
Ukraine President Volodomyr Zelensky is dejected in his Oval Office meeting with Donald Trump

A Diplomatic Travesty in the Oval Office: Zelensky, Trump, and JD Vance’s Foreign Policy Ambush

The Oval Office has seen its share of tense diplomatic moments, but the recent clash between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and former U.S. President Donald Trumpβ€”joined by Ohio Senator JD Vanceβ€”marks a new low in international decorum. What was expected to be a high-stakes discussion on Ukraine’s future and continued U.S. support instead devolved into a heated, profanity-laced exchange, described by German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock as ushering in a β€œnew era of profanity.”

In a tense and extraordinary meeting in front of the cameras, President Trump and Vice President Vance confronted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in what appeared to be a carefully orchestrated diplomatic ambush. With Russian state media present while major American outlets were excluded, Trump and Vance pressured Zelensky to accept terms highly favorable to Russia – including a ceasefire that would effectively cede Ukrainian territory and sign over rights to valuable rare-earth minerals without firm security guarantees in return. Zelensky pointed out that Putin had broken ceasefire agreements 25 times already — so what was his incentive to find this one credible, particularly without any concrete guarantees?

In response to a reporter’s question about the US’s sudden shift away from its staunch Cold War stance to embracing Russia, Trump complained that Zelensky showed “such hate” towards Putin, who — he alleged — has suffered very badly (hatred being more impactful than military invasion, I guess?). When Zelensky remained composed and warned that the United States might “feel problems” due to its shifting alliance toward Russia, Trump grew visibly agitated, repeatedly insisting Americans would “feel very good and very strong” instead, while Vance accused the Ukrainian leader of being ungrateful for American support — as someone insecure and in need of praise would do.

Ukraine PResident Volodomyr Zelensky is skeptical of Vice President JD Vance in the Oval Office with Trump

The situation escalated when Zelensky calmly but firmly stated that Trump and Vance would “feel influenced” by Russia, triggering an extended, angry tirade from Trump that veered into his grievances about Russian election interference investigations, criticisms of former Presidents Biden and Obama, and rhetoric that closely mirrored Putin’s talking points and invented conspiracy theories on Ukraine.

Continue reading The German Foreign Minister doesn’t mince words following Zelensky-Trump row in the Oval Office
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totalitarianism as a mindless form of hero worship

What Is Totalitarianism? A Comprehensive Guide

In today’s complex geopolitical landscape, understanding different systems of governance is crucial for making sense of world events. Among these systems, totalitarianism stands out as one of the most extreme forms of government control. What exactly is totalitarianism, how does it function, and what can history teach us about its impacts — and how to fight back against its oppressive aims?

Defining Totalitarianism

Totalitarianism is a form of government and political system that attempts to assert total control over the lives of its citizens. It shares similarities with both fascism and authoritarianism, but unlike other authoritarian regimes, totalitarian states seek to subordinate all aspects of individual life to the authority of the state. The term itself suggests the extreme “total” nature of this controlβ€”extending beyond purely political spheres into social, economic, cultural, and even private dimensions of human existence.

What distinguishes totalitarianism from other forms of authoritarianism is its ambition to erase the line between government and society entirely. Under totalitarianism, there is no concept of a private life outside the reach of state authority.

Key Characteristics of Totalitarian Regimes

1. Complete State Control of Society

Totalitarian states attempt to control virtually every aspect of social life:

  • Business and Economy: State-directed economic policies, often involving nationalization or collectivization of industries and resources
  • Labor: Control over labor unions, work assignments, and employment opportunities
  • Housing: Allocation and control of housing and living arrangements
  • Education: Strict control of curriculum and educational institutions to indoctrinate youth
  • Religion: Suppression or co-option of religious institutions
  • The Arts: Censorship and direction of artistic expression to serve state purposes
  • Personal Life: Intrusion into family relationships, leisure activities, and personal decisions
  • Youth Organizations: Creation of state-sponsored youth groups to foster loyalty from an early age

2. Dynamic Leader

Totalitarian systems typically center around a charismatic, authoritarian leader who:

  • Serves as the unifying symbol of the government
  • Builds a personality cult around themselves
  • Claims to embody the will of the people or nation
  • Encourages popular support through a combination of charisma and coercion
  • Is often portrayed as infallible or possessing extraordinary abilities
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You’ll hear a common retort on the extreme right that now holds sway in the mainstream Republican Party, in response to protests about the dismantling of democracy in this country — that we’re “a republic, not a democracy.” Right off the bat, a republic is a form of democracy — so they are claiming something akin to having a Toyota and not a car. It makes no logical sense, and is based in simple ignorance of civics and basic political philosophy.

But it manages to get worse — the origins of the bully taunt “a republic, not a democracy” are located in the segregationist movement. Specifically, the concept comes from the pro-segregation book You and Segregation, written in 1955 by future Senator Herman E. Talmadge.

John Birch Society loonies laud “a republic, not a democracy”

The “republic, not a democracy” meme would go on to be featured in the John Birch Society Blue Book — an organization so toxically extremist that even conservative darling William F. Buckley distanced himself from them. They feared the idea that increasing democratization would be a shifting balance of power away from white conservative men, and they spun numerous conspiracy theories to explain this as the result of nefarious undercover plot to overthrow Western Civilization.

In reality, the trend towards greater democracy is something the Founders themselves envisioned — though they likely could not have imagined how it would turn out. They believed fiercely in self-governance, and a clear separation from the tyranny of kings.

They wanted us to amend our Constitution, and to look at them in hindsight not as saintly gods but as mere men — who could govern themselves just as well as any reasonably earnest group of human beings could also do. At the time, arguably, they would have said “group of men” — but they were products of their time, and their worldview was limited to a patriarchal frame. Philosophically speaking, the Declaration of Independence is clear in its lofty goals — if its author was not so clear in his personal behavior regarding the equality of all persons.

That is what Abraham Lincoln meant by the “better angels” of our nature — that though we are fallible humans who make mistakes and have hubris and repeat the same idiocies again and again, we yet strive to become better than what we currently are. It’s noble, and inspiring, and is the better basis for a nation to unify around than that of hatred, bigotry, and petty revenge that the current Trump 2.0 administration stands for.

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Donald Trump pathocracy, by Midjourney

Pathocracy is a relatively lesser-known concept in political science and psychology, which refers to a system of government in which individuals with personality disorders, particularly those who exhibit psychopathic, narcissistic, and similar traits (i.e. the “evil of Cluster B“), hold significant power. This term was first introduced by Polish psychiatrist Andrzej Łobaczewski in his work “Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes.”

The crux of pathocracy lies in the rule by a small pathological minority, which imposes a regime that is damaging to the majority of non-pathological people. The key characteristics of pathocratic leadership include a lack of empathy, a disregard for the rule of law, manipulation, authoritarianism, and often, brutal repression. Many who are attracted to pathocratic rule exhibit the Dark Triad trio of malevolent and manipulative personality traits.

Origins and development of the concept of pathocracy

Pathocracy emerges from Łobaczewski’s study of totalitarian regimes, particularly those of Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler and Communism in the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin. Born in Poland in 1921, he witnessed the upheaval and transformation of his own country during the horrors of World War II and the chilling effects of the subsequent Communist occupation.

He suffered greatly to arrive at the insights in his work — arrested and tortured by the Polish authorities under Communist rule, he was unable to publish his magnum opus, the book Political Ponerology, until he escaped to the United States during the 1980s. Łobaczewski spent the rest of his life and career trying to unpack what had happened to him, his community, and his nation — having witnessed such brutality over such a shockingly short span of time, and having experienced friends turning against friends in vicious and shocking ways.

Łobaczewski posits that these authoritarian and fascist regimes were not merely politically oppressive, but were also psychologically abnormal. He studied the characteristics of these leaders and their closest supporters, identifying patterns that aligned with known personality disorders. His work also identified a much higher percentage of personality disordered individuals than is still commonly understood, finding that about 7% of the general population could be categorized as severely lacking in empathy and possessing the tendencies — latent or overt — leading to the rise of pathocracy in society.

Characteristics of pathocratic leadership

  • Psychopathy: Leaders in a pathocracy often display traits synonymous with psychopathy, including a lack of empathy, remorse, and shallow emotions.
  • Narcissism: Excessive self-love and a strong sense of entitlement often drive pathocratic rulers.
  • Manipulation: These leaders are adept at manipulation, using deceit and coercion to maintain their power. They also often exhibit other traits and behaviors of emotional predators.
  • Paranoia: A heightened sense of persecution or conspiracy is common, leading to oppressive and authoritarian measures.
  • Corruption: Moral depravity, ethical degeneration, and widespread corruption are endemic in a pathocracy, as pathological leaders tend to surround themselves with similarly affected individuals who feel no shame about performing unethical and/or illegal actions either in secret, or in broad daylight with little fear of retaliation.
Continue reading Pathocracy Definition: Are we in one?
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First Impeachment vote of then-President Donald Trump over extortion of Ukraine for aid in defense against Russia

Former FBI informant Alexander Smirnov pleaded guilty to completely fabricating the story about the “$5 million bribes” paid to Joe and Hunter Biden by Ukranian energy company Burisma, and has been sentenced to 6 years in prison for his role in attempting to influence the 2020 election in favor of Donald Trump. The Burisma hoax led to a Special Counsel probe and a years-long attempt by Republican lawmakers to impeach Biden for alleged “corruption.”

Meanwhile the GOP apparently knew the whole thing was made up — because they helped ferry the disinformation from Russian sources to further their political goals. Trump had sent Rudy Giuliani and Lev Parnas on a fishing expedition to “dig up dirt” on the Bidens in Ukraine circa 2018-2019, making them almost eager to be willfully conned by Russian active measures. The Russians of course did not disappoint — first implanting the Burisma disinformation through this channel.

