
illustrated animal taxonomy

It feels odd to have to make these arguments for diversity, again, some centuries after the Enlightenment. And centuries after Darwin, in whose name many fallacious opposite “interpretations” are levied. But apparently we must say it: diversity is good, actually.

The evidence is there for us as it has always been. Diversity isn’t a bad thing — it’s almost universally a good thing. For populations, for economies, for problem solving — for all of us. The more options there are, the higher probability that one of them might be the right match, or the thing that solves the problem, or the best selection for the job at hand.

In economics, Modern Portfolio Theory is based on the formal proof that diverse portfolios are stronger and more resilient to risk without sacrificing returns. So there’s a strict mathematical component to the arguments for diversity, but beyond that many other fields have also weighed in on the utility and pragmatic value of diversity. This assortment is a work in progress I’ll continue to add to over time:

a diverse menagerie of animals
  • In biology, more diverse populations are more responsive and resilient to a wider variety of changes. This resilience is one of the best arguments for diversity of all.
  • The best investment portfolio is the one that is most diversified. Harry Markowitz developed a mathematical proof to discover this now near-universal paradigmatic approach (MPT) in the 1950s.
  • In business, a diversity of new ideas leads to better decision-making and increased innovation; studies show a diverse workforce, as well as a diverse board, nets better results and outperforms their more conformist cousins. Conversely, too much groupthink and stale ideas lead to worse outcomes and less resilient firms.
  • Cross-pollination is generative, and the blending of ideas creates new concepts, new opportunities, new industries, and new trends — to name a few.
  • Range adds resilience — developing a broad range of skills and experiences help you adapt to constant change and grow in your career
  • Condorcet jury theorem: the more informed people there are making a decision, the more right it will be. Plurality makes better decisions. See also: wisdom of crowds
  • Law of large numbers: the more data points you have, the more accurate your distribution will be.
  • A large number of independent transactions helps economies function properly and grow. We speak of the economy “moving” and finding many touchpoints to do business on.
  • A lack of diversity can lead to poor outcomes, such as in echo chambers where people are not exposed to different points of view, and develop insular views that are self-reinforcing but usually divorced from reality.
  • Freedom produces diversity, by its very nature — and we do love our freedoms now, don’t we?

Diversity unhinges us because it unmasks our hidden assumption that if we all look the same, we will think the same and thereby avoid conflict.

Deep down, we still secretly hope that we can avoid having to deal with our differences by magically generating conformity.

Our unspoken wish is that, by being identical, we achieve the harmony and collective togetherness we so deeply crave — the collective harmony we mistake for God. In our zeal to commune with god, we instead are far more likely to fall victim to the pitfalls of collective narcissism and all the destructions it wreaks.

Diversity outcompetes monoculture

The opposite of diversity is monoculture… and inbreeding. Monoculture represents sameness, stasis, and stagnation — the system or culture feels fairly dull and stale.

Most people like a certain level of variety in their lives. Some though, have great aversion to difference, change, or both. Authoritarian personalities tend to dislike difference, while individuals with traditional conservative ideology tend to dislike change.

food from around the world

One of the more relatable arguments for diversity stems from the fact that a majority of people enjoy and benefit from diverse points of view, experiences, community members, and beyond. We love to eat different foods, travel to different places, and engage in different pasttimes. And our lives are enriched because of it.

Diversity ought to be celebrated, not denigrated. In many ways it is the very stuff of life — something that helps make life precious and meaningful.

Related to diversity

In opposition to diversity

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Elon Musk as a clown

Effective Altruism and Longtermism are relatively recent (since the late 2000s) twin philosophical movements making the claim that, as a human species, we ought to prioritize impacting the long-term future of humanity — hundreds, thousands, or millions of years from now — over and above any concerns for actual humans alive today. Largely inspired by utilitarianism, it favors questionable metrics like “lives saved per dollar” in its quest to not just do good, but “do the most good.”

Longtermism is an outgrowth of Effective Altruism (EA), a social movement developed by philosophers Peter Singer and William MacAskill. It emphasizes the moral importance of trying to shape the far future, and adherents argue that the long-term consequences of our actions far outweigh their short-term effects because of the potential of vast numbers of future lives. In other words, future people will outnumber us at such a scale that, by comparison to this imaginary future universe, our current-day lives are not very important at all.

It has numerous and powerful adherents among the Silicon Valley elite including Trump bromance Elon Musk, tech billionaire Peter Thiel (who spoke at the RNC in 2016), indicted and disgraced crypto trader Sam Bankman-Fried, Twitter and Square founder Jack Dorsey (who is good friends with Elon), OpenAI‘s CEO Sam Altman, Ethereum founder (and Thiel fellow) Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Asana Dustin Moskovitz, and others.

Why longtermism resonates with tech oligarchs

The tech-industrial complex is steeped in the idea of longtermism in part because it aligns so well with so many of their values:

  • technological optimism / techno-utopianism — the belief that technology is the solution to all of humanity’s greatest challenges
  • risk-taking mindset — venture capital is famous for its high-risk, high-reward mentality
  • Greatness Thinking — unwavering devotion to an Ayn Randian worldview in which only two groups exist: a small group of otherworldly titans, and everyone else
  • atomized world — social groups and historical context don’t matter much, because one’s personal individualized contributions are what make real impact on the world

The dubious ethics of effective altruism

Although it positions itself high, high above the heady clouds of moral superiority, EA is yet another in a long line of elaborate excuses for ignoring urgent problems we actually face, in favor of “reallocating resources” towards some long-distant predictively “better” class of people that do not currently exist and will not exist for thousands, millions, or even billions of years. It’s an elaborate excuse framework for “billionaires behaving badly” — who claim to be akin to saints or even gods who are doing the difficult work of “saving humanity,” but in reality are navel-gazing into their vanity projects and stroking each others’ raging narcissism while completely ignoring large, looming actual dangers in the here and now like climate change, systemic inequality, and geopolitical instabillity to name a few.

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Network Propaganda book cover

Is social media wrecking democracy? Are Russian propaganda campaigns or click-hungry β€œfake news” businesses on Facebook tearing apart our shared reality? Network Propaganda, by scholars Yochai Benkler, Robert Faris, and Hal Roberts, dives deep into these topics that swelled to prominence around the 2016 election.

