Buckle up, we’re in for a wild ride. Many of the serious scholars of political history and authoritarian regimes are sounding the alarm bells that, although it is a very very good thing that we got the Trump crime family out of the Oval Office, it is still a very very bad thing for America to have so rapidly tilted towards authoritarianism. How did we get here?! How has hyper partisanship escalated to the point of an attempted coup by 126 sitting Republican House Representatives? How has political polarization gotten this bad?
These are some of the resources that have helped me continue grappling with that question, and with the rapidly shifting landscape of information warfare. How can we understand this era of polarization, this age of tribalism? This outline is a work in progress, and I’m planning to keep adding to this list as the tape keeps rolling.
Right-Wing Authoritarianism
Authoritarianism is both a personality type and a form of government — it operates at both the interpersonal and the societal level. The words authoritarian and fascist are often used interchangeably, but fascism is a more specific type of authoritarianism, and far more historically recent.
America has had flavors of authoritarianism since its founding, and when fascism came along the right-wing authoritarians ate it up — and deeply wanted the United States to be a part of it. Only after they became social pariahs did they change position to support American involvement in World War II — and some persisted even after the attack of Pearl Harbor.
With Project 2025, Trump now openly threatens fascism on America — and sadly, some are eager for it. The psychology behind both authoritarian leaders and followers is fascinating, overlooked, and misunderstood.
Scholars of authoritarianism
- Karen Stenner — Australian political psychologist Karen Stenner found that approximately 1/3 of populations are authoritarian, have an authoritarian personality, or have authoritarian tendencies.
- Her book: The Authoritarian Dynamic
- Adorno (F scale) and Altemeyer (RWA scale) — a measurement of the authoritarian tendencies in individuals and populations
- Adorno’s book: The Authoritarian Personality
- Hannah Arendt — The Origins of Totalitarianism
- Bob Altemeyer — The Authoritarians
- Derrida — the logic of the unconscious; performativity in the act of lying
- ketman — Ketman is the psychological concept of concealing one’s true aims, akin to doublethink in Orwell’s 1984, that served as a central theme to Polish dissident CzesΕaw MiΕosz‘s book The Captive Mind about intellectual life under totalitarianism during the Communist post-WWII occupation.
- Erich Fromm — coined the term “malignant narcissism” to describe the psychological character of the Nazis. He also wrote extensively about the mindset of the authoritarian follower in his seminal work, Escape from Freedom.
- Eric Hoffer — his book The True Believers explores the mind of the authoritarian follower, and the appeal of losing oneself in a totalist movement
- Fascism — elevation of the id as the source of truth; enthusiasm for political violence
- Jason Stanley — How Fascism Works
- Robert O. Paxton — The Anatomy of Fascism
- Tim Snyder — On Tyranny ; tyranny.
- Federico Finchelstein — A Brief History of Fascist Lies
- Tyrants and dictators
- Ruth Ben-Ghiat — Strongmen
- Tyranny as a triumph of collective narcissism
- Demagogues
- Anti-democratic rhetoric
- Political violence
- John Dean — 3 types of authoritarian personality:
- social dominators
- authoritarian followers
- double highs — social dominators who can “switch” to become followers in certain circumstances
- Loyalty; hero worship
- Freud = deeply distrustful of hero worship and worried that it indulged people’s needs for vertical authority. He found the archetype of the authoritarian primal father very troubling.
- Ayn Rand
- The Fountainhead (1943)
- Atlas Shrugged (1957)
- Objectivism ideology
- Greatness Thinking; heroic individualism
- Nietszche — will to power; the Uberman
- Richard Hofstadter — The Paranoid Style
- George Lakoff — moral framing; strict father morality
- Neil Postman — Entertaining Ourselves to Death
- Anti-Intellectualism
- Can be disguised as hyper-rationalism (Communism)
- More authoritarianism books
It is difficult — if not impossible — to understand where American politics is today without understanding its past. I will be exploring a number of themes in this post and on this blog that seem most relevant to following the trails of beliefs, ideologies, and events that brought us to where we are in this fractious moment.
