
are not merely empowered to separate us from discerning fact and fiction.
They separate us from debate; civic discourse; meaningful conflict;
From coalition-building; compromise; concession.
They separate us from each other.

Communities seem quaint
Common ground, a shifting place
Quicksand beneath one’s feet
We are all swamp things now
The eyes ogle, waiting for us to falter — for sport

Our shelf lives grow ever shorter
While billionaires transfuse the blood of the young
The youth don’t want my mid-life crisis
It bores them so
My tone grates on America’s next greats

Ideologies wage the fifth world war out on the vast placeless social media savannah 
Faux fantastical beasts feast upon felled paper tigers
One can only hope the most outsized egos
Are the biggest dinosaurs
When the meteor comes

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Without the doing of some thing brand inappropriate 
Something unmonetizable 
If i don't rend the cloth of this Culture Fit soon 
i will die 
Like the coral 
Like two-thirds of the wild 
Like the humans on the edge of a rising shoreline 
In a ceaseless world 
With iceless poles 
And icy proles   
As the planet heats, 
Civilization chills; 
Swallowing our red or our blue pills; 
Interned into camps of grievers and shills 
Grieve i do and for the West 
Our president the Bigly Best! 
We'll come and go at his behest 
Put down your Freedom of Info Requests 
Baby, you just ain't seen nothin' yet 
Joe Walsh got his balls out, and his musket too 
The Lefties dream of Saskatoon 
We're all gonna get that Change real soon 
You'll see when fascism hits High Noon 
We'll finish tearing ourselves apart 
In the streets and in the dark 
Can no longer recreate in this park 
Leslie Knope didn't fit the part 
She had the mighty audacity 
To take purview over Benghazi 
Once Bush and Blair left Qaddafi 
Those GOP goons would never get off me 
My God, all the emails 
The Chaffetz' anemic security details 
At least we're swaddled by all this retail 
Black Friday's never been so beyond the pale 
Pale as a ghost 
White as a sheet 
Our New Balance host 
Circle jerks its meat 
Of all the PUAs and all the Teas 
Even the most mundane of these 
See the female as a tease 
Hang the browns up in the trees 
We're all strange fruit upon our knees 
Ain't no more reason to appease 
Already done killed off all them bees 
Turnt up the thermostat a few degrees 
TVs blaring back our postmodern sleaze 
Found ourselves a favorite scapegoat 
And a good long length of real strong rope 
The corruption will be all excised 
By the 'tubes chock full of Russian spies 
This revolution will be televised 
As America just dies and dies 
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i relied on you  
as the harbinger of truth 
and you never gave me my due 

wanted to dance 
and sail off to France 
but you called me back here from the blue

i understand now 
it was all just a row 
we were slated to have from the start 

if i followed that path 
its inexorable math 
would lead me closer too far to my heart

cheated with coin 
like most prone to join 
we can't turn away from the chrome 

left on our own 
we haunt pursuit of our bones 
never expecting we'd end up alone

did what you said 
ended up in bed
with all the white ghosts of my youth 

i should have gone far 
drove away in some car 
than come back and face this truth

that we're all just a friend 
who'll be left in the end 
always to fend for oneself 

if you're nice to what made you 
some grace then may fade you 
else then you're left out on your own 
your own 
your own

if you can climb out of there 
find some nearby stair 
you've got a clean shot at the throne 

but miss your chance 
to strike out & dance 
you too could be left so alone

i cling fast to you 
like drowning men do 
when they're desperate to suck in some air 

but we'll both go down 
with spectacular frowns 
preventing each other's aware

it don't matter now 
been too long anyhow 
since anyone cared what we do 

i'll just stick here for now 
in this fantastical row 
'til i see a path out of this gloom

was meant for much more 
but got lashed to the door 
could never pass Go! once that took, 

try as i might 
through each horrored night 
i could never get free of that hook

it sticks in your mind 
won't believe what you'll find 
the truth spills out plainly one day 

when we least expect 
some camera crew leapt 
at the chance to reveal what we say

it wasn't my fate 
& i'm still super late
in taking my place on the stage 

hold back the crowd 
they're cheering so loud 
& i'm on my way still from this cage

let the spotlight so shine 
on what's yours & what's mine 
it hardly makes sense anymore 

but they told us we're cool 
& deserve to still rule
& they still come around to our door

don't leave us now 
we're OK anyhow 
don't need that whole world for our due 

i'll just use what i have 
and we'll be depraved 
but i'll love to be stuck here with you
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