Since Donald Trump’s election in 2016, a lot of people believe that new technologiesβ€”and how foreign actors manipulate themβ€”played a big role in his win and are fueling our β€œpost-truth” world, where disinformation and propaganda seem to thrive.

Network Propaganda flips that idea on its head. The book dives into an incredibly detailed study of American media coverage from the start of the 2016 election in April 2015 to Trump’s first year in office. By analyzing millions of news stories, social media shares on Facebook and Twitter, TV broadcasts, and YouTube content, it paints a full picture of how political communication in the U.S. really works. The authors dig into big topics like immigration, Clinton-related scandals, and the Trump-Russia investigation and reveal that right-wing media doesn’t play by the same rules as other outlets.

Their big takeaway? The conservative media ecosystem functions in a totally unique way, shaped by decades of political, cultural, and institutional shifts since the 1970s. This has created a kind of propaganda loop that’s pushed center-right media to the sidelines, radicalized the right, and made it more vulnerable to both domestic and foreign propaganda. Thus Russia’s involvement was more like pouring gasoline onto an existing fire — a conflagration which was raging prior to Putin’s arrival on the scene.

For readers both inside and outside the U.S., Network Propaganda offers fresh insights and practical ways to understandβ€”and maybe even fixβ€”the broader democratic challenges we’re seeing around the world.

Network Propaganda podcast book summary

I have been getting a kick out of NotebookLM‘s renditions of podcasts about the source materials uploaded to the Notebook. They are really quite good, and I can see them being useful for a number of purposes. Here’s an AI-generated discussion about Network Propaganda, taken from a PDF of the book as the source of the Notebook.

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The concept of “flying monkeys” is a term that originates from popular culture, being invented in the 1900 novel by L. Frank Baum, “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” — where the Wicked Witch of the West employs winged monkeys to carry out her malevolent deeds. It was much more broadly popularized by the 1939 film version of the book, “The Wizard of Oz,” which cemented in the public’s mind a vision of evil winged monkeys doing the bidding of a malevolent overlord.

In the realm of psychology and interpersonal relationships, the term has been appropriated to describe individuals who act on behalf of a narcissist or emotional predator, often without full awareness that they are being used to harm others.

Psychological underpinnings of flying monkeys

Flying monkeys serve as extensions of the narcissist’s inflated ego and domineering will. They are often manipulated into believing that the narcissist’s cause is just, and they may even think they are helping to protect or defend someone they care about. This is achieved through a range of manipulative tactics such as gaslighting, projection, and triangulation.

Gaslighting is a hallmark of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and emotional abuse that involves making someone doubt their own perceptions and memories, while projection shifts the narcissist’s negative traits onto the victim. Triangulation pits people against each other, creating a web of confusion and mistrust.

Usage by narcissists

Narcissists employ flying monkeys to extend their sphere of influence and control. These enablers can be friends, family members, or even colleagues who are manipulated into carrying out various tasks for the narcissist. These tasks can range from spreading rumors and gossip to more overt acts like harassment or stalking. The flying monkeys often believe they are acting out of loyalty or love, not realizing that they are pawns in a larger scheme.

The narcissist’s relationship with their flying monkeys is transactional. There’s an unspoken quid pro quo: the flying monkeys get to bask in the narcissist’s approval, and in return, they carry out the narcissist’s bidding. This dynamic allows the narcissist to maintain a clean image via plausible deniability, as they can always distance themselves from the actions of their flying monkeys.

Usage by cult leaders

In the context of cults, the concept takes on an even darker hue. Cult leaders often employ a cadre of devoted followers to enforce their will and isolate potential recruits from outside influences. These flying monkeys serve as a buffer between the leader and the outside world, allowing the leader to maintain an aura of mystique and unapproachability. They carry out tasks ranging from recruitment to punishment of dissenting members, all while believing that they are part of a grand, noble cause.

Ethical and social implications

The use of flying monkeys raises significant ethical and social concerns. It disrupts the social fabric, eroding trust within communities and families. Victims often find themselves isolated, as they cannot easily prove the manipulation at play. This isolation can lead to severe emotional and sometimes physical harm.

Flying monkeys and manipulation

Understanding the concept of flying monkeys is crucial for recognizing and combating manipulative behaviors in both personal and broader social contexts, and as an essential cult warning sign. Whether deployed by narcissists in interpersonal relationships or by cult leaders to maintain their power structures (or, often, both), flying monkeys serve as tools of manipulation, coercion, and control. Awareness of these dynamics is the first step in breaking the cycle and fostering healthier, more authentic relationships and societies.

Evil flying monkeys are in every environment, by Midjourney

Flying monkeys as a cultural reference

The concept of “flying monkeys” has permeated popular culture ever since its introduction in Baum’s book. Here’s an exhaustive list of cultural references to flying monkeys:

Literature and Film

The Wizard of Oz

  • In Baum’s original novel, flying monkeys are described as jungle monkeys with bird-like feathered wings.
  • The 1939 film adaptation popularized the visual image of flying monkeys, though they had a smaller role and didn’t speak.

Other Oz Adaptations

  • The 1964 animated TV special “Return to Oz” featured clumsy flying monkeys.
  • In the film version of “The Wiz,” flying monkeys are reimagined as a motorcycle gang.
  • The TV miniseries “Tin Man” depicts bat-winged monkeys called “Mobats”.
  • Flying monkeys appear in the 2013 animated film “Legends of Oz: Dorothy’s Return”.

Other Films

  • Jumanji” (1995) features a scene where monkeys imitate the flying monkeys from “The Wizard of Oz”.
  • Flying monkeys appear in “Inkheart” (2008).
  • The Lego Batman Movie” (2017) includes flying monkeys among its villains.


  • “The Simpsons” has referenced flying monkeys multiple times.
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and “Two and a Half Men” have mentioned flying monkeys.
  • “Once Upon a Time” featured a storyline involving flying monkeys in its third season.
  • “Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz” animated series includes flying monkeys as recurring characters.

Comics and Animation

  • In the comic series “Fables,” a winged monkey named Bufkin is a librarian in Fabletown.
  • Various animated adaptations of “The Wizard of Oz” have featured flying monkeys.