Later Lev Parnas would testify before Congress to having been duped himself during his involvement in the deception scheme. He went on to present evidence both that the allegations of Burisma bribes were completely fabricated, and that GOP leaders were knowingly spreading the fake Russian disinfo in order to help Trump muddy the waters around his first impeachment trial initiated by a whistleblower who revealed the phone call in which Trump attempted to extort Ukranian President Volodomyr Zelensky over military aid in its defense against the Russian invasion of 2014 and ongoing occupation. Then-NSC member Alexander Vindman testified to the veracity of the whistleblower’s complaint before Congress, and Trump would later fire him in retaliation.

The Lev Parnas story would become the basis of the excellent Rachel Maddow-produced feature-length documentary, “From Russia with Lev”:

Burisma bribes were fake

In other words, both arms of the “Biden bribes” story have been thoroughly debunked — which led House Republicans to drop the Biden impeachment inquiry, but not to drop their disinformation campaign around the alleged corruption. So, GOP lawmakers know the Burisma story is fake, that Russian spies planted it, and “disinformation courier” Smirnov will serve jail time for it — but they continue to push it anyway, in an attempt to create a vague veneer of corruption around sitting President Joe Biden.

Meanwhile, the about-to-be-sitting-President Trump is actively planning to profiteer from the Presidency. His new “ethics plan” ups the ante from his first term by newly allowing deals between the Trump Organization and foreign businesses. In December, Eric Trump announced deals for 2 Trump Towers in Saudi Arabia.

The Republican flavor of whataboutism that tries lamely to stand up an entirely fake, intentionally fabricated story about $5 million bribes to the Bidens against the unprecedented scale of openly naked corruption as Trump brazenly seeks to profit from his public service is a morally reprehensible ethical stain that I hope follows them into history as a legacy of abject greed and lust for power that thoroughly characterizes the Republican Party in this era. To the extent the GOP stands for anything, it is corruption.

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Network Propaganda book cover

Is social media wrecking democracy? Are Russian propaganda campaigns or click-hungry β€œfake news” businesses on Facebook tearing apart our shared reality? Network Propaganda, by scholars Yochai Benkler, Robert Faris, and Hal Roberts, dives deep into these topics that swelled to prominence around the 2016 election.

Since Donald Trump’s election in 2016, a lot of people believe that new technologiesβ€”and how foreign actors manipulate themβ€”played a big role in his win and are fueling our β€œpost-truth” world, where disinformation and propaganda seem to thrive.

Network Propaganda flips that idea on its head. The book dives into an incredibly detailed study of American media coverage from the start of the 2016 election in April 2015 to Trump’s first year in office. By analyzing millions of news stories, social media shares on Facebook and Twitter, TV broadcasts, and YouTube content, it paints a full picture of how political communication in the U.S. really works. The authors dig into big topics like immigration, Clinton-related scandals, and the Trump-Russia investigation and reveal that right-wing media doesn’t play by the same rules as other outlets.

Their big takeaway? The conservative media ecosystem functions in a totally unique way, shaped by decades of political, cultural, and institutional shifts since the 1970s. This has created a kind of propaganda loop that’s pushed center-right media to the sidelines, radicalized the right, and made it more vulnerable to both domestic and foreign propaganda. Thus Russia’s involvement was more like pouring gasoline onto an existing fire — a conflagration which was raging prior to Putin’s arrival on the scene.

For readers both inside and outside the U.S., Network Propaganda offers fresh insights and practical ways to understandβ€”and maybe even fixβ€”the broader democratic challenges we’re seeing around the world.

Network Propaganda podcast book summary

I have been getting a kick out of NotebookLM‘s renditions of podcasts about the source materials uploaded to the Notebook. They are really quite good, and I can see them being useful for a number of purposes. Here’s an AI-generated discussion about Network Propaganda, taken from a PDF of the book as the source of the Notebook.

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The “lizard people” conspiracy theory is one of the more fantastical narratives that have found a niche within modern conspiracy culture. This theory suggests that shape-shifting reptilian aliens have infiltrated human society to gain power and control. They are often depicted as occupying high positions in government, finance, and industry, manipulating global events to serve their sinister agenda.

Origins and evolution

The roots of the reptilian conspiracy theory can be traced back to a mix of earlier science fiction, mythological tales, and conspiracy theories. However, it was British author David Icke who, in the 1990s, catapulted the idea into the mainstream of conspiracy culture. Icke’s theory combines elements of New Age philosophy, Vedic texts, and a wide array of conspiracy theories, proposing that these reptilian beings are part of a secret brotherhood that has controlled humanity for millennia — a variation on the global cabal conspiracy theory framework that shows up in a lot of places.

The Lizard People conspiracy theory, as illustrated by Midjourney

Icke’s initial ideas were presented in his book “The Biggest Secret” (1999), where he posits that these entities are from the Alpha Draconis star system, now hiding in underground bases and are capable of morphing their appearance to mimic human form. His theories incorporate a broad range of historical, religious, and cultural references, reinterpreting them to fit the narrative of reptilian manipulation.

Persistence and appeal

The persistence of the lizard people conspiracy can be attributed to several factors. First, it offers a simplistic explanation for the complexities and injustices of the world. By attributing the world’s evils to a single identifiable source, it provides a narrative that is emotionally satisfying for some, despite its utter lack of evidence.

Second, the theory thrives on the human tendency to distrust authority and the status quo. In times of social and economic upheaval, conspiracy theories offer a form of counter-narrative that challenges perceived power structures.

The Lizard People are bankers too

Third, the advent of the internet and social media has provided a fertile ground for the spread of such ideas. Online platforms allow for the rapid dissemination of conspiracy theories, connecting individuals across the globe who share these beliefs, thus reinforcing their validity within these communities.

Modern culture and society

In modern culture, the lizard people conspiracy theory occupies a peculiar niche. On one hand, it is often the subject of satire and parody, seen as an example of the most outlandish fringe beliefs. Shows, memes, and popular media references sometimes use the imagery of reptilian overlords as a humorous nod to the world of conspiracy theories.

On the other hand, the theory has been absorbed into the larger tapestry of global conspiracy culture, intersecting with other narratives about global elites, alien intervention, and secret societies. This blending of theories creates a complex and ever-evolving mythology that can be adapted to fit various personal and political agendas.

Despite its presence in the digital and cultural landscape, the reptilian conspiracy is widely discredited and rejected by mainstream society and experts. It’s critiqued for its lack of credible evidence, its reliance on anti-Semitic tropes (echoing age-old myths about blood libel and other global Jewish conspiracies), and its potential to fuel mistrust and paranoia.

Current status and impact

Today, the reptilian conspiracy theory exists on the fringes of conspiracy communities. While it has been somewhat overshadowed by newer and more politically charged conspiracies, it remains a staple within the conspiracy theory ecosystem. Its endurance can be seen as a testament to the human penchant for storytelling and the need to find meaning in an often chaotic world.

The impact of such theories is a double-edged sword. While they can foster a sense of community among believers, they can also lead to social alienation and the erosion of trust in institutions. The spread of such unfounded theories poses challenges for societies, emphasizing the need for critical thinking and media literacy in navigating the complex landscape of modern information.

The lizard people conspiracy theory is a fascinating study in the power of narrative, belief, and the human desire to make sense of the unseen forces shaping our world. While it holds little sway in academic or scientific circles, its evolution and persistence in popular culture underscore the enduring allure of the mysterious and the unexplained.

Recent pop culture and media references

The lizard people conspiracy theory continues to captivate the public imagination, finding its way into various forms of media and popular culture. Recent years have seen a surge in references to this outlandish theory, demonstrating its persistent influence on contemporary discourse.

Television and streaming

Netflix’s animated series “Inside Job” (2021) prominently features lizard people as part of its satirical take on conspiracy theories. The show depicts various celebrities and political figures, including Taylor Swift, Judge Judy, and even Queen Elizabeth II, revealing their “true” reptilian forms. This humorous approach both mocks and acknowledges the pervasiveness of the lizard people myth in popular consciousness.

Social media trends

TikTok has become a hotbed for conspiracy theory content, including discussions about lizard people. A study analyzing 1.5 million TikTok videos shared in the US over three years found that approximately 0.1% of all videos contained content related to conspiracy theories.Β While this percentage may seem small, it represents a significant number of videos given TikTok’s massive user base.

Podcasts and online content

The enduring fascination with the lizard people conspiracy is evident in the existence of dedicated podcasts like “Lizard People,” which explores various conspiracy theories, including the reptilian elite.Β Such content creators often blend humor with pseudo-investigation, further embedding the concept in internet culture.

The Lizard People, young dapper and woke crowd, by Midjourney

Video games and interactive media

While not necessarily directly referencing lizard people, a number of video games have incorporated reptilian humanoids or shape-shifting aliens as antagonists, potentially drawing inspiration from or alluding to the conspiracy theory. Some of the more notable examples include Deus Ex (2000), which includes references to various real-world conspiracy theories, with one of its factions, Majestic 12, connecting to theories about reptilian control.

The Mass Effect series includes the Salarians, a reptilian race highly influential in galactic politics. And in 2013’s Saints Row IV, there’s a direct satirical nod to the lizard people conspiracy theory in one of its mission plot lines that involves fighting against shape-shifting aliens infiltrating the government.

Public figure mentions

Although direct endorsements of the lizard people theory by mainstream public figures are rare, occasional references or jokes about the concept by celebrities or politicians can reignite public interest and discussion. However, it’s crucial to approach such mentions critically and verify their context and intent.

The persistence of the lizard people conspiracy in various media forms underscores its role as a cultural touchstone. Whether treated as satire, serious speculation, or a subject of mockery, the theory continues to evolve and adapt to new platforms and audiences — reflecting broader societal anxieties and the enduring human fascination with and craving for the unknown and the extraordinary.

Books about conspiracy theories

More conspiracy theories

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Bitcoin for President, by Midjourney

Kamala Harris should be proud of the race she ran, an almost flawless sprint through the tape at a scant 108 days’ worth of time to make her pitch to the American voters — many of whom complained that they did not know her very well as a candidate.

Disinformation continued relentlessly throughout the race — even doubling down when called out.

