mini-Gods or True Gods ourselves, we puff ourselves up with the pride of our uniquely gifted creationism vs. other species (and when it suits us, Other races, genders, ethnicities, or other demographical lenses that may be wielded to set The Best among us apart), which (in our minds) serves as the supremely obvious evidence of our planetary — and possibly (hopefully!) galactic — supremacy over natural reality.

All of this has happened before

But even a shallow skim through history could easily produce ample evidence in support of the opposing idea: that all such delusions of grandeur are false — which is part of the reason we (technologists, especially) love to avoid consulting history regarding such matters. The social proof of accolades in the Here and Now is far more exhilirating and, of course, less depressing.

And why look to the past, when all that is accessible can only lie before us? Yet both perspectives are false — neither the past nor the future are truly accessible to us. We live ever fixed within a singular bubbling moment of spacetime we have only barely begun to comprehend. In fact, all that our intellectual and scientific machinations have managed to reveal to us is the staggering lack of edgeness at the edges; and that the more deeply we pursue any sort of objective insight into any subject, no matter how narrowly defined, the more we only find an ever-widening gulf of ignorance opening up as if to swallow us.

Such is the fractal nature of reality, that it seems to slip further from our grasp the harder we struggle to know it — like flies in a vast inky darkness of transfixing ointment. Take for example two of the most theoretically “objective” fields known to modern scientific inquiry, and ask for their practitioners’ opinions on how the imaginary “coefficient of certainty” in their domains (that I am just now making up; bear with me — for you see, I too am a mini-God with powers of creation! Voila!) has fared over recent decades. They’re liable to tell you that physics only seems to be getting stranger, while mathematics may be brushing up against the limits of computational irreducibility, leaving a host of fundamentally unsolvable problems (although Stephen Wolfram does nonetheless leave us with ample hope of an infinite amount of discoveries to be made within the remaining territories of computationally reducible systems that we can continue to practically soldier on in. PHEW!).    

Where shall we look for the Normal?

Outside of heady intellectual computational theory and the often esoteric pursuits of hard science, there is still a planetary majority of people who simply aren’t interested in this particular method of asking questions about the deep mysteries of life. Far from being irrational clods who lack the cognitive capacity to understand engineering and complex equations, they are seeking — and many have found — their answers to the profound mysteries of the meaning and purpose of life elsewhere, in other domains.

Whether it be hearth and home, creative pursuits, caretaking of others, careers and/or inquiries into other fields, or any of a dizzying variety of alternatives to the purely scientific-relational approach to values: these people are not wrong.   They are not misguided, or necessarily simplistic in their searches for meaning — and neither is a simplistic approach itself objectively worse than a complicated one. In fact, as the economist-turned-philosopher Nassim Taleb so compellingly argues for via the concept of antifragility, our modern, rationalized, (predominantly) Western tendency to hyper-complexify matters often only ends up making things worse. We can’t resist the urge to meddle, and insert ourselves into the micromanagement of many processes that ought to be left well enough alone, such that the natural, organic forces of time and randomness can perform their mysterious acts of self-healing.

Instead, we exhaust ourselves with frantic over-interventionism in our quest to “smooth everything out,” eradicate the uncertainties of risk, and tamp down the erratic edges of non-conformity into the kind of straight lines and perfect curves that makes it easier for us to manipulate them within our clever mathematical models. We embark on ever more ambitious projects of forcing people to fit the models we create, so that we may pat ourselves on the back for our obvious brilliance and sophistry with prediction (and, of course, justify the collection of enormous financial rewards for being so clever).

When some people begin to rationally feel spiritually and emotionally lost within this framework, scientific rationalization once again comes to the “rescue,” via medicalization of a vast and growing array of commonly routine experiences and phenomenological traits. From the most trivial and mundane “disorders” such as “inadequate or not enough eyelashes” to the more Orwellian “oppositional-defiant disorders” that tend to land the less obsequious amongst our children on a regimen of expensive drug cocktails, Big Pharma has got The Cure for YOU! 