Music and Music Videos

  • The band Protest The Hero’s music video for “Heretics and Killers” features the band in winged monkey suits.

Video Games

  • Flying monkeys have appeared in various video games, often as enemies or obstacles.

Cultural Impact

  • The phrase “flying monkeys” has entered common usage to describe people who act on behalf of a manipulative individual, particularly in discussions of narcissism and manipulation.
  • The image of flying monkeys is often used in art, merchandise, and popular culture as a symbol of both whimsy and menace.

Misquotations and Misconceptions

  • The phrase “Fly, my pretties, fly!” is often misattributed to the Wicked Witch in “The Wizard of Oz,” but it doesn’t appear in the film.
  • This misquotation has been perpetuated through various media references, including “The Simpsons”.

Other Cultural References

  • There’s a false belief that Chinese mythology describes creatures called “Hsigo,” described as flying monkeys with human faces and dog tails. This is actually a modern fabrication with no basis in traditional Chinese folklore.

Symbolic Use

  • Flying monkeys are sometimes used as metaphors for unquestioning obedience or malicious compliance in social and organizational contexts.

The symbol of the flying monkey has had an enduring impact on literature, film, television, and popular imagination since its introduction in 1900. It is now an almost universally-recognized metaphor for a henchman or underling doing the bidding of someone evil, as well as a clinically useful term that can help identify potential emotional predators in our midst.

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The “lizard people” conspiracy theory is one of the more fantastical narratives that have found a niche within modern conspiracy culture. This theory suggests that shape-shifting reptilian aliens have infiltrated human society to gain power and control. They are often depicted as occupying high positions in government, finance, and industry, manipulating global events to serve their sinister agenda.

Origins and evolution

The roots of the reptilian conspiracy theory can be traced back to a mix of earlier science fiction, mythological tales, and conspiracy theories. However, it was British author David Icke who, in the 1990s, catapulted the idea into the mainstream of conspiracy culture. Icke’s theory combines elements of New Age philosophy, Vedic texts, and a wide array of conspiracy theories, proposing that these reptilian beings are part of a secret brotherhood that has controlled humanity for millennia — a variation on the global cabal conspiracy theory framework that shows up in a lot of places.

The Lizard People conspiracy theory, as illustrated by Midjourney

Icke’s initial ideas were presented in his book “The Biggest Secret” (1999), where he posits that these entities are from the Alpha Draconis star system, now hiding in underground bases and are capable of morphing their appearance to mimic human form. His theories incorporate a broad range of historical, religious, and cultural references, reinterpreting them to fit the narrative of reptilian manipulation.

Persistence and appeal

The persistence of the lizard people conspiracy can be attributed to several factors. First, it offers a simplistic explanation for the complexities and injustices of the world. By attributing the world’s evils to a single identifiable source, it provides a narrative that is emotionally satisfying for some, despite its utter lack of evidence.

Second, the theory thrives on the human tendency to distrust authority and the status quo. In times of social and economic upheaval, conspiracy theories offer a form of counter-narrative that challenges perceived power structures.

The Lizard People are bankers too

Third, the advent of the internet and social media has provided a fertile ground for the spread of such ideas. Online platforms allow for the rapid dissemination of conspiracy theories, connecting individuals across the globe who share these beliefs, thus reinforcing their validity within these communities.

Modern culture and society

In modern culture, the lizard people conspiracy theory occupies a peculiar niche. On one hand, it is often the subject of satire and parody, seen as an example of the most outlandish fringe beliefs. Shows, memes, and popular media references sometimes use the imagery of reptilian overlords as a humorous nod to the world of conspiracy theories.

On the other hand, the theory has been absorbed into the larger tapestry of global conspiracy culture, intersecting with other narratives about global elites, alien intervention, and secret societies. This blending of theories creates a complex and ever-evolving mythology that can be adapted to fit various personal and political agendas.

Despite its presence in the digital and cultural landscape, the reptilian conspiracy is widely discredited and rejected by mainstream society and experts. It’s critiqued for its lack of credible evidence, its reliance on anti-Semitic tropes (echoing age-old myths about blood libel and other global Jewish conspiracies), and its potential to fuel mistrust and paranoia.

Current status and impact

Today, the reptilian conspiracy theory exists on the fringes of conspiracy communities. While it has been somewhat overshadowed by newer and more politically charged conspiracies, it remains a staple within the conspiracy theory ecosystem. Its endurance can be seen as a testament to the human penchant for storytelling and the need to find meaning in an often chaotic world.

The impact of such theories is a double-edged sword. While they can foster a sense of community among believers, they can also lead to social alienation and the erosion of trust in institutions. The spread of such unfounded theories poses challenges for societies, emphasizing the need for critical thinking and media literacy in navigating the complex landscape of modern information.

The lizard people conspiracy theory is a fascinating study in the power of narrative, belief, and the human desire to make sense of the unseen forces shaping our world. While it holds little sway in academic or scientific circles, its evolution and persistence in popular culture underscore the enduring allure of the mysterious and the unexplained.

Recent pop culture and media references

The lizard people conspiracy theory continues to captivate the public imagination, finding its way into various forms of media and popular culture. Recent years have seen a surge in references to this outlandish theory, demonstrating its persistent influence on contemporary discourse.

Television and streaming

Netflix’s animated series “Inside Job” (2021) prominently features lizard people as part of its satirical take on conspiracy theories. The show depicts various celebrities and political figures, including Taylor Swift, Judge Judy, and even Queen Elizabeth II, revealing their “true” reptilian forms. This humorous approach both mocks and acknowledges the pervasiveness of the lizard people myth in popular consciousness.

Social media trends

TikTok has become a hotbed for conspiracy theory content, including discussions about lizard people. A study analyzing 1.5 million TikTok videos shared in the US over three years found that approximately 0.1% of all videos contained content related to conspiracy theories.Β While this percentage may seem small, it represents a significant number of videos given TikTok’s massive user base.

Podcasts and online content

The enduring fascination with the lizard people conspiracy is evident in the existence of dedicated podcasts like “Lizard People,” which explores various conspiracy theories, including the reptilian elite.Β Such content creators often blend humor with pseudo-investigation, further embedding the concept in internet culture.