- Capitol Riots and Putsch — insurrectionists storm the Capitol
- Raffensperger extortion call
- Georgia runoffs
- Biden elected + Big Lie begins (continues, really)
- George Floyd murder and summer of protest
- long struggle with police brutality and “driving while Black”
- Votings Rights Act gutted
- Rise of so-called Independent State Legislature Theory (ISLT) and removal of electoral checks and balances at the state level
- The Federalist Society and its capture of the Supreme Court and the judiciary branch with right-wing extremist judges
- Citizens United and the ushering in of dark money politics
- Growing nationalization of politics parallels the demise of local news
- 99 American History Books
Rise of Dark Money
The explosion of Super PACs and other seemingly endless vehicles for anonymous money lending to political campaigns exploded after the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling in 2010. The hyper partisanship fomented by the advent of dark money tilted even further when the GOP quietly began accepting far more foreign contributions than many people realized.
- Clarence Thomas — journalists have exposed numerous ethically dubious and potentially downright illegal activities the justice has engaged in, most commonly the failure to report the receipt of payments from conservative billionaire Harlan Crow in financial disclosures
- Citizens United — allowed virtually unlimited amounts of anonymous money to begin pouring into American elections
- Koch Brothers / Kochtopus — the secret shadow government created by the multibillionaire brothers created a sort of “populist Libertarianism” in the U.S. that resembles a fascist movement, because the majority of its supposed adherents are kept in the dark about what actual policies and policy effects they are being induced to support
- offshore tax havens
- unregistered FARA agents (Mike Flynn, Paul Manafort, Elliott Broidy, etc)
- FARA came into being during World War II as a statute to address the proliferation of secret Nazi propaganda agents in the U.S.
- numerous foreign governments are not-so-secretly pouring money into U.S. elections as well as domestic influencers
- Jane Mayer — journalist for the New Yorker who has uncovered numerous dirty and shady secrets of the Koch’s and other dark money oligarchs in U.S. history since the 1980s
- Panama Papers — biggest offshore data leak in history
- FinCEN files
Hyper Partisanship in Congress: The Gingrich Years (1990s)
- Newt Gingrich and the Contract on America — Steve Kornacki, Julian Zelizer
- The rapid rise and fall of the House Speaker from Georgia who made the 1990s a bitter toxic brew of hyper partisanship
- The Red and the Blue: The 1990s and the Birth of Political Tribalism — Steve Kornacki
- Burning Down the House: Newt Gingrich, The Fall of a Speaker, and the Rise of the New Republican Party — Julian Zelizer
- Bill Clinton and the hyper-scandalization focus of the right-wing
- rise (again) of conspiracy theories as mainstream political fodder
- Pat Buchanan and the idolization of negative partisanship
- Ross Perot — third-party presidential candidate in 1992
- Rush Limbaugh
- Roger Ailes — notorious Fox News executive until his ouster for multiple sexual harassment charges
- Bob Dole
- Phyllis Schlafly
- Ann Coulter — conservative pundit
- Laura Ingraham — conservative pundit
- Brett Kavanaugh
- Antecedents: the Rise of Evangelicals, the Moral Majority, the Radical Right, and the deals with the devils (Paul Weyrich, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, prosperity gospel, etc)
- American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)
- abortion as a 180-degree turn for use as a wedge issue
- Brown v. Board of Education & the fight over segregated Christian private schools
ise of conservative media (1980s-90s)
The rise of conservative media in the United States can be traced back to the mid-20th century, but it experienced significant growth and influence starting in the 1980s and continuing into the 1990s and beyond. This growth can be attributed to a combination of political, technological, and cultural factors as follows:
- Political factors: The conservative movement gained momentum in the 1960s and 1970s, culminating in the election of Ronald Reagan as president in 1980. This political shift created a market for conservative ideas and commentary, as people sought out media sources that aligned with their values and perspectives.
- Technological factors: The 1980s saw a deregulation of the broadcasting industry under Ronald REagan, most notably the 1987 repeal of the Fairness Doctrine by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The Fairness Doctrine had required broadcasters to present contrasting viewpoints on controversial issues, which some believed stifled conservative voices. With its repeal, talk radio stations were free to air conservative programming without the obligation to present alternative viewpoints. This opened the door for conservative talk radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh, who became immensely popular in the late 1980s and 1990s.
- Cable television: The growth of cable television in the 1980s and 1990s provided new platforms for conservative media. In 1996, Rupert Murdoch‘s News Corporation launched Fox News Channel, which aimed to provide a conservative alternative to mainstream news outlets. The network quickly gained a following and became influential in shaping conservative discourse in the United States.