Whatever malaise afflicts the less engaged portion of the population that isn’t quite sure about the necessity of all this excessive (and fabulously profitable) interventionism, there is sure to be ample pharmaceutical “assistance” available in pursuit of learning to appreciate the New Normal — whatever the New Normal becomes at the behest of powerful corporations and the political minions who serve them via armies of lobbyist Slugworths whispering self-serving plans into the ears of the global elite whilst writing dark money checks in smoky back rooms (of course in my imagination, the global elite have flouted society’s pathetic insistence on protecting the plebes from the dangers of inhaling the carcinogens that afford sociopathic business “leaders” with their well-deserved profits — they retain the right to smoke indoors, goddammit!!).

In other words, Normal is merely what we decide it to be, whether by collective decision or by imposition from a cabal of powerful forces whose colossal self-interest bias has created one of the largest systematic exploits of the principal-agent problem heretofore witnessed in history.

We no longer even recognize the war we’re fighting

Our spoken or unspoken desire to dominate all of civilization through the manipulation of ideologies is no longer even a thinly-veiled attempt — we’re too sophisticated now and, in the common parlance of the often-discredited Youth, “like, totally over it.” We’re more liable to either be bored of the game and tune out altogether, leaving the fate of civilation largely in the hands of the elite forces who have only their own best interests at heart; or to make the seemingly logical decision that the best course of action is to play it, and play it well — in the hopes of making it into the upper echelons of elitedom, by which to survive Whatever May Come.

So: if we do collectively hold some deeply-seated love for Actual Reality, and seek to enjoy the pleasures of each other’s company in a more peaceably sane pursuit of gratitude at the wonders of existence (or at least, a tongue in cheek self-deprecating awareness of our utterly infinite lack of ability to directly do so), then we ought to resist more forcefully the current project we are collectively on — whether by choice or, more commonly, by being caught up in the accidental lottery of birth which placed us into this particular era at this particular time: full of self-important drudgery, decadent hedonism, pomp and circumstance, and neurotic self-obsession.

We cannot, as human beings imprisoned within the distortions of perception and cognition, in any objective sense “know” the world that is Out There. But the illusion is so compelling that we find ever more seemingly obvious ways to convince ourselves that the knowledge is ever just out of reach — if we could only move a little bit faster towards it, we will surely catch it.

Meanwhile the individuals most drawn to the pursuit of wealth and power — the most arguably useful symbols one can wield in one’s pursuit of planetary domination via ideological colonization — have us zealously convinced of the above fallacy throughout every age. Playing on our deepest psychological weaknesses, it gets easier and easier to do so via application of all the modern tools in the toolbox of propaganda at our disposal, that only increase in number under the guise of the “progress” that curiously seems to benefit the wealthy and powerful in an asymmetrical way, versus providing promised benefits more broadly.

This is why we can’t have nice things

Or rather, why we can only have nice Things, and we can’t seem to find a way to enjoy the suspiciously elusive things which are not Things. The simple and ephemeral joys that only well up from In Here, from love to joy, empathy to compassion, are simply not measurable by the sophisticated rational-scientific methods we have thus far been able to invent. Not indexable, not capturable by market predictions or mathematical modeling, they teeter on the edge of a steep precipice inside of an aggressively advancing value system that resists being unhinged from the comforting certainty of statistical analysis — left flapping out in the harsh, unpredictable winds of uncertainty and risk.

Paradoxically (and somewhat hilariously), we often wonder why we’re so terribly bored and full of ennui at the whole otherwise astonishing business of life (once unmoored from the over-interventionism of the Business of Life). We cannot seem to grasp that all of our efforts at stamping out variability and disorder work precisely against us — distancing ourselves from the organic, unplanned diversity of the natural world that did just fine on its own, thank you very much, before it perhaps made the mistake of running into the set of random conditions that proved hospitable enough to produce our tragedy of a species: so well-intentioned, so brilliant and well-meaning, yet so horribly, pathologically, depressingly Quite Lost.

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