The Lizard People, young dapper and woke crowd, by Midjourney

Video games and interactive media

While not necessarily directly referencing lizard people, a number of video games have incorporated reptilian humanoids or shape-shifting aliens as antagonists, potentially drawing inspiration from or alluding to the conspiracy theory. Some of the more notable examples include Deus Ex (2000), which includes references to various real-world conspiracy theories, with one of its factions, Majestic 12, connecting to theories about reptilian control.

The Mass Effect series includes the Salarians, a reptilian race highly influential in galactic politics. And in 2013’s Saints Row IV, there’s a direct satirical nod to the lizard people conspiracy theory in one of its mission plot lines that involves fighting against shape-shifting aliens infiltrating the government.

Public figure mentions

Although direct endorsements of the lizard people theory by mainstream public figures are rare, occasional references or jokes about the concept by celebrities or politicians can reignite public interest and discussion. However, it’s crucial to approach such mentions critically and verify their context and intent.

The persistence of the lizard people conspiracy in various media forms underscores its role as a cultural touchstone. Whether treated as satire, serious speculation, or a subject of mockery, the theory continues to evolve and adapt to new platforms and audiences — reflecting broader societal anxieties and the enduring human fascination with and craving for the unknown and the extraordinary.

Books about conspiracy theories

More conspiracy theories

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Grace Brewster Murray Hopper was a pioneering computer scientist and United States Navy rear admiral who made significant contributions to the field of computer programming and technology. Born on December 9, 1906, in New York City, Hopper’s life was marked by remarkable achievements and innovations that continue to shape the computing world today[1][2]. Who is Grace Hopper as we know her?

Early Life and Education

Hopper demonstrated an early aptitude for mathematics and science. She pursued her passion for these subjects at Vassar College, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and physics in 1928[1]. Continuing her academic journey, Hopper went on to obtain both a master’s degree (1930) and a Ph.D. in mathematics (1934) from Yale University[1][2].

Career and Contributions

Naval Service and Early Computing

In 1943, during World War II, Hopper joined the United States Navy Reserve[1]. This decision led her to work on the Harvard Mark I computer, one of the earliest electromechanical computers[1]. Her experience with the Mark I sparked a lifelong passion for computing and programming.

Pioneering Programming Languages

After the war, Hopper remained involved in computer research and development. In 1949, she joined the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation, where she made some of her most significant contributions[1][2]:

  • Developed one of the world’s first compilers, which translated human-readable code into machine language[2].
  • Played a crucial role in the development of COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language), one of the first high-level programming languages[1][2].
  • Promoted the idea of machine-independent programming languages, making programming more accessible to a broader audience[2].
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The Manichaean struggle between god and evil

History is rife with examples of dualistic thinkingβ€”black and white, good and evil, light and dark. Few frameworks encapsulate this philosophical dichotomy more vividly than Manichaeism, a religious movement born in 3rd century Persia. At its heart lies the concept of the “Manichaean Struggle,” an eternal cosmic battle that defines existence itself.

Though the religion has long since disappeared, its ideas about duality and morality resonate in ways both subtle and overt, shaping not just theology but how we think about human nature and ethics today. If anything, the modern world is more black and white now than at many times in the past.

Historical Context

Manichaeism was founded in 3rd century CE Persia by a prophet named Mani. Claiming to synthesize the wisdom of previous religious traditionsβ€”Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, and Christianityβ€”Mani positioned his teachings as the ultimate revelation. The religion rapidly gained a foothold across diverse regions, from the Roman Empire to the Silk Road, even reaching as far as China.

Yet, despite its initial success, Manichaeism faced relentless persecution from state powers, including the Roman Empire and the Sasanian rulers of Persia, alongside internal schisms. By the 14th century, the faith had all but disappeared, leaving behind traces in historical records and theological debates.

Core Beliefs of Manichaeism

At its core, Manichaeism proposed a dualistic cosmology: the world is a battleground between two primordial forcesβ€”good, symbolized by light, and evil, represented by darkness. Mani’s teachings divided cosmic history into three stages:

  1. Past Separation: A time when light and darkness existed apart.
  2. Present Mixture: The current era, in which the two forces intermingle, with particles of light trapped within the material world.
  3. Future Resolution: A prophesied time when light will be liberated and returned to its source, restoring cosmic balance.

This worldview emphasized the imprisonment of light particles within physical matter, including within human beings. The struggle to free these fragments of light became the central spiritual endeavor of every adherent.

Manichaean struggle between good and evil
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What is a dictator? Not someone you wanna meet in a dark alley.

What is a dictator, and what drives the allure of absolute power? How do dictators reshape the political and social landscapes they dominate? This post explores the intricate systems of control underpinning authoritarian governance, tracing its evolution from historical precedents to modern manifestations, and examining the far-reaching consequences for societies caught in its grip.

Dictators: Unraveling the Complexity of Authoritarian Governance

Political power represents a profound and intricate spectrum of human organizational capability, with dictatorships emerging as one of its most complex and destructive manifestations. The journey of understanding dictatorships requires a nuanced exploration that transcends simple categorizations, delving deep into the historical, sociological, and psychological landscapes that enable and sustain authoritarian control.

The Essence of Dictatorial Power

At its core, a dictator represents far more than a mere political leader. These individuals — often demagogues — are architects of comprehensive systems of control, systematically dismantling institutional safeguards and reconstructing societal frameworks to serve their singular vision of governance. Unlike democratically elected leaders constrained by robust institutional checks and balances, a dictatorship operates through a sophisticated network of power consolidation that penetrates every aspect of social and political life.

The hallmark of dictatorial governance lies not just in the concentration of power, but in the systematic elimination of alternative power structures. These leaders do not simply rule; they fundamentally reshape the entire landscape of political possibility, creating environments where opposition becomes not just difficult, but potentially life-threatening.

a dictator in the style of North Korea
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survival of the richest -- they intend to escape somewhere pre-planned as the planet burns

Douglas Rushkoff’s “Survival of the Richest: Escape Fantasies of the Tech Billionaires” delves into the unsettling strategies of the ultra-wealthy broligarchs as they prepare for global catastrophes of their own making. Drawing from personal encounters with tech magnates, Rushkoff unveils a mindset fixated on personal survival over collective well-being running rampant in Silicon Valley.

