Search Results for: hobbes

I’ve been reading Erich Fromm’s Escape from Freedom and it’s synthesizing a few things together for me in new ways — prime among them the realization that collective narcissism is the shared root ideology of both Christian nationalism and Nazism. First off, I’d recommend it: Next, I’d like to thank it for reminding me about […]

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The hierarchy vs. fairness framework is an attempt to classify the world into two major spectra: a hierarchical, authoritarian worldview (R1) and a cooperative, collaborative, egalitarian one (R2). The former tends to be the value system associated with the right wing on the political spectrum (conservatives, Libertarians, the alt-Right, and so on), while the latter […]

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The right wing is full of contradictions — a defining trait, almost. Chief among them is this bit of cognitive dissonance: You can’t have this both ways, philosophically speaking. The entire concept of individual liberty (hint: it’s right there in the name!) is a core insight of the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment Inspired the United States […]

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