Not a Mandate

Trump’s lead keeps dropping as California and other western states finish counting their ballots after what seems like an eternity — mostly due to CA accepting ballots postmarked by election day, adding 7 days to the final count no matter what.

He dropped below 50% and never recovered — meaning that more people voted against him than voted for him.

As of the final count, his margin dropped below 1.5% — the 4th largest margin in any popular vote win in the past 100 years.

final vote tallies in the 2024 presidential election

Vote Predictors

  • Education
  • Media Sources
  • Urban vs. Rural

I haven’t had the energy to give to this piece and I just learned about this feature of Google’s NotebookLM that can generate a podcast between 2 hosts, from your uploaded assets. I tested it out with a combined corpus of some of my own thoughts and some of the resources I found insightful.

What NotebookLM came up with was uncannily compelling. It would be something I would consider useful, particularly as a tool for initiating some of those folks less steeped in politics as I am. So I’m posting it here, in part as a signpost regarding where we’re heading — whether we like it or not.

What comes next

Where do we go from here?

Continue reading Post-mortem Election 2024 thoughts
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What is a dictator? Not someone you wanna meet in a dark alley.

What is a dictator, and what drives the allure of absolute power? How do dictators reshape the political and social landscapes they dominate? This post explores the intricate systems of control underpinning authoritarian governance, tracing its evolution from historical precedents to modern manifestations, and examining the far-reaching consequences for societies caught in its grip.

Dictators: Unraveling the Complexity of Authoritarian Governance

Political power represents a profound and intricate spectrum of human organizational capability, with dictatorships emerging as one of its most complex and destructive manifestations. The journey of understanding dictatorships requires a nuanced exploration that transcends simple categorizations, delving deep into the historical, sociological, and psychological landscapes that enable and sustain authoritarian control.

The Essence of Dictatorial Power

At its core, a dictator represents far more than a mere political leader. These individuals — often demagogues — are architects of comprehensive systems of control, systematically dismantling institutional safeguards and reconstructing societal frameworks to serve their singular vision of governance. Unlike democratically elected leaders constrained by robust institutional checks and balances, a dictatorship operates through a sophisticated network of power consolidation that penetrates every aspect of social and political life.

The hallmark of dictatorial governance lies not just in the concentration of power, but in the systematic elimination of alternative power structures. These leaders do not simply rule; they fundamentally reshape the entire landscape of political possibility, creating environments where opposition becomes not just difficult, but potentially life-threatening.

a dictator in the style of North Korea
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disinformation illustrated by midjourney

In today’s digital landscape, disinformation has become an ever-present challenge, influencing everything from public opinion to personal beliefs. Understanding and combating disinformation isn’t just a task for media professionals; it’s a crucial skill for anyone navigating the vast array of information and misinformation in our interconnected world.

This curated list of books offers invaluable insights into the mechanisms of disinformation and the tools we can use to think critically, fact-check effectively, and enhance our media literacy. With perspectives spanning neuroscience, history, and media studies, these books dive deep into the factors that make disinformation so potentβ€”and what we can do to counter it. Whether you’re a publishing or media professional looking to stay informed or a member of the general public eager to sharpen your information literacy skills, this selection has something for everyone interested in the truth amidst a world of half-truths and fabrications.

Disinformation book summaries

Active Measures: The Secret History of Disinformation and Political Warfare

by Thomas Rid

The book provides a comprehensive historical account of disinformation campaigns, tracing their evolution from the early 20th century to the present day. Rid explores how intelligence agencies, governments, and other actors have used “active measures” to manipulate public opinion and influence political outcomes. The author examines key case studies, including Cold War operations and modern digital disinformation campaigns, offering insights into the tactics and strategies employed in information warfare.

This Is Not Propaganda: Adventures in the War Against Reality

by Peter Pomerantsev

Pomerantsev’s book explores the global landscape of information manipulation, drawing on personal experiences and interviews with key figures in the field. The author examines how various actors, from authoritarian regimes to populist movements, exploit modern communication technologies to shape narratives and influence public opinion. The book offers insights into the challenges facing democracy and truth in the digital age.

You Are Being Lied To: The Disinformation Guide to Media Distortion, Historical Whitewashes and Cultural Myths

by Russ Kick (Editor)

This collection of essays challenges conventional narratives and exposes various forms of misinformation across different domains. The book covers a wide range of topics, from media manipulation to historical inaccuracies and cultural misconceptions. It aims to encourage critical thinking and skepticism towards information presented by governments, media, corporations, and other institutions.

Network Propaganda: Manipulation, Disinformation, and Radicalization in American Politics

by Yochai Benkler, Robert Faris, and Hal Roberts

This comprehensive study analyzes media coverage of American presidential politics from 2015 to 2018. The authors argue that the right-wing media ecosystem operates fundamentally differently from the rest of the media environment, creating a propaganda feedback loop. The book examines how this dynamic has marginalized center-right media, radicalized the right-wing ecosystem, and made it susceptible to propaganda efforts.

LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media

by P.W. Singer and Emerson T. Brooking

This book examines how social media has become a new battlefield for information warfare. The authors explore how various actors, including governments, terrorists, and activists, use social media platforms to shape public opinion, spread propaganda, and influence real-world events. The book offers insights into the strategies and tactics employed in this new form of conflict and discusses the implications for society and warfare.

The Misinformation Age: How False Beliefs Spread

by Cailin O’Connor and James Owen Weatherall

“The Misinformation Age” explores the social and psychological factors that contribute to the spread of false beliefs. The authors use case studies and scientific research to explain how misinformation propagates through social networks and why it can be so persistent. They examine the role of cognitive biases, social dynamics, and information ecosystems in shaping our beliefs and discuss potential strategies for combating the spread of false information.

Fake News: Understanding Media and Misinformation in the Digital Age

by Melissa Zimdars and Kembrew McLeod (Editors)

This collection of essays from various experts examines the phenomenon of “fake news” from multiple perspectives. The book covers topics such as the history of misinformation, the role of social media in spreading false narratives, and the challenges of fact-checking in the digital age. It offers insights into the complex landscape of modern media and provides strategies for navigating an information environment rife with misinformation.

Information Wars: How We Lost the Global Battle Against Disinformation and What We Can Do About It

by Richard Stengel

Drawing from his experience as Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, Stengel provides an insider’s account of the U.S. government’s efforts to combat disinformation. The book examines the challenges faced in countering propaganda from state actors like Russia and non-state actors like ISIS. Stengel offers insights into the nature of modern information warfare and proposes strategies for addressing the threat of disinformation.

Antisocial: Online Extremists, Techno-Utopians, and the Hijacking of the American Conversation

by Andrew Marantz

Marantz’s book provides an in-depth look at the individuals and groups behind the rise of online extremism and disinformation in America. Through extensive interviews and firsthand accounts, the author explores how fringe ideas have moved into the mainstream, facilitated by social media platforms and tech industry dynamics. The book offers insights into the complex interplay between technology, media, and politics in shaping public discourse.

Weaponized Lies: How to Think Critically in the Post-Truth Era

by Daniel J. Levitin

This book serves as a practical guide for navigating the complex information landscape of the “post-truth” era. Levitin provides tools and strategies for critical thinking, teaching readers how to evaluate claims, spot logical fallacies, and interpret statistics. The book aims to empower individuals to become more discerning consumers of information and to resist manipulation through misinformation and deceptive rhetoric.

The Reality Game: How the Next Wave of Technology Will Break the Truth

by Samuel Woolley

This book looks ahead to emerging technologies and their potential impact on the spread of disinformation. Woolley examines how artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and other advanced technologies might be used to create and disseminate even more convincing false narratives. The author also explores potential countermeasures and the role of policy in addressing these future challenges.

disinformation into the future

Lie Machines: How to Save Democracy from Troll Armies, Deceitful Robots, Junk News Operations, and Political Operatives

by Philip N. Howard

Howard’s book explores the world of computational propaganda, examining how social media platforms, artificial intelligence, and big data are being used to manipulate public opinion. The author investigates the actors behind disinformation campaigns, from state-sponsored trolls to political consultants, and discusses the implications for democracy. The book also offers potential solutions for combating these “lie machines” and preserving democratic discourse.

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In an era marked by unprecedented political, social, and technological upheavals, understanding the forces shaping our world has never been more urgent. From the dark currents of authoritarianism, totalitarianism, and Christian nationalism to the shadowy influence of dark money and disinformation, we’re facing a web of interconnected threats that challenge the very foundations of democracy. To navigate this complex landscape, we need to rely on those trusted experts who have dedicated their lives to researching and exposing these dangersβ€”experts whose work sheds light on the hidden mechanisms at play in global power struggles.

This post is a curated guide to some of the top thought leaders in areas critical to understanding today’s political battlegrounds. These experts, from historians to journalists to security analysts, are at the forefront of their fields, providing the insights we need to decode the chaos and develop informed strategies for resistance. Whether you’re a seasoned activist, a curious reader, or someone just trying to make sense of the headlines, these voices are essential listening if we’re to combat the disinformation and division threatening democratic norms.

In times like these, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the challenges we face. But by turning to trusted experts, we can arm ourselves with knowledgeβ€”one of the most powerful tools we have in the fight for a more just and equitable future.


The rise of authoritarianism isn’t a distant threat relegated to history booksβ€”it’s a real, present danger, creeping into the cracks of democracy worldwide. Understanding its mechanisms, from centralized power grabs to the erosion of civil liberties, is crucial to resisting its spread. Below are some of the most insightful thinkers and researchers who are sounding the alarm, dissecting how authoritarian regimes function, and offering solutions to protect democratic institutions.