The Mindset

At the heart of Rushkoff’s critique is “The Mindset,” a belief system among tech billionaires from Peter Thiel to Elon Musk and beyond characterized by:

  • Extreme Wealth and Privilege: Leveraging vast resources to insulate themselves from societal collapse.
  • Escape Over Prevention: Prioritizing personal exit strategies rather than addressing systemic issues.
  • Technological Transcendence: Aiming to surpass human limitations through advanced technologies.

This worldview drives investments in elaborate escape plans, sidelining efforts to resolve the crises they anticipate. It is almost as if they are in a low-key doomsday cult, albeit one that lacks a singular leader and isn’t holed up in a compound (…yet).

A tech billionaire's private island escape plan -- how the rich will survive the coming catastrophes they've created

The Event

The term “The Event” encapsulates potential disasters such as environmental collapse — particularly from climate change, social unrest, pandemics, and cyberattacks. They believe we should expect more bitter divisiveness, more covid-19s, and more hostile hacking in our future. The elite perceive these scenarios as unavoidable, focusing on personal survival rather than prevention.

Escape Strategies

Rushkoff examines the lengths to which the ultra-rich go to secure their futures, including:

  • Luxury Bunkers: Constructing fortified shelters to withstand various apocalyptic events.
  • Seasteading Communities: Developing autonomous, floating societies beyond governmental reach.
  • Space Colonies: Investing in extraterrestrial habitats as ultimate escape routes.
  • Life Extension Technologies: Pursuing methods to prolong life, aiming to outlast earthly crises.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Exploring consciousness uploading to achieve digital immortality.

These measures reflect a desire to detach from societal responsibilities and the broader human community.

The Insulation Equation

Rushkoff introduces the “insulation equation,” illustrating how billionaires calculate the wealth required to shield themselves from the fallout of their own actions. This cycle perpetuates reckless behavior and further wealth accumulation, exacerbating the very problems they seek to escape.

Critique of Capitalism and Technology

The book critiques the symbiotic relationship between capitalism and technology, highlighting:

  • Exponential Growth Pursuit: An obsession with endless expansion at any cost.
  • Shareholder Primacy: Prioritizing investor returns over societal or environmental considerations.
  • Erosion of Empathy: A growing disconnect between the wealthy and the rest of society.
  • Resource Exploitation: Reducing nature and human complexity to mere commodities.

Rushkoff argues that this dynamic fosters a dystopian future dominated by private technologies and monopolistic control — a very authoritarian direction.

Historical Context

Positioning today’s tech elites within a historical framework, Rushkoff contends they are not pioneers but continuations of past power structures that enriched themselves at others’ expense. Their perceived uniqueness is, in reality, a repetition of historical patterns, including colonialism.

Proposed Solutions

While primarily a critique, Rushkoff offers some ideas for pathways to counteract “The Mindset”:

  • Rejecting Doom’s Inevitability: Embracing proactive solutions over fatalistic resignation.
  • Supporting Local Economies: Fostering community resilience through localized commerce.
  • Advocating Anti-Monopoly Laws: Challenging corporate dominance to promote fair competition.
  • Redefining Identity: Moving beyond algorithmic categorizations to embrace human complexity.

Some critics argue these suggestions may not fully address the scale of the issues presented — but it’s much easier to be a critic than to come up with these solutions. We may not know all the answers yet as to how to curb these alarming trends, but I think Rushkoff’s point is well taken that we ought to involve ourselves in at least starting to work out the solutions with some urgency.

yet another glorious fantasy home of the richest and most famous who will leave the rest of us behind so they can survive

Ultimately, “Survival of the Richest” serves as a stark examination of the escapist fantasies of the tech elite, and an eye-opening look behind the curtains of the Great Oz’s who dot our landscape today. These wealthy tech elites have promised the moon (or Mars) without knowing whether they could really deliver — and all the while planning a Plan B in case their hare-brained schemes went belly-up. They are okay with sacrificing the vast majority of the people on the planet, as long as their underground bunkers (or better yet, private islands) are there for them.

By exposing their self-serving strategies, Rushkoff urges a shift from individualistic survivalism to collective action in tackling the many global challenges that face us today. We would be wise to heed the call and gather our tribes early and often.

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sadism a trait of the Dark Triad

The Psychology of Sadism: Understanding the Dark Side of Human Nature

In the pantheon of human psychological traits, few are as unsettling – yet fascinating – as sadism. While the term often conjures images of extreme criminal behavior or medieval torture chambers, the reality is both more nuanced and more pervasive than most people realize. Let’s dive deep into the psychological architecture of sadism and explore what modern science tells us about this disturbing aspect of human nature.

The Spectrum of Sadistic Behavior

At its core, sadism represents the capacity to derive pleasure from others’ suffering. But like many psychological phenomena, it exists on a spectrum rather than as a binary trait. On one end, we find what researchers call “everyday sadism” – those small cruel behaviors that pepper ordinary life, like enjoying watching fail videos or taking pleasure in office politics gone wrong. On the other end lies clinical sadism, the domain of true predators and those who commit acts of serious violence.

This spectrum theory helps explain why perfectly “normal” people might engage in behaviors like internet trolling or workplace bullying. These acts represent subclinical manifestations of sadistic tendencies that, while concerning, fall well short of criminal behavior.

The Dark Tetrad: A Family of Malevolent Traits

Sadism doesn’t exist in isolation. It’s part of what psychologists call the Dark Tetrad – a cluster of interconnected traits including narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy (it’s the newest band member of the artist formerly known as the Dark Triad). Think of these as the four horsemen of malevolent personality, each bringing its own flavor of interpersonal toxicity to the table.

What makes sadism unique within this dark constellation? Unlike its siblings, sadism involves a willingness to incur personal costs just to harm others. A narcissist might hurt you to get ahead, but a sadist will hurt you simply because it feels good – even if it means sacrificing their own resources or social standing in the process.

