Ask not what your country can do for you, y’all. Here’s how to volunteer your time and energy to elect Kamala Harris and Tim Walz our next President and Vice President.
Early voting has already started! Including in some of the swingiest swing states including Georgia. These final days will be crucial to accelerating our gains and running up the score for Kamala Harris this 2024 Election.
You can pick up the phone, or the pen, open the wallet, or contribute via whatever channel moves you — but We The People have a key part to play in preserving democracy for the next generations. Voting is essential — but can you do more?? As Michelle Obama commanded: DO SOMETHING!
Most activist groups had to adjust to political organizing completely online during the pandemic, so it is exceedingly easy now to parachute in to a group and get involved right away, whether that’s on the phone talking to voters or prospective voters, texting potential voters, writing letters or postcards, helping others canvassing directly, using social media as an influencer, or other forms of organizing or messaging. All you really need is an internet connection and ideally a laptop and a phone — but you can get by with a tablet and a phone or even just a phone for certain volunteering campaigns.
2024 Election
“Nobody can do everything, but everybody can do something.” — Gil Scot-Heron
It’s our time, people. We need to turn this tide. We need to confront fascism in its new face. Its new form. Its morphology of ugliness in its ought to have been knowing better by now. We’ve seen this movie before. We know how it ends. It’s not pretty for the outgroup — if they survive at all.
We cannot let that happen in America — the land of the free, and the home of the brave. These are no hollow words. These are not things we take lightly. We will not be moved from our patriotism. We will not allow the right-wing merchants of doubt to kill our joy — to dampen our conviction that America is one of the greatest places in the world.
Getting involved if you don’t have a ton of time
Field 6 BYOP Bring Your Own Phone Text Banks
After a half hour training these Field Team 6 BYOP sessions are so easy to drop right into and register about ~34 new Democrats per day before Google Voice throttles me. It’s super easy and effective which is a rare combo. I feel like it’s a secret little stealth weapon against the GOP that, given the number of participants and texts per day, is likely to wield a consequential influence on the 2024 election.
If you don’t have much time to offer, campaigns up and down the ballot can certainly make use of your money.
- Donate to the Harris-Walz campaign directly
- Donate strategically via the Oath platform — this online giving platform founded by a former fundraiser for Congress that uses big data and statistical modeling to determine the most impactful races to deploy your funds
Getting involved as much as you can
Best: Canvassing
As of Oct 26, the best way you can get involved is to do local canvassing if you live near or can get to a swing state or swing district. Check Mobilize for canvasses near you.
Next Best: Phone Banking
The second best way is to join the DNC Call Crew. They will deploy you to whichever states are highest priority at a given moment, give you scripts to work from and plenty of support. Phone banking can be intimidating for sure — talking to strangers isn’t most peoples’ idea of a great time — but it actually can be quite great. You’ll get a lot of hang ups and a lot of folks who don’t want to talk to you — very few who will want to argue — and some solid percentage of friendlies who give you excitement and realness and a sense of civic pride. It’s a great reminder about how we’re all Americans, and in that, we have the potential to find common ground.
They will train you in less than an hour, whether you’ve phone banked before or this is your first time. They have been doing this for a while now and the trainings are excellent and operations are efficient and well-oiled. After that, you can call pretty much anytime you like between the hours of 10am and 12am (yes midnight! Pacific campaigns can be dialed until then), hang out in Slack with a bunch of like-minded civic strivers, and contribute your hugely valuable time to contacting a set of voters who could well make the difference in a county, state, or presidential level.
Go here to find a training:

Kamala Harris Official
The campaign has a volunteer portal on their website at
DNC Official
The Democratic National Committee offers phone and text banking as well as numerous other programs and volunteer opportunities. You can also sign up specifically for voter protection efforts, particularly if you live in a crucial swing state.
DCCC for House races
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) is the body specifically charged with supporting Democratic candidates in and running for the House. With increasing momentum behind the Harris-Walz campaign, there is increased priority in taking back a House majority in 2024 — get involved at the DCCC Action Center.
Swing Left
Longtime progressive activists Swing Left are swinging hard for Kamala Harris in 2024.
The progressive organization formed to help citizens resist the Trump administration offers a handy tool for finding volunteer opportunities — simply plug in your address to find the most impactful actions based on your location.
Bookmark to get a large database of volunteer opportunities and other ways to plug in to the 2024 election, Harris campaign, state and local politics, and more.
Sister District
One of many great organizations to volunteer with, Sister District helps you parachute in and get started right away. It’s a grassroots organization founded in 2016 with the mission of building progressive power by supporting Democratic candidates in state legislatures across the United States.
Sister District connects volunteers from deep-blue districts with targeted swing districts, helping to mobilize resources, raise funds, and engage in voter outreach efforts. The organization focuses on critical state legislative races where a small amount of effort can have a significant impact, aiming to flip or hold key seats that influence policy on issues like voting rights, reproductive rights, healthcare, and climate change. Through its network of volunteers and local chapters, Sister District has successfully contributed to numerous electoral victories and continues to play a vital role in strengthening Democratic representation.