  • Anne Applebaum — Anne Applebaum is a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and journalist who specializes in authoritarianism, communism, and the resurgence of nationalism in Europe and the U.S. Her notable works include Gulag and Twilight of Democracy, exploring the rise of illiberal politics. (@anneapplebaum)
  • Ruth Ben-Ghiat — Ruth Ben-Ghiat is a historian and expert on authoritarianism, propaganda, and fascism, with a focus on the past and present dynamics of strongman rulers. She is the author of Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present and frequently writes about modern autocratic regimes. (@ruthbenghiat)
  • Natasha Bertrand — Natasha Bertrand is a journalist and national security correspondent, known for her work covering intelligence, foreign policy, and the investigation into Russian interference in U.S. elections. She has written for Politico, The Atlantic, and currently serves as a White House reporter for CNN. (@NatashaBertrand)
  • Joseph Fronczak — Joseph Fronczak is a historian who studies the history of global insurgencies, empire, and the politics of solidarity. His work explores the impact of colonialism and anti-colonial movements on modern international relations and transnational activism.
  • Masha Gessen — Masha Gessen is a Russian-American journalist and author who has written extensively on totalitarianism, Vladimir Putin‘s regime, and LGBTQ+ rights. Gessen’s book The Future Is History won the National Book Award for its profound exploration of Russia’s political culture. (@mashagessen)
  • Jason Stanley — Jason Stanley is a professor of philosophy at Yale University and the author of How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them. His research focuses on the intersections of propaganda, ideology, and authoritarianism, especially in contemporary contexts. (@jasonintrator)
  • Elizabeth Mika — Elizabeth Mika is a clinical psychologist and expert on authoritarianism and collective psychology, with a particular focus on the psychological mechanisms behind mass support for authoritarian leaders. She has contributed to anthologies and discussions on the psychology of totalitarianism and fascism. (@yourauntemma)
  • Timothy Snyder — Timothy Snyder is a historian specializing in Eastern European history and totalitarian regimes, best known for his books Bloodlands and On Tyranny, which explore the dangers of authoritarianism and the fragility of democracy. He is a professor at Yale University and a frequent commentator on modern political crises. (@TimothyDSnyder)
Timothy Snyder, authoritarianism expert on YouTube

Christian nationalism

Christian Nationalism is more than just a fringe ideologyβ€”it’s a growing political force that merges religious fundamentalism with nationalist fervor, aiming to reshape American democracy into a theocratic state. This dangerous movement thrives on historical revisionism and a distorted version of Christian values. The experts listed here have been at the forefront of exposing and analyzing the real-world implications of Christian Nationalism, warning of its impact on policy, governance, and individual rights.

  • Tim Alberta — Tim Alberta is a journalist and political reporter, best known for his coverage of the Republican Party and conservative politics in the U.S. He is the author of American Carnage, which delves into the GOP’s transformation and the rise of Donald Trump. (@timalberta)
  • Anthea Butler — Anthea Butler is the Geraldine R. Segal Professor in American Social Thought and Chair of Religious Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, specializing in African American and American religion, race, politics, and evangelicalism. She is a prolific author and commentator, known for her work on religion and politics, including her recent book “White Evangelical Racism: The Politics of Morality in America” and her contributions to the 1619 Project (@AntheaButler)
  • Robert P. Jones — Robert P. Jones is the president and founder of Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) and a leading scholar on religion and politics in America. He is a New York Times bestselling author, known for his books on white supremacy and American Christianity, including “The Hidden Roots of White Supremacy and the Path to a Shared American Future” and “White Too Long: The Legacy of White Supremacy in American Christianity” (@robertpjones)
  • Kevin Kruse — Kevin M. Kruse is an American historian and professor of history at Princeton University, specializing in the political, social, and urban/suburban history of 20th-century America with a focus on modern conservatism. He has gained significant attention for his Twitter threads providing historical context for current political events and has authored several books, including “White Flight: Atlanta and the Making of Modern Conservatism (@kevinmkruse)
  • Sarah Posner — Sarah Posner is a Type Investigations reporting fellow who has spent years reporting on the increasing influence of the evangelical Christian right on mainstream politics. She is known for her in-depth analysis of Christian nationalism and its impact on various aspects of American society, including reproductive rights and LGBTQ issues (@sarahposner)
  • Katherine Stewart — Katherine Stewart is a journalist and author focusing on religious extremism and its influence on American politics. Her book The Power Worshippers examines the rise of Christian nationalism and its impact on the country’s political landscape. (@kathsstewart)
Christian nationalism illustration

Dark Money

Dark money flows through the veins of modern politics, influencing elections, legislation, and public opinion in ways most people never see. These hidden streams of funding empower corporations, billionaires, and interest groups to manipulate the political landscape without accountability. The researchers and journalists below have dedicated themselves to pulling back the curtain on these shadowy networks, offering a clearer picture of how wealth and power are wielded behind closed doors.

  • David Farenthold — David Farenthold is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who has covered political corruption and the misuse of funds, particularly in his investigative reporting on Donald Trump’s charitable foundation. He is known for his in-depth investigations and work with The Washington Post and The New York Times. (@Fahrenthold)
  • Judd Legum — Judd Legum is a journalist and the founder of Popular Information, a newsletter focused on accountability journalism, corporate influence, and politics. He previously served as the editor-in-chief of ThinkProgress and frequently covers disinformation and media dynamics in U.S. politics. (@JuddLegum)
  • Jane Mayer — Jane Mayer is a staff writer for The New Yorker and the author of Dark Money, which explores the influence of wealthy conservative donors on American politics. She is an acclaimed investigative journalist, specializing in political corruption, the Koch network, and the intersection of money and policy. (@JaneMayerNYer)
  • Anne Nelson — Anne Nelson is an American journalist, author, playwright, and professor at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, known for her diverse career spanning war correspondence, award-winning books, and plays. Her work includes “Shadow Network: Media, Money, and the Secret Hub of the Radical Right,” which examines the influence of conservative political groups, and she was inducted into the Oklahoma Journalism Hall of Fame in 2024 for her significant contributions to journalism. (@anelsona)


In an era of digital noise, disinformation is the poison that sows confusion, distrust, and division. From fake news and deepfakes to state-sponsored propaganda, the scale of disinformation campaigns is staggering, threatening not just elections but the very fabric of truth itself. The experts in this field are working to identify, expose, and counter the tactics used to manipulate public perception and undermine democracy.

  • Brooke Binkowski — Brooke Binkowski is a professional journalist whose career has taken her across the globe, covering stories in Mexico, Alaska, Europe, North Africa, and South America. She has worked for various news organizations including CNN, NPR, CBS, and the BBC, and currently serves as an interim news anchor at KPBS Public Media (@brooklynmarie)
  • Ben Collins — Ben Collins is an American businessman and journalist from Massachusetts who formerly worked as a reporter for NBC News, where he focused on disinformation and extremism. In 2024, he became the CEO of Global Tetrahedron, the media company that owns The Onion (@oneunderscore__)
  • Joan Donovan — Joan Donovan is an American social science researcher, sociologist, and academic renowned for her work on disinformation, online extremism, and media manipulation. She is the founder of The Critical Internet Studies Institute and currently serves as an assistant professor at Boston University’s College of Communication, following her tenure as a researcher at Harvard Kennedy School (@BostonJoan)
  • Karen Douglas — Karen Douglas is a Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Kent, specializing in the psychology of conspiracy theories. Her research examines why conspiracy theories appeal to people and their consequences for individuals, groups, and society. Douglas has been widely featured in media outlets like Time, The Guardian, and BBC, and is a co-editor of the textbook “Social Psychology” (@Karen_Douglas)
  • Kevin Roose — Kevin Roose is an American author, journalist, and technology columnist for The New York Times. He hosts the podcast “Rabbit Hole” and co-hosts “Hard Fork” for the Times. Roose has written three books, including “Futureproof: 9 Rules in the Age of Automation,” and gained attention for his early access to and reporting on Bing’s ChatGPT-based chatbot (@kevinroose)
  • Brandy Zadrozny — Brandy Zadrozny is an American investigative journalist and reporter for NBC News, focusing on political radicalization, extremism, and disinformation on the Internet. Before journalism, she worked as a librarian and researcher. Zadrozny has covered topics like QAnon, the Stop the Steal movement, and COVID-19 misinformation (@BrandyZadrozny)
  • Rebecca Lewis — Rebecca Lewis is a researcher and PhD candidate at Stanford University, studying online political subcultures and radicalization. Her work has focused on the alternative influence network on YouTube and the spread of far-right ideologies online. Lewis has published influential reports on these topics through the Data & Society Research Institute.
  • Alice Marwick — Alice E. Marwick is an Associate Professor in Communication and Principal Researcher at the Center for Information, Technology and Public Life at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her research focuses on the intersection of social media, politics, gender, and privacy. Marwick has authored books on social media culture and networked privacy, and has written for publications like the New York Times and The Guardian (@alicetiara)
  • Nina Jankowicz — Nina Jankowicz is a disinformation expert and author who has advised governments and organizations on countering information manipulation. She briefly served as executive director of the Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board before it was disbanded. Jankowicz has written two books, “How to Lose the Information War” and “How to Be a Woman Online,” and is a frequent commentator on disinformation-related issues. (@wiczipedia)

Intelligence and National Security

Behind the headlines of political scandals and geopolitical maneuvering lies the world of intelligence and national securityβ€”a complex and often hidden battleground where information is power. Understanding how states gather intelligence, conduct espionage, and protect national interests is key to grasping global power dynamics. The experts featured here have deep insight into the covert world of intelligence operations and its implications for global security.