The Anatomy of a Sadistic Personality

Modern psychological research has identified three key components of sadistic personality:

  1. Physical violence isn’t just tolerated – it’s enjoyed. Whether participating in or merely witnessing violent acts, sadistic individuals experience positive emotions where others would feel revulsion.
  2. Verbal sadism manifests as a love of cruel humor, cutting remarks, and psychological warfare. These individuals don’t just win arguments; they savor their opponent’s emotional pain.
  3. Violent media consumption goes beyond normal entertainment preferences. Sadistic individuals actively seek out graphic content and experience genuine pleasure from witnessing violence, even in fictional contexts.
a sadistic man watching violence on TV

The Neuroscience of Cruelty

Recent neurobiological research has begun to unlock the physical basis of sadistic behavior. Studies show that sadistic individuals often display blunted startle responses similar to those seen in psychopaths. This suggests a fundamental difference in how their brains process threats and emotional stimuli.

Even more intriguingly, brain imaging studies have revealed potential alterations in regions associated with empathy and emotion processing. It’s as if the neural machinery normally responsible for sharing others’ pain has been rewired to experience it as pleasure instead.

Measuring the Unmeasurable

How do you quantify something as complex as sadistic tendencies? Researchers have developed several innovative approaches:

The Comprehensive Assessment of Sadistic Tendencies (CAST) provides a standardized way to measure sadistic traits across populations.

Behavioral experiments, including the infamous “bug-grinding study,” create controlled environments where sadistic tendencies can be observed in action.

Advanced neuroimaging techniques allow researchers to watch the sadistic brain in real-time, offering unprecedented insights into the neural correlates of cruel behavior.

Why This Matters

Understanding sadism isn’t just an academic exercise. It has profound implications for:

  • Predicting and preventing violent behavior
  • Developing more effective interventions for individuals with sadistic tendencies
  • Understanding the psychological mechanisms behind systemic cruelty and institutional violence
  • Creating safer online spaces by addressing trolling and cyberbullying
  • Improving workplace dynamics by recognizing and addressing subtle forms of sadistic behavior

Looking Forward

As our understanding of sadism continues to evolve, we’re faced with uncomfortable questions about human nature. Is the capacity for sadistic pleasure a bug or a feature of our psychological makeup? Can we develop effective interventions to curb sadistic tendencies? How do we balance the need to understand sadism with the risk of normalizing it?

These questions don’t have easy answers, but they’re crucial to address as we work toward creating a society that can recognize, understand, and ultimately minimize the expression of sadistic behavior.

The study of sadism reminds us that the darker aspects of human nature deserve neither glorification nor denial, but rather careful, clear-eyed examination. Only by understanding the psychology of cruelty can we hope to build a world with less of it.

For a deeper dive into related topics in psychology and human behavior (and more), explore more articles here on Doctor Paradox.

Related to sadism

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Kakistocracyβ€”a term that may sound esoteric but is disturbingly relevant todayβ€”refers to governance by the least qualified or most unscrupulous individuals. Derived from the Greek words “kakistos” (κάκιστος), meaning “worst,” and “kratos” (κράτος), meaning “rule,” it literally translates to “government by the worst people.”

Historical context of kakistocracy

The concept of kakistocracy isn’t new. It first appeared in the 17th century, notably in a 1644 sermon by Paul Gosnold, who lamented the transformation of a well-tempered monarchy into a “mad kinde of Kakistocracy.”

Later, in 1829, English author Thomas Love Peacock used the term in his novel “The Misfortunes of Elphin,” contrasting it with aristocracy. By 1876, American poet James Russell Lowell expressed his dismay over the “degradation of the moral tone,” questioning whether democracy had devolved into a kakistocracy.

Modern resonance

Fast forward to the 21st century, and the term has resurfaced in political discourse. Critics have applied it to various governments, from Russia under Vladimir Putin to Egypt under Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, and notably to the United States during Donald Trump‘s presidency. The term gained traction as commentators highlighted perceived incompetence and corruption within these administrations.

Defining traits of kakistocracy

A kakistocracy is marked by several alarming characteristics:

  • Incompetence: Leaders lack the necessary skills or qualifications for their roles.
  • Corruption: Officials prioritize personal gain over public interest. The term kleptocracy also often applies to kakistocracies.
  • Nepotism: Appointments are based on personal connections rather than merit.
  • Disregard for Expertise: Scientific or expert advice is often ignored or dismissed.
  • Erosion of Institutions: Democratic norms and institutions are weakened or undermined.


The ramifications of a kakistocracy are profound:

  • Moral Degradation: A decline in societal ethical standards.
  • Resource Mismanagement: Public resources are squandered or exploited.
  • Erosion of Trust: Public confidence in governmental institutions diminishes.
  • Structural Damage: Long-term harm to political, economic, and social frameworks.

Guarding Against Kakistocracy

To prevent or remedy such governance, several measures are essential:

  • Strengthening Democratic Institutions: Ensuring robust checks and balances.
  • Promoting Education and Civic Engagement: Empowering citizens to participate actively in governance.
  • Enhancing Transparency and Accountability: Holding officials responsible for their actions.
  • Supporting Independent Media: Encouraging investigative journalism and protecting whistleblowers.

In an era where the quality of leadership is under intense scrutiny, understanding and recognizing the signs of kakistocracy is crucial. By fostering informed and active citizenry, we can strive to uphold the principles of competent and ethical governance.

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What is fascism? Fascism is a far-right political ideology that emerged in the early 20th century, primarily in Italy under Benito Mussolini. It advocates for a centralized, authoritarian government, often led by a dictatorial figure, and places a strong emphasis on nationalism and, sometimes, racial purity. Fascism rejects liberal democracy, socialism, and communism, instead promoting a form of radical authoritarian ultranationalism. It often involves the suppression of dissent, the glorification of war and violence, and the demonization of perceived enemies, whether they be internal or external.

Historical context of fascism

Fascism gained prominence in the aftermath of World War I, a period marked by social upheaval, economic instability, and a crisis of traditional values. Mussolini’s Italy was the birthplace of fascism, but the ideology found its most extreme and devastating expression in Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler. The Holocaust, the invasion of multiple countries, and the atrocities committed during World War II, including genocide, are dark chapters directly associated with fascist ideology. After the war, fascism was discredited but not eradicated. Various forms of neo-fascism, far-right, and alt-right ideologies have emerged in different parts of the world, although they often avoid the label of “fascism” due to its historical baggage.