- The internet: As the internet became more widely accessible in the 1990s, conservative media outlets were able to reach an even larger audience. Websites like the Drudge Report, Free Republic, and WorldNetDaily emerged as key sources of conservative news and commentary. Additionally, the rise of social media platforms in the 2000s allowed conservative voices to further expand their reach and influence.
- Cultural factors: The rise of conservative media was also fueled by a growing sense among conservatives that the mainstream media was biased against them. This perception led many to seek out alternative sources of news and commentary that affirmed their beliefs and values — and a growing sense of grievance, anger, and cult of victimhood on the right.
Role of media in general
- social media algorithms and the absolute value of attention
- perverse incentives inherent in media business models
- repeal of the Fairness Doctrine and the death knell of belief in media as a public service
- yellow journalism
See also: the role of big tech, below
The South rises again: White militia movements in the 70s, 80s, and 90s
- White nationalism‘s reputational laundering during the ’80s and ’90s
- Some Vietnam vets nurtured their own “stabbed in the back” culture after the war
- Many returning soldiers saw the fringe left Communist movement in the US as an “enemy at home”
- After the fall of Communism, the movement needed a new enemy. During the immediate post-Vietnam era they claimed to be working on behalf of the state, but towards the end of the 80s they did a 180-degree turn to a hard anti-government stance
- Antecedents in the 1980s’ paramilitary operations in El Salvador, Nicaragua, Dominica, the Dominican Republic, and elsewhere in Latin America to βbring the war homeβ
- Greensboro, NC massacre (1979)
- The Order
- Rise of the militia movement, Patriot movement
- American neo-Nazis and skinheads
- white power movement
- Survivalist fringe
- Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City bombing (1995)
- The Waco Siege (1993)
- Ruby Ridge standoff (1992)
- Unabomber / Ted Kaczynski
- One World Government / New World Order / Zionist Occupational Government
- Intersection of militia movement with the National Rifle Association (NRA)
- Intersection of NRA with Russian active measures
- Lost Cause lineage
- Confederate holdouts
Post-Soviet Capital Flight and the Rise of Russian Organized Crime (1990s to present)
The long geopolitical history arc since the fall of Communism has led us, inexplicably, to a war of aggression in which acting dictator Putin’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine is pitting the militarily embarassed former world power against its comparatively miniscule neighbor — and it’s not going too well for Russia. The nation’s heft is fading along with the command — and health — of its leader.
- The fall of the USSR and capital flight; “end of history”
- Putin’s Kleptocracy: Who Owns Russia? — Karen Dawisha
- Russian oligarchs laundered money through real estate around the world, but mostly in the US
- They found mutual transactional interest in Donald Trump, whose casino failures left him 4x bankrupted, blackballed by US banks, and in need of capital
- House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia — Craig Unger
- Replacement of the Italian mob by the Russia mafia starting in the 1970s
- they didn’t “send their best” — The Kremlin agreed to allow more Soviet Jews to emigrate, but to fulfill their “promise” they opened the prison doors of the gulags and sent 1000s of hardened criminals to the U.S.
- a huge community of them settled in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn
- Putin’s revanchism leverages American belief that we won the Cold War and our conviction that it ended
Rise of Russian Hybrid Warfare
- Russo-Ukrainian Conflict
- Gerasimov Doctrine
- Vladislav Surkhov’s surrealistic war theater
- Fifth World War: all against all
- Cheka –> KGB –> FSB / GRU
- Psychological warfare
- Cyber warfare
- energy grid
- US Treasury
- election infrastructure
- nuclear weaponry
- Information warfare
- Disinformation
- Cyborg bot networks
- IRA & Robert Mueller indictments
- Cambridge Analytica, data theft, and microtargeting
- Astroturfing, fake activism, paid crisis actors
- Financial warfare
- Magnitsky Act
- Bill Browder
- Natalia Veselnitskaya
- Trump Tower meeting June 9, 2016
- Campaign funding
- Marie Le Pen (France)
- Viktor Orban (Hungary)
- Brexit (UK)
- Trump / GOP (US)
- Law and Justice (Poland)
- Corruption — organized crime, money laundering, bribery, human trafficking, drugs, arms, fraud, racketeering, etc.