  • Frank Figliuzzi — Frank Figliuzzi served as the FBI‘s Assistant Director for Counterintelligence and spent 25 years as a Special Agent, directing all espionage investigations across the U.S. government. He is now a national security contributor for NBC News and MSNBC, as well as the author of “The FBI Way: Inside the Bureau’s Code of Excellence,” leveraging his extensive experience to provide insights on intelligence and national security matters (@FrankFigliuzzi1)
  • Carol Leonnig — Carol Leonnig is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist for The Washington Post, known for her coverage of government accountability and national security. She has co-authored several books, including “Zero Fail: The Rise and Fall of the Secret Service” and “I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump’s Catastrophic Final Year,” providing in-depth reporting on the Trump administration and related political events. (@CarolLeonnig)
  • Asha Rangappa — Asha Rangappa is a lawyer, former FBI agent, and senior lecturer at Yale University’s Jackson Institute for Global Affairs. She frequently appears as a legal and national security analyst on various news networks, offering insights on counterintelligence, constitutional law, and the intersection of national security and civil liberties. (@AshaRangappa_)
  • John Sipher — John Sipher is a former member of the CIA‘s Senior Intelligence Service who worked for the agency’s clandestine service for 28 years. He is now a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, co-founder of Spycraft Entertainment, and a frequent contributor to various media outlets on intelligence and national security matters (@john_sipher)
  • Sam Vinograd — Samantha Vinograd is a national security expert who has served in various roles within the U.S. government, including as Senior Advisor to the National Security Advisor during the Obama administration. She is currently the Assistant Secretary for Counterterrorism and Threat Prevention at the Department of Homeland Security and provides regular commentary on national security issues. (@sam_vinograd)
  • Clint Watts — Clint Watts is a senior fellow at the Center for Cyber and Homeland Security at George Washington University and a Foreign Policy Research Institute fellow. He previously served as an infantry officer in the U.S. Army, an FBI special agent, and has provided expert testimony to Congress on topics including terrorism, Russian interference, and cybersecurity (@selectedwisdom)
  • Marcy Wheeler — Marcy Wheeler is an independent journalist and national security expert who runs the blog “emptywheel.” She is known for her in-depth analysis of legal documents related to national security, surveillance, and political scandals. Wheeler’s work has been instrumental in uncovering details about various high-profile investigations, including the Mueller probe and other national security matters. (@emptywheel)

Law, Legal, and SCOTUS

At the intersection of governance and justice lies the lawβ€”an evolving field that shapes the boundaries of individual rights, state power, and societal norms. Whether it’s landmark Supreme Court rulings or the legal frameworks used to regulate new technologies, understanding the law is essential to navigating the political and social landscape. The following legal scholars and practitioners have made significant contributions to dissecting the most pressing legal issues of our time.

  • George Conway — George Conway is an American lawyer and political activist known for his vocal criticism of former President Donald Trump, despite being the then-husband of Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway (he now helms PsychoPAC, a fundraising arm against a Trump second term). As a partner at the law firm Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, he gained prominence for successfully arguing the Supreme Court case Morrison v. National Australia Bank in 2010 and has since become a prominent figure in conservative legal circles, contributing to discussions on the rule of law and constitutional issues. (@gtconway3d)
  • Quinta Jurecic — Quinta Jurecic is a fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution and a senior editor at Lawfare, as well as a contributing writer at The Atlantic. She co-hosts the “Arbiters of Truth” series on the Lawfare Podcast, focusing on misinformation and online information ecosystems, and her work has appeared in prominent publications such as the New York Times and the Washington Post. (@qjurecic)
  • Teri Kanefield — Teri Kanefield is an attorney, author, and legal analyst known for her clear explanations of complex legal and political issues. She has written numerous books for children and young adults on historical and legal topics, and regularly contributes analysis on current events, particularly related to constitutional law and democracy, through her blog and social media presence. (@Teri_Kanefield)
  • Dahlia Lithwick — Dahlia Lithwick is a Canadian-American lawyer, writer, and journalist who serves as a senior editor at Slate and contributing editor at Newsweek. She is known for her insightful legal commentary, particularly on Supreme Court issues, and hosts the award-winning podcast “Amicus” while also being a regular contributing analyst on MSNBC (@Dahlialithwick)
  • Joyce Vance — Joyce Vance is a Distinguished Professor from the Practice of Law at the University of Alabama School of Law and a legal analyst for NBC and MSNBC. She served as the United States Attorney in the Northern District of Alabama from 2009 to 2017, appointed by President Obama, and has focused her work on criminal justice reform, civil rights, and improving police-community relationships (@JoyceWhiteVance)
  • Maya Wiley — Maya Wiley is a nationally respected civil rights attorney and activist who has dedicated her life to fighting for justice, equality, and fairness. She has served in various roles, including as counsel to the mayor of New York City, chair of the New York City Civilian Complaint Review Board, and as a faculty member at the New School University, while also working as a legal analyst for NBC News and MSNBC (@mayawiley)
scales of justice


In an age of hyper-polarization, understanding the intricacies of politicsβ€”both domestic and globalβ€”is more crucial than ever. Whether it’s electoral strategies, policy debates, or the workings of political institutions, the experts in this field offer invaluable insights into the forces shaping our world. Below is a list of the most astute political analysts, reporters, and scholars whose work illuminates the evolving political landscape.

  • Yamiche Alcindor — Yamiche Alcindor is a prominent American journalist and political commentator. She currently serves as the Washington correspondent for NBC News and is a political contributor to NBC News and MSNBC. Previously, she was the White House correspondent for PBS NewsHour and has also worked for The New York Times and USA Today. (@Yamiche)
  • Rachel Maddow — Rachel Maddow is a political commentator, author, and television host. She is best known for hosting “The Rachel Maddow Show” on MSNBC, where she provides in-depth analysis of political news. Maddow has written several books, including “Blowout” and “Bag Man,” and is known for her liberal perspective and investigative reporting style. (@maddow)
  • Phil Rucker — Philip Rucker is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who serves as the deputy national editor at The Washington Post. He previously worked as the White House Bureau Chief for the Post during the Trump administration. Rucker has co-authored two books about the Trump presidency with his colleague Carol Leonnig: “A Very Stable Genius” and “I Alone Can Fix It.” (@PhilipRucker)
  • Jared Yates Sexton — Jared Yates Sexton is an author, political commentator, and associate professor of creative writing at Georgia Southern University. He has written several books, including “The People Are Going to Rise Like the Waters Upon Your Shore” and “American Rule,” focusing on American politics, history, and culture. Sexton is known for his analysis of right-wing extremism and political movements. (@JYSexton)
  • A.B. Stoddard — A.B. Stoddard is a political analyst and associate editor and columnist for RealClearPolitics. She regularly appears on various news networks to provide commentary on American politics. Stoddard is known for her non-partisan approach to political analysis and her insights into congressional politics and national elections.
  • Nicolle Wallace — Nicolle Wallace is an American television host, author, and former political commentator. She currently hosts MSNBC’s “Deadline: White House” and serves as a political analyst for the network. Wallace previously worked in Republican politics, serving as White House Communications Director during the George W. Bush administration and as a senior advisor for John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign. (@NicolleDWallace)

Right-Wing History

The resurgence of far-right movements across the globe has deep historical roots, with ideological threads that stretch back to fascism, white supremacy, and nativism. Understanding these origins is key to unpacking the modern political landscape, as many of today’s right-wing movements draw heavily on historical narratives. The scholars below are dedicated to tracing these threads, helping us see the connections between past and present in the evolution of right-wing ideologies.

  • Seth Cotlar — Seth Cotlar is a Professor of History at Willamette University, specializing in the history of the United States between the American Revolution and the Civil War. His first book, “Tom Paine’s America: The Rise and Fall of Trans-Atlantic Radicalism in the Early Republic,” won the Best First Book Prize from the Society for Historians of the Early American Republic, and he is currently working on a cultural history of nostalgia in modernizing America from 1776 to 1865 (@sethcotlar)
  • John Dean — John Dean is an American former attorney who served as White House Counsel for President Richard Nixon from 1970 to 1973. He became a key figure in the Watergate scandal, eventually testifying against Nixon and other administration officials. Since then, Dean has worked as an investment banker, author, and political commentator, often criticizing Republican administrations. (@JohnWDean)
  • Joanne Freeman — Joanne Freeman is a professor of History and American Studies at Yale University, specializing in early American politics and political culture. She has authored several books on the revolutionary and early national periods, including “Affairs of Honor: National Politics in the New Republic” and “The Field of Blood: Violence in Congress and the Road to Civil War.” (@jbf1755)
  • Nicole Hemmer — Nicole Hemmer is an associate professor of History at Vanderbilt University and director of the Carolyn T. and Robert M. Rogers Center for the American Presidency. She specializes in media, conservatism, and the presidency, and has authored books such as “Partisans: The Conservative Revolutionaries Who Remade American Politics in the 1990s” and “Messengers of the Right: Conservative Media and the Transformation of American Politics.” (@pastpunditry)
  • Heather Cox Richardson — Heather Cox Richardson is an American historian and professor of history at Boston College, known for her expertise in 19th-century American history, particularly the Civil War, Reconstruction, and the American West. She gained widespread recognition for her nightly newsletter “Letters from an American,” which contextualizes current events within American history, and has authored several books including “To Make Men Free: A History of the Republican Party” and “Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America” (@HC_Richardson)
  • Julian Zelizer — Julian Zelizer is a professor of History and Public Affairs at Princeton University and a CNN Political Analyst. He has authored and edited numerous books on American political history, including “Burning Down the House: Newt Gingrich, the Fall of a Speaker, and the Rise of the New Republican Party” and “The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: A First Historical Assessment.” (@julianzelizer)

Russia and Ukraine

The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine is far more than a regional disputeβ€”it’s a flashpoint in global geopolitics, with ramifications for democracy, security, and international law. Understanding the complex history and political motivations driving this conflict requires deep expertise. The experts listed here provide crucial analysis on everything from Russia’s imperial ambitions to Ukraine’s struggle for sovereignty and the international community’s response.