Volunteer with Sister District
Fair Fight
Stacey Abrams’ national organization is focused on protecting democracy, and looking for volunteers here.
When We All Vote
Founded by Michelle Obama in 2018, the organization’s primary mission is to change the culture around voting and increase participation in every election by helping to close the race and age voting gap. Volunteer with When We All Vote here.
Powered by People
Beto O’Rourke’s activist group that focuses on voter registration via phone banking, rext banking, letter writing, in-person events, online swarms, and more.
Supermajority is a women’s political organization founded in 2019 with the goal of making women the most powerful voting bloc in the United States. The organization was created in response to the rollback of women’s freedoms following the 2016 election, when many women across the country were seeking ways to take action. Volunteer with Supermajority here.
Vote Save America
Founded in 2017 by former Obama staffers Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, and Tommy Vietor, Vote Save America is part of their broader efforts to encourage political participation and activism. Volunteer with them here.
People’s Action
One of the largest progressive organizations, People’s Action leverages “deep canvassing” and other methods of voter persuasion and turnout. Check out the People’s Action Volunteer page.
Center for Popular Democracy Action (CPD)
Popular Democracy brings together 50 grassroots organizations in 34 states, and offers ways to volunteer here.
Working Families Party (WFP)
The WFP specifically invites “all Black, Brown, women, gender non-conforming, poor and working class people to join our party and lead this political power shift” toward a multiracial, grassroots, feminist movement, and offers ways to get involved here.
State Party Volunteer Operations
Volunteer directly with the state parties and other organizations on the ground in a particular swing state.
- Arizona Democrats
- Georgia Democrats
- Michigan Democrats
- Nevada Democrats
- New Hampshire Democrats
- North Carolina Democrats
- Ohio Democrats
- Pennsylvania Democrats
- Wisconsin Democrats
Helping voters abroad
You can volunteer specifically to help voters overseas make sure their voices and votes are heard, by getting involved with the Democrats Abroad organization. They offer everything from the traditional phone banking to graphics creation, content production and press communications, running events, and technical or coding opportunities.
How to volunteer: Getting started
If you’re new to political volunteering, don’t worry! Most groups have some sort of training session to get you started, whether you’ve been an activist for a long time or just getting involved. This Zoom or other video session will orient you to the tools of the group and what the general strategy is, as well as the specific instructions for the day’s campaign. The training moderators are usually exceedingly patient and open to all kinds of questions, none too small. They will usually offer additional assistance to get anyone up to speed who needs it, and take pains to get everyone comfortable with both the technologies in use and how to actually interact with a voter or volunteer around the issue(s) at hand.
There are groups out there organizing at all kinds of levels: national, state, local, individual campaigns, coalitions / communities, interest groups, non-profits, civic organizations, and groups of all types doing political organizing who can almost always use volunteers. Read on for a list of orgs I trust and have volunteered with in the past listed at the end of this post.
Types of Volunteering Activities
There’s really something for everyone when it comes to political volunteering — if you love talking with people there’s phone banking and canvassing; if you are more of a wordsmith there’s letter writing and postcard sending; if you’re on the tech savvy spectrum there’s text banking and social media sharing; and if you love hosting events there are friend banks, fundraisers, and all kinds of community hosting opportunities with support from the organization you’re working with. Here’s a quick shortlist of common types of political volunteering:
- Canvassing — This is the “classic” method of going door to door in a candidate’s district or state and talking to prospective voters about the candidate, party, or issue at hand. During covid most organizations fell back to phone banking and the other methods below on this list, but this will likely return in at least some jurisdictions for the ’22 midterms.
- Phone banking — Use automated dialer software to mask your own phone number and call voters (or sometimes volunteers) in specific states or nationwide. Typically you will be asking them to take some sort of action, like registering to vote, voting for a specific candidate, writing or calling an elected official, etc.
- Text banking — Use automated texting software to send out batches of text messages and respond to recipients who reply. This activity is great for folks who hate talking on the phone, or want to engage in one of the newest, most cutting edge technologies in use for direct voter contact. Texting has quickly grown in prominence within organizing and political activism circles since 2016.
- Letter writing — Handwrite and/or print batches or series of letters or postcards to voters and prospective voters.
- Social ambassador — New to the DNC’s volunteer options in 2022, the social ambassador program provides a series of assets and messaging prompts for ambassadors to share with their social media networks through the new app Greenfly.
- Friend banking — In addition to joining phone banks organized by the DNC, Field Team 6, or other activist groups, you can learn to host your own events with your own friends either in person or online. Training materials, sessions, and toolkits are available from various organizations including frameworks for running events and help promoting hosted events.
Pretty much all groups will use group messaging tool Slack or some other form of chat to coordinate in real-time, as well as answer any questions you may have or address problems you run into. It can be chaotic and fast-moving in there for big campaigns, so give yourself some extra time to get oriented especially if you’re new to Slack.