Psychology of adherents

Understanding the psychology of those who adhere to fascist ideologies can be challenging but is crucial for a comprehensive view. Several factors contribute to the appeal of fascism:

  • Social Identity: People often gravitate towards ideologies that offer a strong sense of community and identity. Fascism’s emphasis on nationalism and often ethnocentrism can be attractive to those feeling alienated or marginalized.
  • Economic Insecurity: Fascism often gains traction during times of economic uncertainty. The promise of stability and prosperity can be enticing to those who feel left behind by other political systems.
  • Fear and Prejudice: Fascist ideologies often exploit existing prejudices, whether they be racial (like white nationalism), religious (like Christian nationalism), or otherwise, to create an “us versus them” mentality.
  • Desire for Order: The authoritarian nature of fascism can appeal to those who value social order and are willing to trade off democratic freedoms for promised or perceived safety and stability.
  • Charismatic Leadership: Fascist movements often rely on charismatic leaders who can galvanize public sentiment and offer simplistic solutions to complex problems. So do cults.

Core Ideological Pillars of Fascism

At the heart of fascism lies a rabid nationalism that elevates the nation above all else, often cloaked in exclusionary rhetoric that defines “the nation” by narrow ethnic, racial, or cultural terms.

Fascist regimes hinge on the power of a singular, dictatorial leader who positions himself as the embodiment of the national will.

Totalitarian Control
A fascist state doesn’t just seek influence; it seeks control over every corner of public and private life, leaving no room for dissent.

Rejection of Democracy
Inherently hostile to liberal democracy, fascism dismantles pluralism, erodes individual rights, and scorns any notion of democratic checks.

Cult of the Leader
Charismatic, “infallible,” and above reproach, the fascist leader becomes a central figure to be idolized and obeyed without question.

red MAGA hat crowd

Social and Cultural Machinery of Fascism

Fascism lionizes military power, often celebrating conflict and expansionism as tools for national rejuvenation.

Social Darwinism
Fascist ideology thrives on a belief in social hierarchies, arguing that the strong must dominate the weak in a brutal, zero-sum worldview.

Ideas and arts that challenge fascist ideals are often met with disdain or outright suppression. Thought and expression are sacrificed on the altar of ideology.

Sexism and Rigid Gender Roles
Fascist movements are overwhelmingly male-dominated and sexist, perpetuating restrictive gender norms and relegating women to traditional roles.

A classic tool: fascism thrives on the creation of enemies, identifying scapegoatsβ€”whether minorities, intellectuals, or political dissidentsβ€”as a unifying target for the masses.

Political and Economic Playbook of Fascism

Fascism tends to ally with powerful business interests, intertwining the state with corporate power to mutually reinforce each other’s agendas.

Suppression of Labor
Labor unions and workers’ rights are among the first casualties, often stifled or eradicated in a fascist regime’s march to consolidate power.

Media Domination
Fascists aim to monopolize information, using propaganda and disinformation to construct a controlled narrative that drowns out dissent.

Obsession with Security
Fear is weaponized. Fascists often amplify threats, real or imagined, to justify repressive measures under the banner of β€œnational security.”

Methods and Tactics of Fascism

Violence as a Political Tool
Organized violence isn’t just incidental to fascismβ€”it’s woven into the strategy, deployed to silence opposition and enforce control.

Manipulation of Truth
Fascism operates in a realm where facts are malleable. Myths, lies, and distorted realities are crafted to serve political ends.

Populist Rhetoric
Fascist leaders often adopt populist language to appear as champions of β€œthe people,” casting themselves as saviors from elites or corrupt institutions.

While not all these elements must be present to identify fascism, a critical mass of these characteristicsβ€”especially the core ideological traitsβ€”serves as a clear signal of fascist leanings. Fascism’s true face is layered, but its essence is unmistakably authoritarian, divisive, and repressive.

fascism in the streets

What is fascism? Fascism is a far-right ideology that has had a profound impact on global history and continues to exist in various forms today. Its appeal lies in its ability to offer simple solutions to complex problems, often at the expense of individual freedoms and ethical considerations. Understanding the historical and psychological factors that contribute to the rise of fascism is crucial for recognizing and combating it in the modern world — where it is once again on the rise.

Be sure to get familiar with the signs of fascism.

And fascism is a specific form of authoritarianism, so it’s useful to know about that too.

More about authoritarianism

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disinformation illustrated by midjourney

In today’s digital landscape, disinformation has become an ever-present challenge, influencing everything from public opinion to personal beliefs. Understanding and combating disinformation isn’t just a task for media professionals; it’s a crucial skill for anyone navigating the vast array of information and misinformation in our interconnected world.

This curated list of books offers invaluable insights into the mechanisms of disinformation and the tools we can use to think critically, fact-check effectively, and enhance our media literacy. With perspectives spanning neuroscience, history, and media studies, these books dive deep into the factors that make disinformation so potentβ€”and what we can do to counter it. Whether you’re a publishing or media professional looking to stay informed or a member of the general public eager to sharpen your information literacy skills, this selection has something for everyone interested in the truth amidst a world of half-truths and fabrications.

Disinformation book summaries

Active Measures: The Secret History of Disinformation and Political Warfare

by Thomas Rid

The book provides a comprehensive historical account of disinformation campaigns, tracing their evolution from the early 20th century to the present day. Rid explores how intelligence agencies, governments, and other actors have used “active measures” to manipulate public opinion and influence political outcomes. The author examines key case studies, including Cold War operations and modern digital disinformation campaigns, offering insights into the tactics and strategies employed in information warfare.

This Is Not Propaganda: Adventures in the War Against Reality

by Peter Pomerantsev

Pomerantsev’s book explores the global landscape of information manipulation, drawing on personal experiences and interviews with key figures in the field. The author examines how various actors, from authoritarian regimes to populist movements, exploit modern communication technologies to shape narratives and influence public opinion. The book offers insights into the challenges facing democracy and truth in the digital age.