- Magnitsky Act
- Proxy warfare
- Private security forces and arms’ length deniability
- Yevgeny Prigozhin
- Erik Prince
- Ukraine
- Belarus
- Syria
- Private security forces and arms’ length deniability
- Alexander Dugin
- Putin’s Rasputin
- Eurasianism
- Eurasianist vs. Atlanticist
- Illiberalism; fascism; nationalism
Role of Facebook, Google, and Big Tech
Silicon Valley has played its part in enabling — and profiteering from — hyper partisanship not just in the U.S., but around the world. Facebook in particular has a reputation for being callously cheap about moderating content from hate speech to live mass shooting video, including arguably playing a significant role in the Rohingya genocide in Myanmar.
- Airbnb co-founder Joe Gebbia joins Elon Musk at DOGE to take a wrecking ball to our government
- Ownership of Twitter (X) under Elon Musk, under his veer to the right-wing
- Facebook as a rogue nation state with almost 3 billion non-voting citizen-serfs
- Reluctant moderators require regulating
- Questionable ethics
- Moral hazard in political leanings
- Paid propaganda machine for dictators and authoritarian regimes around the world
- Allow disinformation to “skirt around” the rules too often, or fail to police bad actors at all
- Fail to live up to their own moderating standards repeatedly
- Refuse responsibility for arguably essential roles in geopolitical disasters including the Rohingya massacre in Myanmar and
- A business model that fundamentally benefits from human conflict
- Cambridge Analytica and the theft of tens of millions of Americans’ personal data
- Traumatic conditions of the Facebook moderation team, in the US and abroad
- Google‘s capture of the web
- monopoly powers: DOJ antitrust lawsuit
- surveillance powers
- artificial intelligence (AI) powers
- collapse of online advertising market
- collapse of local journalism
- Youtube radicalization
- Twitter’s Russian bots
- Bozo Bezos & the Billionaire Space Race
- Surveillance capitalism
- Data as the new oil
- Crypto & DeFi
Economic insecurity and staggering inequality
The story of economic policy and how it plays in to political polarization in the US is particularly complex. There’s a lot to unpack, as follows (and beyond):
- Thomas Piketty
- Gilded Age
- Progressive Era
- Anti-Trust
- Herbert Hoover –> FDR
- Great Depression –> New Deal prosperity
- Keynesian economics
- Libertarianism and deregulation
- The Night Watchman State — Robert Nozick
- Laffer Curve
- Supply-side economics
- Trickle down economics — a reformulation of Mudsill Theory
- Reaganomics / Voodoo economics
- Tax cuts for the wealthy
- Grover Norquist and the anti-tax pledge
- Globalization, job outsourcing, and the cratering of American manufacturing
- Hillbilly elegy
- Bowling Alone
- The Big Sort
- Opioid crisis
- Gig economy
- 2008-09 global crash / housing bubble / Great Recession Timeline
- Automation and the rise of artificial intelligence (AI)
Republican Myths and Big Lies
Beginning with Big Tobacco’s war on the scientific consensus that smoking causes cancer, the wealth class began an audacious public relations strategy that grew to mainline the controversial position of science denial more broadly. Right-wing politicians have taken up the mantle more recently and now wage an even more extreme effort to deny reality altogether, from whether or not the planet is warming to chronically repeated election denial.
Here are some of the most notable GOP Big Lies and conspiracy theories, as further enabled by the rise of the PR-state:
- White supremacy and the myth of American racial innocence / the Lost Cause religion
- Trickle down economics –> Reagan / Laffer Curve / Supply-side Economics
- Powell Memo –> the birth of 1000 conservative Think Tanks and the weaponization of philanthropy to promote free market ideology
- McCarthyism; John Birch Society
- America as a Judeo-Christian nation; denial of the separation of church and state
- The Left is socialist/communist because they want to let poor people vote and let government regulate industry
- Immigration is bad; “open borders”
- Inflation is (only) caused by government spending
- Climate change denialism — fomented by the fossil fuel industry using the same disinformation playbook used by Big Tobacco to cast doubt on the fact that smoking causes cancer
- “Smoking is good for you!” — Thank You for Smoking
- QAnon
- 2020 Election denialism
- Unlimited individual gun rights
America First and the anti-New Deal isolationists of the 1930s
Historian Heather Cox Richardson argues that modern conservativism was forged during the era of opposition to FDR’s New Deal policies, primarily driven by the businessmen who ran the economy into the ground during the 1920s who wanted to “go back to the way things were” when they were on top.