Most groups will also use email to coordinate with you as well as potentially texting for recruitment and reminders of shifts you’ve signed up for, or to take action on various things. It’s common for them to use Google Docs or other shared document space to offer toolkits, documentation, training materials, and so on that you can access and review later as need be.
When phone banking, generally you will have a script that you can read from and/or riff from, and it gets easier to get through the script as you make more calls and get familiar with the flow. It can feel intimidating sometimes to do “cold calling” but often you will be calling “friendlies” — either known Democrats or likely Ds — though even in those voter lists you may run into the occasional Trumpian. It can be unpleasant from time to time but usually they just want to get off the phone as fast as you do and the interaction is brief.
The purpose of your calls is both to gather fresh data for the Democratic data and analytics operation to understand what state voters are in (likely to vote, lean D, will/won’t volunteer, etc.) as well as to try and persuade voters to take action, whether that’s registering to vote in the first place, voting for the D candidate(s), or physically casting their ballot.
For text banking, you’ll usually be working from a script as well, and have a number of available pre-written responses to choose from based on the responses you get back from people. The organization will get you set up with an account for the texting software they’ll be using and train you in how to send texts — this is typically done from your desktop, and not actually from your phone, so even if you are going to a “texting” shift you’ll generally want to be joining that session from a computer.
Is text banking as good as phone banking?
No, texting is not quite as effective at persuading voters as other methods of direct voter contact. The direct connection of actually speaking with a voter in real-time still rules the roost in terms of mobilization. However, text banking has the potential to reach parts of the electorate that simply aren’t going to pick up when a strange number calls them, or who otherwise will only respond via the SMS channel. It’s a way of engaging those folks, many of them skewing younger and more progressive overall as a group, so text banking is still a valuable and emerging tool in the toolkit.
Text banking is also very effective at mobilizing highly engaged groups like volunteers to commit to another volunteer shift, or donors to donate. So it won’t be going anywhere any time soon — but if you’re wondering how to volunteer most effectively, I would personally choose phone banking as the primary exercise (and canvassing as more effective even still — if we ever get out of covid round the rosie!).
Volunteer Training & Resources
- Swing Left
- Indivisible
- Brennan Center for Justice Voting Rights Guide
- Run for Something
2022 Mid-Terms
Mid-Terms Update: Quick Links
Have cycles to give on election day? Here are your best bets to dive in quickly:
1) Get trained: Moderated phone banks
The DNC is holding trainings with helpful phone banking guides every 2 hours on Tuesday, November 8 — ππ½ SIGN UP HERE ππ½
2) Parachute in: Anytime calls
If you’ve been trained on the Scale To Win dialer the DNC uses, anytime since May 2022, you can hop right in and make calls at your convenience: access ππ½ ANYTIME CALLS HERE ππ½
DNC Links
Have you volunteered or organized before and just want a good place to plug back in? Or just want to get your feet wet volunteering for the national team at the DNC without further ado? Here’s where to go to sign up and/or get training depending on what activity you’re interested in:
- DNC Phone Banking
- DNC Texting Team
- DNC Social Ambassadors Program
- DNC Friend Banking Training
- DNC Toolkit Training & Event Organizing
- All Events
More Places to Take Action
DNC National Call Team
If you’ve done phone banking before, it’s especially easy to parachute in to whatever is the current top priority for the Democrats. And if you are just getting started for the first time, they’ll train you at the top of each phone bank shift. Here’s the current schedule for DNC calling, as of October 28, 2022:
ZOOM PHONE BANKS (get trained + make calls):
Shifts are now daily or multiple times daily, through election day on November 7.
Sign Up:
Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri 2-8pm ET (11am – 5pm PT)
If you haven’t been trained by the DNC Call Crew and/or are new to phone banking altogether, they offer more in-depth training opportunities frequently. If you’ve done phone banking elsewhere and feel comfortable getting up to speed quickly, join one of the Zoom Phone Banks listed above that offers a short “get up to speed” training session at the beginning of each call session.
Sign Up for a beginner training:
More DNC Volunteer Training Links
DNC Texting Team
DNC Social Ambassadors Program
DNC Friend Banking Training
DNC Toolkit Training & Event Organizing
Anytime Letter Writing
Vote Forward has numerous campaigns ongoing if letter writing is your thing.
Postcards to Voters is another great option for writers — just be aware that time is running down and early voting has already begun in many places! So please consider phone banking as a priority alternative if you are able to contribute time during these 2022 mid-terms.
More Awesome Places to Volunteer
- Mobilize — search and sign up for volunteer events around the country and online
- Fair Fight — Stacey Abrams’ national org
- Swing Left
- Black Voters Matter
- When We All Vote — Michelle Obama’s new org
- Sister District Project
- Vote Save America
- Powered By People — Beta O’Rourke’s voter registration group
- Field Team 6
- Supermajority
- Let America Vote
- MoveOn
- League of Women Voters
- Rock the Vote
- Democratic Volunteer Center (DVC)
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