You Are Being Lied To: The Disinformation Guide to Media Distortion, Historical Whitewashes and Cultural Myths

by Russ Kick (Editor)

This collection of essays challenges conventional narratives and exposes various forms of misinformation across different domains. The book covers a wide range of topics, from media manipulation to historical inaccuracies and cultural misconceptions. It aims to encourage critical thinking and skepticism towards information presented by governments, media, corporations, and other institutions.

Network Propaganda: Manipulation, Disinformation, and Radicalization in American Politics

by Yochai Benkler, Robert Faris, and Hal Roberts

This comprehensive study analyzes media coverage of American presidential politics from 2015 to 2018. The authors argue that the right-wing media ecosystem operates fundamentally differently from the rest of the media environment, creating a propaganda feedback loop. The book examines how this dynamic has marginalized center-right media, radicalized the right-wing ecosystem, and made it susceptible to propaganda efforts.

LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media

by P.W. Singer and Emerson T. Brooking

This book examines how social media has become a new battlefield for information warfare. The authors explore how various actors, including governments, terrorists, and activists, use social media platforms to shape public opinion, spread propaganda, and influence real-world events. The book offers insights into the strategies and tactics employed in this new form of conflict and discusses the implications for society and warfare.

The Misinformation Age: How False Beliefs Spread

by Cailin O’Connor and James Owen Weatherall

“The Misinformation Age” explores the social and psychological factors that contribute to the spread of false beliefs. The authors use case studies and scientific research to explain how misinformation propagates through social networks and why it can be so persistent. They examine the role of cognitive biases, social dynamics, and information ecosystems in shaping our beliefs and discuss potential strategies for combating the spread of false information.

Fake News: Understanding Media and Misinformation in the Digital Age

by Melissa Zimdars and Kembrew McLeod (Editors)

This collection of essays from various experts examines the phenomenon of “fake news” from multiple perspectives. The book covers topics such as the history of misinformation, the role of social media in spreading false narratives, and the challenges of fact-checking in the digital age. It offers insights into the complex landscape of modern media and provides strategies for navigating an information environment rife with misinformation.

Information Wars: How We Lost the Global Battle Against Disinformation and What We Can Do About It

by Richard Stengel

Drawing from his experience as Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, Stengel provides an insider’s account of the U.S. government’s efforts to combat disinformation. The book examines the challenges faced in countering propaganda from state actors like Russia and non-state actors like ISIS. Stengel offers insights into the nature of modern information warfare and proposes strategies for addressing the threat of disinformation.

Antisocial: Online Extremists, Techno-Utopians, and the Hijacking of the American Conversation

by Andrew Marantz

Marantz’s book provides an in-depth look at the individuals and groups behind the rise of online extremism and disinformation in America. Through extensive interviews and firsthand accounts, the author explores how fringe ideas have moved into the mainstream, facilitated by social media platforms and tech industry dynamics. The book offers insights into the complex interplay between technology, media, and politics in shaping public discourse.

Weaponized Lies: How to Think Critically in the Post-Truth Era

by Daniel J. Levitin

This book serves as a practical guide for navigating the complex information landscape of the “post-truth” era. Levitin provides tools and strategies for critical thinking, teaching readers how to evaluate claims, spot logical fallacies, and interpret statistics. The book aims to empower individuals to become more discerning consumers of information and to resist manipulation through misinformation and deceptive rhetoric.

The Reality Game: How the Next Wave of Technology Will Break the Truth

by Samuel Woolley

This book looks ahead to emerging technologies and their potential impact on the spread of disinformation. Woolley examines how artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and other advanced technologies might be used to create and disseminate even more convincing false narratives. The author also explores potential countermeasures and the role of policy in addressing these future challenges.

disinformation into the future

Lie Machines: How to Save Democracy from Troll Armies, Deceitful Robots, Junk News Operations, and Political Operatives

by Philip N. Howard

Howard’s book explores the world of computational propaganda, examining how social media platforms, artificial intelligence, and big data are being used to manipulate public opinion. The author investigates the actors behind disinformation campaigns, from state-sponsored trolls to political consultants, and discusses the implications for democracy. The book also offers potential solutions for combating these “lie machines” and preserving democratic discourse.

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The Former Guy has been continuously proclaiming to know nothing about Project 2025, the plan whose authors include 70% current and former Trump officials. In that he doth protest too much — does Trump support Project 2025? You bet your bippy he does!

What is Project 2025? Think of it as a vast plan, close to the former president, to feverishly establish Christofascism in America starting with Day 1 of a second Trump presidency. It is a 920-page document, and 1000-employee project, to “supercharge” another Trump term with an infusion of Christian nationalism.

More than 100 Christian nationalist organizations and groups are involved in drafting the blueprint for Trump’s next term, should that horrorscape come to pass. One core problem they have, however, is the extreme unpopularity of their ideas. Most Americans are recoiling from the draconian measures Project 2025 wishes to bestow upon the nation, unasked for and unwanted — including banning abortion nationwide, restricting IVF, defunding education, pulling out of NATO, etc.

Who is behind Project 2025?

Project 2025 is so toxic in fact that Donald Trump tried to disavow it on Truth Social:

Trump disavows Project 2025 on his social network, Truth Social

But despite his pathetic attempt to disclaim knowledge about Project 2025, Trump’s current and former staff make up the majority of the group’s architects. Trump’s name appears 312 times in their document. It’s simply not credible that the GOP presumptive nominee is unaware of his loudest allies and advocates — and even if you take the known liar at his word, it constitutes malpractice for a political candidate to be so uninformed.

So allegedly, Donald Trump doesn’t know anyone behind Project 2025. Let’s have a look at the amazing Venn Diagram between Trump officials and Project 2025, shall we?

Kevin Roberts and Trump on a plane

Heritage Foundation president and leader of the organization behind Project 2025, Kevin Roberts, grins with Trump on a private plane in 2022, on the way to a Heritage conference in which Trump gave a keynote address about the project and its policy proposals.

In April 2024 Roberts told the Washington Post first hand that β€œI personally have talked to President Trump about Project 2025.” Apparently then, at least one of the two men is lying.

Continue reading Does Trump support Project 2025?
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