- The America First Committee and activities of associated members including Senator Ernest Lundeen and pro-German propagandist George Sylvester Viereck
- The Sedition Trial of 1944
- Charles Lindbergh
- Henry Ford
- William Randolph Hearst
- Father Charles Coughlin
- Fritz Kuhn and the German American Bund
- William Dudley Pelley and the Silver Shirts (modeled after Hitler’s Brownshirts)
- Lawrence Dennis
- Reverend Gerald L. K. Smith
- James True
- antisemitism
- isolationism
Americana and Hyper Partisanship through the ages
- 2022 election
- 2020 election
- 2016 election
- Obama years
- 2008-09 financial crash — aka The Great Recession
- the 9/11 terrorist attacks, WMD delusions, Iraq War, Islamic terrorism
- 2000 Bush v. Gore and the Brooks Brothers Riot
- The Oklahoma City Bombing of a federal building by anti-government idealogue Timothy McVey
- Waco siege (1993)
- Ruby Ridge incident (1992)
- Motor Voter Act
- Clinton and the Crime Bill
- The Religious Right
- white power movement
- Iran-Contra scandal; Oliver North and 13 others go to prison for selling illegal arms to the Contras only to be later pardoned by George H. W. Bush (himself implicated in the scandal) at the advise of then-Attorney General Bill Barr
- Repeal of the Fairness Doctrine and the rise of a partisan right-wing media ecosystem
- Samuel Alito, Unitary Executive Theory, and the invention of “signing statements”
- Welfare queens; Reaganism — Shining City on a Hill
- Reagan years / Cold War conservativism — the national debt blooms 3x to $3T under Reagan’s “trickle down economics” policy that cut taxes for the rich and raised military spending
- White militia movement
- Carter and Stagflation; Iran hostage crisis
- Watergate
- Spiro Agnew resigns the Vice Presidency when caught in a bribery racket and corruption scandal
- Richard Nixon‘s war on drugs as a proxy for the war on 60s counterculture
- Splitting of the Southern Baptist Convention over segregation and civil rights
- The Southern Strategy and the switching sides of the Democratic and Republican parties
- The Powell memo and businessmen’s backlash to civil rights
- LBJ and the Great Society
- Assassinations of JFK, MLK, RFK, and other civil rights leaders
- Civil rights & the Vietnam War
- white segregationist academies
- Brown v. Board of Education
- J. Edgar Hoover and COINTELPRO at the FBI
- Barry Goldwater and Movement Conservatism
- William F. Buckley, Jr.
- Robert Welch and the John Birch Society
- gold standard, goldbugs, and Silverites
- Huey Long
- Dwight D. Eisenhower and The Middle Way
- Harry S. Truman
- Cold War
- The Holocaust; Stalin’s Great Terror; Mao’s famine — the atrocities of pathocracy in the 1940s and on into the post-war period
- WWII & fascism — how yesterday’s fascists became today’s conservatives
- America First Committee
- German-American Bund
- The Christian Front
- The Silver Shirts
- Father Charles Coughlin
- the liberal consensus: that government has a role and a duty to:
- regulate business
- provide a social safety net
- invest in infrastructure
- Keynesian economics
- FDR & The New Deal
- Great Depression
- 1929 — Fears of urban political power after the 1920 census motivates Congress to cap the membership of the House of Representatives to 435
- Warren G. Harding
- Woodrow Wilson — segregationist; screened the horribly racist film Birth of a Nation in the White House
- 1917 — The Bolshevik Revolution overthrows the czar and creates the world’s first Communist state
- Theodore Roosevelt, the progressive reform movement, and the Fair Deal
- 1898 — The Spanish-American War
- 1892 — formation of the People’s Party, or Populists
- 1882 — First Labor Day celebration organized by the burgeoning labor movement
- Gilded Age and robber barons
- Snake oil
- PT Barnum
- Jim Crow
- Black Codes
- 1870 — creation of the Department of Justice
- Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
- Reconstruction
- States’ Rights and the Lost Cause
- 1865 — The 13th Amendment
- 1863 — The Gettysburg Address
- 1862 — The Homestead Act
- Civil War & Confederacy — the ur-Hyper Partisanship.