  • Allison Gill — Dr. Allison Gill is a multifaceted talent who transitioned from a federal government executive to a comedian, author, and podcast host. She is best known as the executive producer and host of the popular podcast “Mueller, She Wrote,” which provides in-depth analysis of the Trump-Russia investigation (@muellershewrote)
  • Fiona Hill — Dr. Fiona Hill is an acclaimed foreign affairs specialist, author, and former presidential advisor who served on the US National Security Council from 2017 to 2019. Born in County Durham, England, she is now a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and is widely recognized as an authority on Russian and European geopolitics.
  • Gary Kasparov — Garry Kasparov is a former World Chess Champion who held the title from 1985 to 2000 and is widely considered one of the greatest chess players of all time. After retiring from professional chess in 2005, he became a prominent political activist and critic of Vladimir Putin, eventually leaving Russia in 2013 and settling in New York City (@Kasparov63)
  • Michael McFaul — Michael McFaul is the Ken Olivier and Angela Nomellini Professor of International Studies at Stanford University and a former U.S. Ambassador to Russia from 2012 to 2014. He has authored several books on democracy and Russian politics, and currently serves as an analyst for NBC News and a contributing columnist to The Washington Post (@McFaul)
  • Molly McKew — Molly McKew is an American journalist and strategic consultant specializing in foreign policy and information warfare. She has worked as an adviser to foreign governments, including Georgia and Moldova, and has written extensively on Russian information operations and geopolitics for publications such as WIRED and Politico. (@MollyMcKew)
Vladimir Putin and the Russian propaganda campaigns unsealed by the DOJ

White Nationalism

White nationalism is not just an extremist ideologyβ€”it’s a persistent and growing threat, gaining new life through online platforms, political rhetoric, and violent movements. From Charlottesville to Christchurch, the ideology has fueled domestic terrorism, hate crimes, and political insurgencies. The researchers below have been instrumental in tracking the rise of white nationalism, unpacking its myths, and revealing its insidious presence in mainstream discourse.

  • Carol Anderson — Carol Anderson is the Charles Howard Candler Professor of African American Studies at Emory University and a historian known for her work on public policy and how it intersects with race, justice, and equality. She is the author of several acclaimed books, including “White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide” and “One Person, No Vote: How Voter Suppression Is Destroying Our Democracy.”
  • Kathleen Belew — Kathleen Belew is an associate professor of History at Northwestern University and an expert on the white power movement in the United States. She is the author of “Bring the War Home: The White Power Movement and Paramilitary America” and has testified before Congress on issues related to white nationalism and domestic terrorism. (@kathleen_belew)
  • Talia Lavin — Talia Lavin is an American journalist and author known for her investigative work on far-right extremism and white supremacist movements. She wrote the book “Culture Warlords: My Journey Into the Dark Web of White Supremacy” and has contributed to publications such as The New Yorker, The New York Times, and The Washington Post. (@mobydickenergy)
  • Cynthia Miller-Idriss — Cynthia Miller-Idriss is a professor of education and sociology at American University, where she leads the Polarization and Extremism Research and Innovation Lab (PERIL). She is an expert on far-right extremism and radicalization, having authored several books on the subject, including “Hate in the Homeland: The New Global Far Right.” (@milleridriss)
  • Vegas Tenold — Vegas Tenold is a Norwegian journalist and author who has extensively covered white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups in the United States. His book “Everything You Love Will Burn: Inside the Rebirth of White Nationalism in America” provides an in-depth look at various far-right organizations based on his years of firsthand reporting. (@Vegastenold)
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Hurricane Helene disinformation made disaster recovery that much harder

Unraveling Hurricanes Helene and Milton: Disinformation in the Eye of the Storm

While Hurricane Helene wreaked physical destruction across the southeastern United States, another less visible but equally dangerous force emerged in its wake: disinformation. As communities grappled with the devastating impact of the storm, false narratives and conspiracy theories quickly flooded digital platforms, undermining relief efforts and sowing confusion. The Hurricane Helene disinformation campaign serves as a stark reminder of how misinformation can exacerbate the challenges already faced during natural disasters.

The Storm of False Narratives

As Hurricane Helene made landfall in Florida on September 26, 2024, and tore across multiple states, the usual flood of news reports and social media posts followed. However, amidst the legitimate updates, a tide of disinformation quickly began to circulate. Rumors ranged from claims that federal disaster funds were being siphoned off to suggestions that FEMA was using the chaos as an opportunity to seize private property. These baseless theories were amplified through social media platforms, with some posts gaining widespread traction and undermining public trust in government responses.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene — of “Jewish space lasers” and Christian nationalism infamy — claimed that it’s obvious Democrats control the weather, as evidenced by a shared C-SPAN clip from the Obama years with then-CIA Director John Brennan talking about the highly theoretical and as of yet untried science of geoengineering. Because the very best way to keep your global conspiracy a top secret is to broadcast it into the public domain on C-SPAN.

Some viral posts alleged that the government had restricted airspace above affected areas, not for safety reasons, but as part of a shadowy conspiracy to cover up the true extent of the damage (for what reason is not specified). Other false reports claimed that FEMA was blocking local relief efforts and taking control of private land for nefarious purposes. These rumors not only spread fear and confusion but also hindered relief operations, as some individuals refused aid or hesitated to evacuate based on false information — endangering and perhaps even taking lives.

The Role of Digital Platforms in Spreading Misinformation

Digital platforms, especially social media, have played a significant role in the proliferation of disinformation during Hurricane Helene. The fast-moving nature of these platforms allowed misleading posts to go viral before accurate information could be verified and shared. The challenge for both federal agencies and local authorities was to quickly counter these false claims while also managing the logistics of the emergency response.

Continue reading Hurricane Helene disinformation campaigns
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gamergate illustrated by midjourney

Today, we’re diving into the labyrinthine tale of Gamergateβ€”an episode that unfolded in 2014 but echoes into today’s digital sociology. What was Gamergate? It was a kind of canary in the coalmine — a tale of online intrigue, cultural upheaval, and for some, an awakening to the virulent undercurrents of internet anonymity.

I. Origins and Triggering Events: The Spark That Lit the Fire

In August 2014, an unassuming blog post titled “The Zoe Post” by Eron Gjoni set off a chain reaction that few could have foreseen. Through this post, which detailed his personal grievances against Zoe Quinn, a game developer, the seed of misinformation was sown. The post falsely implicated Quinn in an unethical affair with Nathan Grayson, a gaming journalist, suggesting she had manipulated him for favorable coverage of her game Depression Quest. This unfounded claim was the initial spark that ignited the raging internet inferno of Gamergate.

The allegations quickly spread across forums like 4chan, a breeding ground for anonymity and chaos. Here, the narrative morphed into a menacing campaign that took aim at Quinn and other women in the gaming industry. The escalation was not just rapidβ€”it was coordinated, a harbinger of the kind of internet and meme warfare that has since become all too familiar.

II. Targets of Harassment: The Human Cost of Online Fury

What followed was an onslaught of harassment against women at the heart of the gaming industry. Zoe Quinn wasn’t alone in this; Anita Sarkeesian and Brianna Wu also bore the brunt of this vicious campaign. This wasn’t just trolling or mean tweetsβ€”it was a barrage of rape threats, death threats, and doxing attempts, creating a reality where digital assault became a daily occurrence.

Others got caught in the crossfire, tooβ€”individuals like Jenn Frank and Mattie Brice, who dared to defend the victims or criticize Gamergate, found themselves subject to the same malevolent noise. Even Phil Fish, a game developer, saw his private data leaked in a cruel display of digital vigilantism.

III. Nature of the Harassment: When Digital Attacks Go Beyond the Screen

Gamergate painted a harrowing picture of the scope and scale of online harassment. Orchestrated attacks didn’t stop at vitriolic tweets; they extended to doxing, where victims’ personal information was broadcast publicly, and swatting,” a dangerous “prank” that involves making false police reports to provoke a SWAT team response.

Platforms like Twitter, 4chan, and its notorious sibling 8chan were the stages upon which this drama played out. Here, an army of “sockpuppet” accounts created an overwhelming maelstrom, blurring the lines between dissent and digital terrorism.

Gamergate red-pilled right work to inflict pain, elect Trump

IV. Motivations and Ideology: Misogyny and Political Underpinnings

At its core, Gamergate was more than just a gamers’ revolt; it was a flashpoint in a broader cultural war, defined by misogyny and anti-feminism. This was a resistance against the shifting dynamics within the gaming worldβ€”a refusal to accept the increasing roles women were assuming.

Moreover, Gamergate was entangled with the burgeoning alt-right movement. Figures like Milo Yiannopoulos latched onto the controversy, using platforms like Breitbart News as megaphones for their ideas. Here, Gamergate served as both a symptom and a gateway, introducing many to the alt-right’s narrative of disenchantment and defiance against progressive change.

Gamergate’s Lasting Legacy and the “Great Meme War”

Gamergate wasn’t just a flashpoint in the world of gaming; it was the breeding ground for a new kind of online warfare. The tactics honed during Gamergateβ€”coordinated harassment, the use of memes as cultural weapons, and the manipulation of platforms like Twitter and 4chanβ€”became the playbook for a much larger, more consequential battle: the so-called β€œGreat Meme War” that helped fuel Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

The very same troll armies that harassed women in the gaming industry turned their attention toward mainstream politics, using the lessons learned in Gamergate to spread disinformation, amplify division, and create chaos. Memes became more than just jokes; they became political tools wielded with precision, reaching millions and shaping narratives in ways traditional media struggled to keep up with. What began as a seemingly insular controversy in the gaming world would go on to sow the seeds of a far more disruptive force, one that reshaped modern political discourse.

The influence of these tactics is still felt today, as the digital landscape continues to be a battleground where information warfare is waged daily. Gamergate was the first tremor in a cultural earthquake that has redefined how power, politics, and identity are contested in the digital age. As we move forward, understanding its origins and its impact on today’s sociopolitical environment is essential if we hope to navigateβ€”and counterβ€”the dark currents of digital extremism.

In retrospect, Gamergate wasn’t an isolated incident but a prelude, a trial run for the troll armies that would soon storm the gates of political power. Its legacy, while grim, offers critical insights into the fragility and volatility of our online spacesβ€”and the urgent need for vigilance in the face of future campaigns of digital manipulation.

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right-wing media outlet echo chamber

The Echo Chamber of Deceit: Right-Wing Media Outlets, Disinformation, and the Conspiracy Industrial Complex

In an era where truth is increasingly under siege, disinformation has become a weapon of mass confusionβ€”and no faction wields it with more fervor than the vast right-wing media machine. From fringe conspiracy theorists lurking in dark corners of the internet to mainstream outlets that once feigned journalistic credibility, these media entities have mastered the art of crafting narratives that distort, divide, and deceive.

But the effects of this disinformation aren’t limited to a few misguided souls. These conspiracy-laden outlets drive real-world consequences, spreading chaos and undermining democratic institutions with each clickbait headline and manufactured outrage. Whether fueling distrust in elections, amplifying extremist ideologies, or fostering a sense of victimhood among their audiences, these outlets play a pivotal role in shaping the political landscapeβ€”and not for the better.

In this post, we’ll dive into some of the most notorious right-wing media outlets pushing disinformation and conspiracy theories, exploring how they have built empires of falsehoods and what it means for a society increasingly untethered from reality (for the antidote to this list, please see our set of curated trusted expert sources on political and historical topics).

Building Empires of Falsehoods

These right-wing media outlets have built empires of falsehoods by capitalizing on two critical factors: the erosion of trust in traditional media and the increasing polarization of political discourse. As public faith in mainstream journalism wanes, largely due to relentless attacks branding them as “fake news” or “liberal bias,” alternative outlets step into the vacuum. They promise their audiences “unfiltered truth” but deliver carefully curated content designed to inflame rather than inform. The business model thrives on sensationalismβ€”conspiracy theories and emotionally charged stories that draw clicks, shares, and ad revenue. Whether it’s the undermining of election results, promoting COVID-19 misinformation, or fostering anti-government sentiment, these outlets operate in an ecosystem where outrage is profitable, and facts are malleable.

For a society increasingly untethered from reality, the implications are grave. When large swaths of the public are consistently exposed to a parallel universe of disinformation, the ability to engage in reasoned discourse or even agree on basic facts erodes. This creates a fertile ground for extremism, where misinformation is weaponized to radicalize, isolate, and enrage. Civic institutions that rely on trust and shared realityβ€”elections, the judiciary, and public healthβ€”are undermined, weakening the very foundation of democracy. In a world where conspiracy theories and falsehoods become the currency of political influence, society drifts ever closer to a reality in which truth is irrelevant, and power is achieved through manipulation and division.

right-wing media outlets brainwashing the MAGA faithful

Let’s take a look at some of the most egregious offenders on the right, who routinely eschew any interest in journalistic integrity or independent verification of facts or sources and instead have a tendency to, well, make shit up (or enable bad shit to happen on their platforms).

Right-Wing Media Outlets

Outlet or IndividualDescription
4chanSince its launch in 2003, 4chan has become a key platform in shaping internet subculture, particularly through its creation and dissemination of memes. The site operates as an anonymous imageboard, with users posting on a wide range of topics, from anime to politics. With over 22 million unique monthly visitors, 4chan remains one of the most influential and controversial online communities, often cited for both its creative output and its association with extremist content.
8chanKnown for its alt-right extremism and ties to mass shootings, 8chan was crucial in spreading conspiracy theories like QAnon. Banned and later rebranded as 8kun, the platform gained notoriety during the Gamergate controversy, attracting users banned from other platforms.
Alex JonesFounder of InfoWars, a prominent conspiracy theorist known for promoting various false claims and conspiracy theories.
Alexander MarlowEditor-in-chief of Breitbart News, known for maintaining the site’s far-right editorial stance.
American NewsAmerican News is a conservative news outlet that focuses on pro-Republican content. With a significant online presence, it engages a large conservative audience, contributing to the polarization of political discourse in the U.S. through its right-leaning coverage.
American RenaissanceWhite supremacist website run by Jared Taylor.
Andrew AnglinWhite supremacist who started the Daily Stormer in response to Obama‘s election
Ben ShapiroFormer Breitbart columnist and founder of The Daily Wire
Blaze TVGlenn Beck’s network
Breitbart NewsOnline news site known for its right-wing perspectives. Former chairman Steve Bannon; funded by Robert Mercer.
Cassandra FairbanksCassandra Fairbanks is a political activist and journalist best known for her support of Donald Trump. Previously a Bernie Sanders supporter, she has worked for outlets like Sputnik News and The Gateway Pundit.
Chanel RionChief White House correspondent for OANN, known for her conservative reporting and support of Trump.
Charles HurtOpinion editor of The Washington Times, known for his conservative political commentary.
Christopher RuddyCEO of Newsmax and significant figure in operational and editorial direction.
Daily StormerWhite supremacist, neo-Nazi website founded by Andrew Anglin in reaction to Obama’s election.
Dan BonginoDan Bongino is a prominent American conservative commentator, radio host, and author. His background includes serving as an NYPD officer from 1995 to 1999, followed by a distinguished career as a US Secret Service agent, where he worked on the Presidential Protective Division under both the Bush and Obama administrations. Bongino is highly educated, with a BS and MS from Queens College and an MBA from Penn State. His popular show, “The Dan Bongino Show,” attracted about 8.5 million listeners as of October 2021, ranking second among those vying to succeed Rush Limbaugh. He has authored several New York Times bestsellers, including Spygate: The Attempted Sabotage of Donald J. Trump, and hosted “Unfiltered with Dan Bongino” on Fox News until April 2023
Drudge ReportThe Drudge Report is a U.S.-based news aggregation website founded by Matt Drudge, known for breaking the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal. The site consists primarily of links to stories from other news outlets and was once considered conservative, though its political leanings have been questioned since 2019.
EndingtheFedPopularized by Ron Paul, Ending the Fed advocates for eliminating the Federal Reserve, criticizing it for contributing to inflation and financial crises. The platform is closely aligned with Tea Party movements from 2008 to 2012.
Epoch TimesA multi-language outlet founded by Chinese Americans associated with Falun Gong, known for its critical stance on the Chinese Communist Party, staunch support for Trump, and echoing of the Big Lie about Election 2020.
Fox NewsMajor cable news network known for its right-wing slant and influential conservative commentary. Fox News was found liable in a defamation lawsuit brought by Dominion Voting Systems, resulting in a settlement of nearly $1 billion after the network repeatedly aired false claims that Dominion’s voting machines were used to rig the 2020 presidential election.
Free BeaconFounded in 2012, The Washington Free Beacon is a conservative news website known for its investigative reporting. Although aligned with conservative viewpoints, it has been criticized for publishing potentially misleading content.
Gateway PunditThe Gateway Pundit is a far-right website founded in 2004, notorious for publishing falsehoods and hoaxes. In 2021, it was demonetized by Google. The site expanded significantly during the 2016 election and has faced multiple defamation lawsuits, leading to a Chapter 11 filing.
Gavin McInnesCo-founder of Vice Media in 1994 and the Proud Boys in 2016
Greg KellyNotable host on Newsmax, known for his conservative views and support of Donald Trump.
InfoWarsFounded in 1999 by Alex Jones, InfoWars is notorious for promoting conspiracy theories like the New World Order and the Sandy Hook shooting “hoax,” for which it was ordered to pay $1.5 billion in damages. In 2024, InfoWars is scheduled to auction its assets as part of bankruptcy proceedings.
Jared TaylorJared Taylor is an American white supremacist and the editor of American Renaissance magazine. He founded the New Century Foundation to promote racial advocacy and hosts the annual American Renaissance Conference. Taylor has been widely accused of promoting racist ideologies.
Jordan PetersonJordan Peterson is a Canadian clinical psychologist, professor emeritus at the University of Toronto, and bestselling author who has gained widespread recognition for both his work in psychology and his often controversial views on cultural and political issues. His book 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos became an international bestseller, selling over 5 million copies and being translated into more than 45 languages, propelling him to global fame as a public intellectual. Peterson has built a substantial online following, with over 7 million subscribers on his YouTube channel, where he shares lectures and discussions on psychology, philosophy, and culture. He gained notoriety for his opposition to Canada’s Bill C-16, which added gender identity and expression as protected categories, a stance that sparked both support and criticism.
Judicial WatchA conservative watchdog group founded in 1994, Judicial Watch is known for its FOIA lawsuits targeting Democratic administrations. Under president Tom Fitton, it has been labeled by the SPLC as an anti-government extremist group, despite its significant influence in conservative circles.
Kathryn LimbaughKathryn over some responsibilities for managing his media empire following her husband Rush Limbaugh’s death.
Larry BeasleyPresident and CEO of The Washington Times, overseeing the newspaper’s conservative editorial direction.
Laura IngrahamPrime-time opinion host on Fox News, known for her conservative viewpoints and outspoken criticism of liberal policies.
Mike CernovichMike Cernovich is an American right-wing social media personality and conspiracy theorist known for his involvement in #Gamergate and his segments on ‘The Alex Jones Show.’ He initially associated with the alt-right but now identifies with the new right, frequently promoting controversial views on free speech and engaging in inflammatory rhetoric.
Neil PatelCo-founder and publisher of The Daily Caller, focusing on conservative news and commentary.
NewsmaxNewsmax is a conservative news and opinion media company founded in 1998. In 2014, it launched a cable television channel that reaches approximately 75 million households. The network is known for its right-wing and far-right leanings as well as its staunch pro-Trump coverage.
One America News Network (OANN)OANN (One America News Network) is a far-right, pro-Trump cable news channel founded on July 4, 2013. Based in San Diego, it reaches an audience of 150,000 to 500,000 viewers and heavily relies on AT&T networks for revenue. The channel is known for promoting conspiracy theories and misinformation.
ParlerParler, launched in 2018, is a social media platform promoting free speech, attracting predominantly right-wing users and Trump supporters. It saw a user surge during and after the 2020 U.S. presidential election amid accusations of censorship by mainstream platforms. The platform was removed from app stores following its role in organizing the January 6th Capitol riot but plans a relaunch in 2024.
RedStateRedState, founded in 2004 and owned by Salem Media Group, is a leading conservative blog known for its political activism and organizing events. The site has undergone staffing changes, notably during Trump’s presidency when critics of Trump were dismissed.
RedState WatcherFounded in 2004, RedState Watcher is a conservative blog operated by Townhall Media, known for its right-wing bias and opinion pieces. It has a strong alignment with the Salem Media Group’s conservative perspectives.
Richard SpencerFormer Editor of the racist rag Taki’s Magazine and an early figure in the alt-right.
Right Wing TribuneRight Wing Tribune is known for its right-wing propaganda and election season misinformation. It has been criticized for amplifying conspiracy theories and sensationalist stories that align with extreme conservative narratives.
Robert Herring, Sr.Founder and CEO of One America News Network (OANN), known for its conservative, pro-Trump coverage.
RumbleRumble is a video-sharing platform launched in 2013 that positions itself as an alternative to YouTube, particularly for creators who feel they are censored or deplatformed by mainstream platforms. Rumble gained popularity among conservative, right-leaning, and libertarian creators, though it markets itself as a platform that champions “free speech” and content that may not fit with the guidelines of other social media giants.
Rupert MurdochAustralian media mogul and founder of Fox and key influencer in the Fox News network’s overall direction.
Rush Limbaugh (deceased)Original host and pioneering figure in conservative talk radio, known for his influential and controversial views. One of the first in a wave of political right-wing “shock jocks.”
Sean HannityFox News host known for his strong conservative viewpoints, significant influence in right-wing media, and close relationship with Trump.
Steve BannonFormer executive chairman of Brietbart News and a key figure in shaping the outlet’s editorial stance.
StormfrontFounded by former KKK leader Don Black in 1996, Stormfront was the first major online hate site, centered on white nationalism. It has attracted over 300,000 registered users, with the site repeatedly taken down for violating hate speech policies.
Suzanne ScottCEO of Fox News Media, overseeing all aspects of the network’s operations and editorial direction.
Taki’s MagazineTaki’s Magazine, founded on February 5, 2007 by Taki Theodoracopulos, is known for its extreme right-wing political stance. The publication has drawn criticism for its racially controversial content and its backing of individuals associated with white nationalism, while continuing to publish provocative material critical of political correctness.
Tenet MediaTenet Media is a far-right media organization implicated in Russian influence campaigns in the United States. It has been linked to the promotion of disinformation, especially around political elections and controversial social issues. The platform is currently under investigation by the DOJ for its involvement in spreading foreign-backed propaganda. Operating primarily through social media and online outlets, Tenet Media targets conservative audiences with sensationalized content that aligns with extreme right-wing views.
The Daily CallerThe Daily Caller, founded in 2010 by Tucker Carlson and Neil Patel with funding from conservative businessman Foster Friess, was launched as a right-leaning alternative to The Huffington Post. It aims to provide news and opinion content from a conservative perspective. Alongside its for-profit media site, The Daily Caller also operates a non-profit arm, The Daily Caller News Foundation, which has raised concerns about potential conflicts of interest and tax issues. Despite early claims of ideological independence, the outlet has been criticized for publishing misleading stories and engaging in partisan reporting. In 2020, Tucker Carlson sold his ownership stake, leaving Neil Patel as the majority owner.
The Daily WireThe Daily Wire, an American conservative media company founded in 2015 by Ben Shapiro and Jeremy Boreing, has rapidly grown into a major player in digital media. By 2019, it ranked as the sixth-leading English-language publisher on Facebook, drawing massive engagement. The company surpassed $100 million in annual revenue in early 2022 and employed 150 people. Expanding its reach, The Daily Wire launched DailyWire+ in June 2022, offering video on demand for its popular content, including podcasts and video productions. Notably, “The Ben Shapiro Show” became the second most listened-to podcast in the U.S. by March 2019.
The Right StuffLargest white nationalist podcast network in the US.
The Rush Limbaugh ShowLong considered a staple of conservative talk radio, influential in shaping right-wing discourse.
The Sean Hannity ShowRadio show mixing news and conservative commentary, hosted by Sean Hannity.
The Washington ExaminerA conservative news outlet founded in Washington, D.C., the Washington Examiner transitioned from a daily newspaper to a weekly magazine in 2013. Owned by oil magnate Philip Anschutz, it is known for its right-leaning coverage and is often rated as having a “Lean Right” bias.
The Washington TimesNewspaper known for its conservative editorial content and often conspiratorial perspectives.
Tim PoolTim Pool is an independent journalist and political commentator who gained initial fame for his on-the-ground reporting during the Occupy Wall Street protests in 2011. Over time, Pool has shifted to a right-leaning stance, often criticized for promoting conspiracy theories and misinformation, particularly surrounding elections and COVID-19. He runs a popular YouTube channel where he discusses current events, frequently framing issues in a way that appeals to conservative and libertarian audiences. Though he claims to be politically independent, his content often aligns with right-wing perspectives, leading to accusations of bias.
True PunditTrue Pundit is a far-right fake news website known for promoting baseless conspiracy theories, especially regarding mass shootings and political figures. Operating with a “well-known modus operandi” of publishing unverified stories, the site ceased publishing new content in 2021.
TruthfeedTruthfeed is a far-right news outlet notorious for publishing conspiracy theories and misinformation. Known for its strong right-wing bias, the platform has been criticized for aligning with conservative political agendas and contributing to a controversial media landscape dominated by conspiracy-driven narratives.
Tucker CarlsonCo-founder of The Daily Caller, no longer actively involved but was instrumental in the site’s creation. Went on to have a career as a Fox pundit before being abruptly terminated following the January 6 coup attempt and Dominion lawsuit.
VDAREFounded in 1999 by Peter Brimelow, VDARE is a far-right website that advocates for strict immigration policies and is widely associated with white nationalism and white supremacy. The site has long been a platform for anti-immigration rhetoric, often intertwined with racist ideologies. Despite its influence in far-right circles, VDARE announced a suspension of its operations in July 2024, marking a potential end to its two-decade presence in the online white nationalist movement.
WikiLeaksLaunched by Julian Assange in 2006, WikiLeaks is renowned for leaking classified documents, including U.S. diplomatic cables and military logs, sparking debates on government transparency. It gained prominence for releasing DNC emails obtained from Russian hackers during the 2016 election, with Assange expressing a controversial preference for a GOP victory over Hillary Clinton.
YourNewsWireFounded in 2014, YourNewsWire is a clickbait website infamous for promoting conspiracy theories and fake news, including some of the most shared hoaxes on social media. Despite being debunked over 80 times, the site remains a significant source of misinformation.
Zero HedgeZero Hedge is a far-right libertarian financial blog known for its bearish investment outlook and promotion of Austrian School economics. In addition to financial news, the site expanded into political content, often promoting conspiracy theories. Zero Hedge has been accused of spreading Russian propaganda and misinformation, especially regarding the coronavirus pandemic. It was banned from Google Ads in 2020 but was later reinstated.