- 1858 — James Henry Hammond and Mudsill Theory
- 1857 — Dred Scott v. Sandford
- Anti-Intellectualism
- 1848 — Seneca Falls Convention and suffragists
- Abolitionists
- 1830 — Indian Removal Act and “Manifest Destiny”
- 1825 — opening of the Erie Canal
- Slavery
- Racism, Misogyny
- Federalism vs. Decentralization
- The Constitution and the Rule of Law
- Shays’ Rebellion
- The Revolutionary War — Democracy overthrows monarchy
- Thomas Paine — Common Sense
- The Articles of Confederation
- The Second Continental Congress
- Minute Men
- The First Continental Congress
- The Boston Tea Party
- The Boston Massacre
- The Sons of Liberty
- The Stamp Act
- The Seven Years’ War
- Great Awakening preachers George Whitefield & Jonathan Edwards
- they argued that church authorities should not own people’s direct relationship with God
- Spirit of the Laws — Montesquieu
- Social contract; consent of the governed (Locke; Rousseau)
- Colonialism and the age of empire
- Puritans
- Protestant Reformation — Luther; Calvin
- Religious freedom
- Liberty vs. freedom
- The Enlightenment
- The Glorious Revolution
- Magna Carta
- The Bible
- The Roman Empire
- Ancient Greece and Rome
Cognitive and psychological data
The concepts and research in this section reflect learnings in political psychology, and how our brains are wired to react and behave in a complex, ever-shifting political landscape. It explores the psychology of both extremist leaders and their followers — and the ways in which we can all at times be vulnerable to the appeals of The Strongman.
- Conservative minds tend not to accept new information coming in, preferring to believe in what is already “known.” They tend on average to have a higher need to cognitive closure, which is a way of closing the door on feelings of uncertainty and the discomfort of sitting with ambiguity — which can lead to accepting and adopting beliefs that are not factually true, but provide a sense of mental relief through a sense of false certainty and control.
- vs. Bayesian logic
- vs. Thomas Kuhn scientific revolutions
- in direct cognitive dissonance with their own devotion to the roiling change of free markets and laissez-faire capitalism
- Psychological biases
- Status quo bias
- Cognitive distortions
- Logical fallacies
- The Marshmallow Experiment — drive towards instant gratification
- Edward Bernays — Propaganda
Submission to authority
Psychological research has shown that we have a strong tendency to defer to and obey authority figures — even in cases where it conflicts with our personal ethics. This is driven by evolutionary advantages of obeying leaders, societal conditioning from a young age, and psychological aspects like the diffusion of responsibility, among other factors.
Three key studies established that we are likely to obey the commands of perceived authority figures to an astonishing degree — even when the evidence before our eyes indicates we are causing great harm to others.
- The Asch Experiment (1951) — more than 60% of the time, people bow to social pressure
- Stanley Milgram (1974) — we will submit to the demands of authority to a far greater extent than we might expect
- it absolves us of responsibility
- a “loophole” to quickly route around our conscience, making “normal” persons susceptible to the appeals of psychopaths
- Stanford Prison Experiment — Dr. Philip Zimbardo (1971)
Narcissism in politics
Research indicates that as many as 5-10% of the general population are significantly narcissistic, to the point of pathology. That means somewhere between 1 in 20 and 1 in 10 of the people you have met in your life are extremely devoid of empathy — a scary thought, that has dramatic implications for both our personal and social lives as well as our political lives on the grand stage. This lack of empathy makes narcissism a sort of evil hiding in plain sight.
- Narcissism and Sadism | The Dark Triad β personality characteristics of difficult personalities
- narcissism = seeing oneself βaboveβ
- Christopher Lasch β Culture of Narcissism (1979). Idea that narcissism is a defense mechanism against social change and instability in the modern world. Itβs a method of psychological self-preservation in a hostile, threatening world; a cynical ethic.
- Tom Wolfe β The Me Decade
- Jerrold Post β authoritarian parenting
- The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump
- Mary Trump β Too Much and Not Enough: How My Family Created the Worldβs Most Dangerous Man
- narcissistic injury
- narcissistic rage
- aggrieved entitlement β elevated expectations combined with resentment at society for not meeting them (Michael Kimmel, 2013)
- emotional abuse and emotional predation
- Dehumanization of The Others
- splitting; black and white thinking
- lack of object permanence
- magical thinking β relation to Norman Vincent Peale and prosperity gospel
- Political ponerology β the nature of evil; interaction of difficult personalities with power and politics
- pathocracy β Andrew Εobaczewski (2007)
- sadopopulism β Tim Snyder
- Narcissistic collusion β the interplay of the grandiose expectations of the tyrant and his followers. It gives him power as a meshing of mutually compatible needs.