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Curtis Yarvin advocating dictatorship in a Rachel Maddow segment linking him to JD Vance and the plot to shut down higher education in America

Curtis Yarvin, born in 1973, is a software developer and political theorist whose controversial neo-reactionary views have rippled through both Silicon Valley and right-wing political circles. Writing under the pseudonym Mencius Moldbug, Yarvin gained notoriety for his influential blog “Unqualified Reservations,” where he advanced ideas that challenge the foundations of democracy and equality.

Yarvin wasn’t always a fringe political figure. Raised in a secular, liberal familyβ€”his paternal grandparents were Jewish American communists, and his father worked for the U.S. Foreign Serviceβ€”he grew up with a global perspective, spending part of his childhood in Cyprus. But it was after reading figures like Thomas Carlyle and Hans-Hermann Hoppe that Yarvin turned sharply to the right. Disillusioned by libertarianism, he carved out his own niche in far-right ideology, a space he has termed “neo-reaction.”

“The Cathedral” and Neo-Reactionary Thought

At the heart of Yarvin’s philosophy is what he calls β€œformalism”—a system that would replace modern democracy with something akin to monarchy. His ideas reject progressive norms and push for a consolidation of power akin to aligning political authority with property rights. Yarvin coined the term β€œCathedral” to describe the intertwined power structures of mainstream media, academia, and the bureaucracy that he believes work together to perpetuate liberal democracy.

The alt-right movement critical to Trump‘s election in 2016 was influenced by neoreactionary ideology, and many key figures and beliefs overlap between these facets of the modern right-wing movement. Both arms share a close relationship to Silicon Valley, from a desire to be ruled by a technocratic elite to meme culture and beyond. They both share connections to the ideology of accelerationism espoused by venture capitalist Marc Andreessen and others — resulting in a “strange bedfellows” effect within the mainstream Republican Party in which technocratic elites share common goals of overthrowing democracy with right-wing religious zealots including, most prominently, Christian nationalists.

Silicon Valley Influence

Yarvin’s ideologies have found an audience among Silicon Valley’s elite, where some of his most ardent admirers hold significant clout. Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal and noted libertarian-turned-conservative, has supported Yarvin’s work both ideologically and financially. Thiel’s venture capital firm, Founders Fund, even backed Yarvin’s tech startup, Tlon, which developed the decentralized computing platform Urbit.

Steve Bannon, the former White House strategist, is also a known reader of Yarvin’s work, while political figures like 2024 Vice Presidential candidate J.D. Vance and failed 2022 AZ Senate candidate Blake Mastersβ€”both backed financially by Thielβ€”have cited and promoted Yarvin’s ideas.

Tech Hubris Meets Political Hubris

Yarvin’s Urbit project, launched in 2002, is a decentralized computing platform designed to overhaul the current internet structure, aligning with his broader vision of restructuring power. Though he left Tlon in 2019, he remains involved with Urbit’s development and continues to influence the tech space through his ideas, despite the controversy surrounding them.

Critics have slammed Yarvin’s views as deeply racist and fascistic, pointing to his writings that flirt with dangerous notions about race and slavery. His ideasβ€”though offensive to manyβ€”seem to thrive in niche spaces where libertarian techno-utopianism meets far-right authoritarianism, making him a key figure in the ongoing discourse about the future of governance, especially in a tech-dominated age.

Here’s Rachel Maddow’s segment highlighting the Vance-Yarvin connection:

Curtis Yarvin represents an ideological fusion that’s hard to ignore: Silicon Valley’s boundless ambition meets a longing for autocratic rule. In this strange nexus, he’s helped shape a disturbing vision of the future, one where tech CEOs could potentially wear the crown.

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