- Narcissism of small differences β Freud 1991
- Scapegoating
- Psychological decompensation
- Psychopath World
- The Upside Down β up is down, black is white
- No conscience
- No empathy
- The ultimate narcissist
- Obsession with power, dominance, and hierarchy
- Primitive goals, relentlessly pursued
- Rigidity; inflexibility
- No access to higher human ideals
- Performative; mask-wearing
- See people as objects for their use
- Control issues
- Cruel and sadistic
- Empty and thrill-seeking
- Enjoy breaking rules
- Inauthentic; insincere
- Projectivity
- Destructiveness; recklessness
- Conspiracy-minded
- Cold and inaccessible
- Reptilian
- Terminology: ASPD, psychopathy, and the shifting umbrella of personality disorder and Cluster B
- Malignant narcissism as a historical conception of this group of personality traits
- Paranoia
- Abuse culture
- Bullies
- Emotional abuse
- psychological abuse
- physical abuse
- financial abuse
- legal abuse
- abuse of power
- Alice Miller — Her work identified the psychological impact of childhood neglect and abuse, not just at the individual level but at the societal level — where it has a tendency to produce a hierarchical worldview characterized by the need to control the environment.
- fundamentalism
- influence techniques — used by cults, high-demand groups, and even political operations to unethically induce followers to behave in ways contrary to their true belief systems that benefit the cult or group leader(s)
- One-sided development — DΔ browski (1996)
- Cults
- charismatic leaders
- psychology of followers: authoritarian personality theory
- brainwashing and mind control; hypnosis techniques
- vulnerabilities to “cult capture”
- Jackie Speier, survivor of the Jonestown Massacre and CA Representative, sees parallels between Trump and cult leader Jim Jones
- “Big Cults” — rise to the level of nation-state and even beyond
- Strongmen — Ruth Ben-Ghiat
- Disordered Minds: How Dangerous Personalities are Destroying Democracy — Ian Hughes
- White nationalist / white power movement — see outline below under HISTORY section
- Mass shooters — many “lone wolves” are part of underground white nationalist cells
- Militia movements and anti-government ideology
- Proud Boys
- Oath Keepers
- Three Percenters
- Boogaloo Bois / Boogaloo Movement
- Sovereign Citizens movement
- Posse Comitatus Movement
- Psychological warfare
- Propaganda
- Ed Bernays –> Joseph Goebbels
- Michiko Kakutani — The Death of Truth
- Emotional abuse
- Interrogation techniques
- Disinformation
- Conspiracy theories
- Fake news
- “Flood the channel” strategy
- Overwhelm and drown out the truth
- Deep fakes
- Lying with statistics
- Bot networks and cyborg botnets
- agents
- distraction
- confusion
- probing
- persuasion
- conversion
- neutralization
- AI
- flying monkeys
- automated response
- timed response
- agents
- Extortion
- Doxxing
- Propaganda
- Religious extremism
- Evangelicals
- Christian Nationalists
- Dominionism and extremist religious circles believing literally in the End Times and the rapture coming soon (Tim LaHaye et al), including at the highest levels of government (Mike Pompeo, Mike Pence, etc.)
- Calvinism
- Prosperity gospel
- Living on Fantasy Island
- Norman Vincent Peale — the power of positive thinking (1952)
- Prosperity Gospel
- Ernest Becker — The Denial of Death & the basis for fundamental self-deception
- Buddhist / Shambhala conceptions of “The Cocoon” — a mental place of safety we construct for ourselves to remain shielded from Real Reality
- Republican Denial Bubbles: climate change, trickle-down economics, “no one is racist,” birtherism, covid is a hoax, everything is hunky dory, you are getting very sleepy…
- It Was All a Lie — Stuart Stevens, former GOP strategist and co-founding member of the Lincoln Project, spills the beans on the Republican capture of civic discourse with a set of false narratives all spinning out from the white supremacist backlash to the civil rights movement of the 60s.
- Platonicity — excessive devotion to impossible ideals that do not reflect the messy reality of the actual world and its pragmatic requirements
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